Chapter 15 Stormfly Finds Her Best Friend

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I slowly woke up feeling throbbing pain from my head.

I looked at my surroundings and I didn't recognize them.

I groaned.

Oh lookie, here I am, tied up again.

"Merida! I swear to Thor if you did this again" I growled.

"Smart girl" She laughed emerging from behind me.

"What do you want?!" I hissed, trying all my might to break free.

"You just HAD to tell Hiccup? You just HAD to have guards all over Berk? It wasn't easy!" she snapped pointing her sword at me.

"I don't know why you can't just leave me alone"

"Because I hate YOU the most" She yelled.

I glared at her.

"Where are you keeping me?!" I struggled.

"Somewhere you don't know" She winked.

"Let me go!" I growled. She laughed and pushed the chair, causing me to fall on my face.

"You witch!" I growled louder.

She placed her foot on my head, placing a little pressure.

"Watch what comes out of that pretty mouth of yours" She hissed.

"Just let me go!" I yelled.

"No, I'm having Hiccup and your dragon all to myself!" She laughed mischievously.

"He'll never believe you" I said.

"Remember I could sneak a drop of potion into his drink, and he'll forget everything you guys ever had" She smirked.

"Just leave Berk alone! I'll do anything!" I begged.

"You can help Berk, by staying here" She spat and exited the room.

Hiccup please, stay safe. I said as a tear escaped my eye.


M E R I D A (yooo villain's POV ;)

The plan is going great. This is perfect >:)

I placed Astrid's axe on the ground where I caught her.

I went back to the forest and still saw Astrid's dragon, hanging.

Alright, here we go. I saw the sun come up. Sunrise, here we go.

I ran straight to the village, to the Great Hall.

"Guys!" I said as I saw Hiccup, Snotlout, Ruffnut Tuffnut and Fishlegs.

They all stood up and glared at me once I got inside.

"What do you want?!" Fishlegs spat.

"I know you guys hate me but you have to help Astrid! Please! Someone's fighting her as we speak!" I said.

"Astrid?! Let's go!" Hiccup said and we all went to the forest. They were shocked when they saw Stormfly hanging and growling.

"Her axe!" Ruff said picking it up.

"They're gone" I acted sad.

"Who was he?! What did he look like?!" Snotlout asked me.

"I didn't get a good look at him, I ran to get some help. I'll tell you he's a really strong viking" I replied.

"Why should we believe you?" Tuffnut asked.

"Yeah like, no one can take you seriously with that hair" Ruffnut said.

"Yeah, there's a thing called a brush" Snotlout said.

"Yeah and why is it so incredibly orange?"

"Can we not talk about that right now?!" Hiccup said.

"Please you have to believe me! Astrid is somewhere! I don't know where!" I begged on my knees.

"Come on, let's tell Stoick" Fishlegs said and I followed them to Stoick. I looked back at Stormfly who was growling at me, and I winked at her.

No one will ever find Astrid again, no one.

Hiccup, is mine.



I struggled and struggled but the ropes were too strong.

"ANYBODY?! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled but my voice just echoed back to me.

I sighed.

I looked around to see anything I could use, but there is nothing. No hope, no help, no nobody.

Please Stormfly.

Stormfly is my only hope.

"STORMFLY! STORMFLYYYYY! COME ON GIRL!" I yelled on top of my lungs.


Back at Berk, Stormfly hears a faint voice calling out her name. She roars as loud as she could.

She sees Fishlegs come and approach her.

"What is it Stormfly? What's wrong?" Fishlegs asks as he tries to tame the wild Stormfly.

She wanted to tell him that her rider was out there, in danger. But it was no use, Fishlegs can't understand anything she's roaring about.

"Fishlegs! What's wrong with Stormfly?!" Hiccup appeared with Merida and the others.

Stormfly sees Merida and growls loudly at her.

"Hey girl, calm down" Hiccup tries to touch her but she continues to roar at Merida.

Stormfly gives up on warning them, so she just takes off. Flying away from Berk, determined to search for Astrid, her best friend, herself. She hears Hiccup and the others calling her name, telling her to come back. But she's not returning without her best friend.

She knows that Merida did something wrong. She knows Merida isn't the good one.

Stormfly knows, Merida is the enemy.


Stormfly will save the day!

Maybe ;)


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