Chapter 16 For You, I Would

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"Stormfly! STORMFLY! I'M HERE!" I yelled. I cried, I didn't want this to happen.



"Stormfly?! Stormfly?!" I said and I saw her trying to peek at me through the window. It had bars, it was like a prison.

She tried to break in but I stopped her.

"No! Stormfly. You have to listen to me. You have to bring Hiccup and the rest with you. Bring them here, okay? I want you to come back! But for now, you have to go back home and protect them from Merida. I'm just glad you found me" I said.

She roared.

"Go! Go get the others!" She growled and flew away. It's an amazing thing she knows and understands me.

I'm here praying to Thor that everyone back home is fine, that Hiccup is fine.


"Go! Send out search parties! We will not rest until we find Hiccup's girlfriend!" Stoick yells in his chief voice.

"Dad, no need for that" Hiccup groaned.

Every viking was searching the whole land of Berk for Astrid.

"She's not here" Tuffnut said exiting her house.

"Or here" Ruff said looking under the big rock.

"She's not at the stadium" Fishlegs said breathing heavily.

From the distance, Hiccup could see Toothless and the rest of the dragons fly back.

"Toothless! Did you search the islands nearby?" Hiccup asked and Toothless nodded.

"No Astrid?"

They all growled no.

"Ugh! Where is she!?" Hiccup yelled in frustration.

Merida came with a cup of water for Hiccup.

"Hiccup calm down, here drink some water" Merida offered Hiccup.

"No thank you, I'm not doing anything until Astrid is back here, safe" Hiccup said before walking away from Merida.

"I will get you Hiccup" Merida growled. She had to make Hiccup drink the water.

"I will not stop" She mumbled.


I will not rest until I find Astrid. I just got her back. I will not let anything happen to her.

"ROAR" I heard a dragon and I looked up to see Stormfly landing. Toothless ran to her and they seemed to be communicating with each other.

Toothless then turned to me and nodded at the sky, indicating he wanted to fly.

"What? Do you know where Astrid is?" I asked and Toothless growled.

"GUYS! TOOTHLESS KNOWS WHERE ASTRID IS" I yelled and I was joined by the rest of the gang.

Out of nowhere, arrows were being shot at us. And we saw Merida, aiming at us.

"Merida, just stop this nonsense" I said putting my hands up in defense.

"No! I will not let ya find Astrid! I love you Hiccup! Why can't ye see that?!" She yelled.

"Ew that's just wrong" Snotlout groaned.

"And gross" Ruff added.

"And stupid" Tuffnut chuckled.

"Shut up!" Merida pointed her arrow at them.

Snotlout then ran to attack her but she dodged and shot her arrow, causing Snotlout to drop his weapon.

"BelfBarch, use your stuff!" Tuff commanded and BelfBarch spread gas around.

"Hey! I can't see anything" Merida groaned.

"STORMFLY SPIKE ATTACK!" And within seconds, Merida was pinned at the tree, her bow at the ground.

"You were a lier Merida, you weren't part of the Big Four. You aren't a hero" I spat at her before mounting on Toothless.

I saw Dad and Gobber running to me.

"Where ya going son?" Dad asked.

"Finding my girlfriend" I said.

"You said not to call her that" Dad replied.

"Not now dad. Just make sure Merida is locked up real good" I said and took off with the others, to find and rescue the love of my life.

"Come on Stormfly, lead the way!" I said.



I was still lying on the ground, tied up to the chair.

Any minute now Stormfly.

I then heard a big boom and I looked up to see my friends were here. They just knocked down the walls.

"Guys! Oh my Thor" I said as Hiccup ran like lighting to me and untied me. He carried me up and he hugged me real tight.

"Gosh I missed you" He whispered into my hair.

"I missed you more Haddock" I said before punching him.

"Ow! What?"

"That's for taking a long time to come here!" I said.

I then kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"Go get some!" I heard the others wolf whistle.

"And that's for everything else" I smiled.
He kissed me again and didn't pull away.

"Uh guys in case you forgot, we got a mad woman in Berk, who knows what she might do next" Tuffnut interrupted.

Me and Hiccup pulled away blushing.

"Right" We both said at the same time.


I mounted of Stormfly the second we arrived at Berk.

"WHERE IS SHE?! LET ME BASH HER SKULL AND FEED IT TO THE OUTCASTS" I growled holding my battle axe tightly in my hand.

"You know? You're sexy when you're mad" Hiccup complimented.

"Not now Hiccup" I growled.

We searched around the forest.

Wait, why is it always the forest?

"Looking for me? Hofferson?" A voice came from the trees. I looked up and saw Merida jump down and land before me.

"Come at me, Scotty" I growled pointing my axe at her.

She shot an arrow at me and I blocked it with my axe.

"Woah Astrid has to teach me how to do that" Tuff said.

"That the best you got?" I asked her.

"Why don't you make a move? Looks like I'm not the chicken in this fight" She smirked and I pounced on her making her drop her bow. She held the axe I was about to hit her with. I was pushing it to her while she pushed it back to me.

"Hiccup is mine!" She yelled and kicked me away from her.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAH" Fishlegs flew on Meatlug and Merida just ducked and Fishlegs slammed onto a tree.

"If you want to get to Astrid, you'll have to go through me" Tuff courageously volunteered.

"Us" Ruff slapped Tuffnut and they both ran to Merida. Merida blocked their attacks and She shot arrows at them, causing them to get stuck at the trees.

"TIMBER" We heard a voice and saw Snotlout jump towards Merida from the tree.

All it took was for Merida to step back and Snotlout landed on flat on his face.

Merida then pointed her bow at me. I glared at her.

"Ready to die Hofferson?"

"Over my dead body!" Hiccup said and ran to the scene. Merida widened her eyes seeing Hiccup had a flaming sword.

Then everything else happened in slow motion.

Merida shot an arrow at Hiccup.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" I yelled and ran to Hiccup as fast as I could.

Yes I wanted to be with Hiccup. Yes I wanted to be with him forever. But if he had to take this arrow, I wouldn't forgive myself. I wouldn't bear to see Hiccup hurt like this. So I did it.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

"GET AWAY ASTRID!" Merida yelled.

"WATCH OUT!" Snotlout yelled.

"DON'T!" Hiccup yelled at me.

For you Hiccup.

I love you so much.



Crying right this moment guys.

I can't even.

Comment yo. I might update after this or tomorrow.

I love you


Oh and you guys, I'm obsessed with the HTTYD 2 song, Where No One Goes by Jonsi. It brings me to tears. You have to listen to it, it's amazing.

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