Chapter 19 Not Another One

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It's been over a month since I woke up from my coma. Ever since that day, me and Hiccup have been growing stronger and stronger everyday, as well as my bonds with my other friends.

We were currently in the plaza, Stormfly and I placing different colored shields on a huge tree like structure the vikings built.

You know why?

Because it's almost Snoggletog!

It's like Christmas, but the viking way!

I don't know why it's called Snoggletog though, it remains a mystery.

Berk is getting colder and colder, and snow has been falling. There was ice too.

I tossed up more shields and Stormfly pinned them to the tree with her spikes. I smiled and scratched her.

"Good girl Stormfly" I smiled and she purred.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to see of course, my boyfriend. Hiccup.

"Hello m'lady, how are you doing this fine morning?" He asked.

"Well it's really cold, I'll tell you that" I replied placing my hands on my hips.

"Well good thing I brought warm Yak Milk!" Out of nowhere, he pulled out a mug of warm Yak Milk.

"Hiccup you're a lifesaver" I smiled and took the cup before drinking it slowly, savoring it's taste.

"Anything for my Astrid" He smiled.

"HICCUP! ASTRID!" We heard a voice and we looked to see Snotlout approaching us.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I-found a girl, on the shore" He breathed heavily.

"A girl?" I asked.

"Yeah, looks like she got shipwrecked to me" He said.

"Hey guys we found a person at the beach" Tuff said approaching us with Ruff and Fishlegs behind him.

"I SAW HER FIRST" Snotlout yelled at Tuffnut.

"Alright, you did. Geez, down boy" Ruff said.

"Come on, let's check this shipwrecked girl out" Hiccup said and the boys followed him, letting me and Ruffnut walk behind them.

"I got a bad feeling about this girl, just mysteriously washing up on our shores" Ruff whispered to me.

"What if she's a mermaid?" Ruff asked.

"Really Ruff?" I asked.

"Yeah, my uncle said Mermaids existed and often wash up on shores randomly" She replied.

"Ruffnut, your uncle is a maniac" I said.

"Ah, maybe that's why Tuffnut is a maniac too" She nodded.

Or you must be the maniac.

We walked beyond the forest to the shore. And sure enough, we saw a girl. She had jet black hair covering her face. (Bet you guys know who it is ;) )

She was wearing a darkish brown kind of tunic.

We all hesitated to go near her.

"Tuff, poke her with a stick, she might still be alive" Ruffnut whispered.

"Why should I do it? Why can't Snotlout do it?"

"I'll do it!" Snotlout volunteered. He approached the girl slowly and knelt down.

He poked her first but he didn't get a reaction.

I ushered him to go on.

He then started to shake her gently when out of nowhere, her fist connected with Snotlout's face and she sat up quickly.

We all gasped over dramatically.

"IT LIVES" Tuffnut screamed.

I smacked his arm. "Shut up!" I hissed.

Hiccup then just walked over to her and offered his hand.

"Hi there, are you okay?" He asks as the stranger didn't hesitate to hold Hiccup's hand, and swoon over him.

"Oh yes I'm okay, I think" She said.

"What's your name?" Snotlout asked.

"Heather" (BOOM LOL) the stranger says.

"What beautiful name for a gorgeous girl" Snotlout said. She smiled too nicely, and gently pushed Snotlout away so she was face to face with Hiccup again.

Anger started to go up to it's boiling point. Keep it cool Astrid.

"What are you doing here?" I asked placing my hand on my hip.

"I-I was captured by the outcasts on their ship, but I was able to escape. I kept swimming away until I found this island" She said.

"Oh no, you must be freezing and starving. Well, welcome to the island of Berk! This is your home for now!" Hiccup gestured.

"Thank you" Heather smiled at Hiccup and to my bad luck, Hiccup was gazing at her. Gazing at her too long for my liking.

"Yeah welcome Heather!" Snotlout and Fishlegs said at the same time.

"Ugh" Me and Ruff said at the same time. We followed behind the boys who were leading Heather back to the village.

"I don't trust her" I whispered.

"You and me both" Ruff replied.

When we got to the village, Hiccup didn't hesitate to introduce Heather to Stoick and show her around Berk. The boys were fighting over her too. She was amazed when she found out that Berkians lived with dragons. And as for the boys, they were hogging Heather. But I know Heather was after Hiccup.


The frequent flirting, the batting if eyelashes. It makes me wanna gag.

But even she's doing this, I trust Hiccup. I guess he's just being nice to a stranger. That's one thing that makes me love him even more. I just hope that he doesn't throw my trust away, for some girl.

Right now, me and Ruffnut were hanging out. We were sitting on a tree in the forest, looking at the horizon.

"Hey Astrid" She spoke.

"Mhm?" I ask.

"Do you trust that walking mermaid to be with Hiccup?" she asks.

"Alright, one, she isn't a mermaid alright? Two, I don't know actually. I feel like I trust him. But the thing is, I don't have trouble trusting Hiccup, I have trouble trusting her with Hiccup" I replied.

"Yeah, Snotlout seems to be having fun with her too" She mumbled.


"Fishlegs too" I replied.

"Yeah yeah, him too. But it's just that she doesn't have bashing material and I do! Snotlout loves bashing!" she exclaimed.

Wait, I smell something fishy here.

"Tell me more" I smirked.

"And Snotlout likes girls who likes explosions right? I love explosions! Heather seems like she hates explosions" She said frustratedly.

I giggled.

"Thanks for telling me your deepest darkest secret" I smiled.

"Huh? What?"

"Your crush on Snotlout" I winked.

"ASTRID!" She yelled and tried to get me but I have already jumped and landed on the ground. She jumped to the ground too and ran after me.

I ran faster into the village. I swerved around people and dragons, ran in circles around the tree, climbed short houses like Gobber's place, ran past the Great Hall and finally stopped at the arena. The place where we were trained to kill dragons before.

I stopped and I smirked at Ruff who was at the other side of the stadium.


"ASTRID SHUT UP" She yelled and she ran towards me. I laughed while running around trying to get away from her. People started to laugh at us and I saw Heather and the other gang at the entrance of the arena, watching us.

I was slowly losing my breathe but kept going. Then out of nowhere, Ruffnut tackled me to the ground and we wrestled, like men.

"Hey be careful with my girlfriend!" Hiccup yelled at Ruff and I looked at him.

"Awe that-" I got interrupted by Ruffnut pinning me down.

"Oooooooh awesome move Ruff!" Snotlout yelled and Ruff looked at Snot smiling wide.

Ha. I took this chance to flip us and I pinned her down again.

"Or not" Snotlout mumbled. I let her go and sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

The others approached us.

Ruff held her hand out to Tuff.

"Help me up, dumb butt" She says.

Tuff pretended not to hear. Snotlout helped her up instead and she blushed faintly. I smirked at her.

"M'lady, do you need help?" Hiccup bowed before putting out his hand.

"Yes kind sir" I giggled and he helped me up before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I missed you today" He whispered.

I saw Heather behind him, rolling her eyes at us.

Take the hint Heather, he's mine.

"I missed you too while you were showing the new girl around" I pulled away but he still held his arms around my waist.

He studied my face. He then brought his hand up try to tuck my bangs away from my face.

"You really are beautiful" He whispered before kissing me on the lips. I kissed back and I felt him smile through the kiss.

Someone cleared their throat.

Me and Hiccup pulled away to see Stoick.

"Hello sir" I blushed.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"It's alright future daughter-in-law" He said.

"Dad!" Hiccup blushed furiously.

I giggled at Hiccup and kissed his cheek. He placed his arm around my waist.

"What do you need dad?" He asks.

"Heather is going to be staying at our house, in the spare room in the attic" He said.


"Oh alright, if that's okay with her" Hiccup said to Heather.

"Of course! It's absolutely perfect" she replied with too much joy.

This girl is onto something. I just need to know what.

Ugh she's just another one. First Merida, now this chick.

I better keep an eye on her. She might be fooling Hiccup and the others, but she is not fooling Ruffnut and I.

Okay, well also Ruffnut.

But she surely will never fool me.


And the adventure continues ;)

Do you like it? Or hate it? Or love it?

Lol what do you guys think?

Comment. I will update soon, have an amazing plot for this. :)

I love you guys.

Also I can't stop listening to 'For The Dancing and Dreaming' song sung by Stoick and Valka in HTTYD 2. I cry everytime.


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