Chapter 21 The Guy Who Forgot A Date

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I was doing what I did best, throwing axes to the trees, pretending they were the faces of my mortal enemies.

If anyone messes with me or Hiccup or anybody in Berk, I will sacrifice their firstborn children to Alvin and the Outcasts.

Stormfly began whimpering. Maybe because I was getting too brutal to the trees. I really should stop, trees give us shade and oxygen.

I sighed, grabbed my axe and mounted on Stormfly.

"Let's go home girl" I patted her back and she flew away.

While I was at the skies, someone flew past me. I stopped with a yelp. I got a closer look to see it was Heather and Hiccup on Toothless again.

I rolled my eyes and continued on my journey back home.

"Hi Astrid!" I heard Heather say as I was still flying, and they flew right beside me.

"Hi Astrid how are you--oh no" Hiccup says.

He stopped Toothless but I kept going. I ignored both of them.

"Astrid wait!"

I ignored them. They then flew in front of me, Heather looking annoyed. Hiccup was trying to stop me while Toothless purred at me.

"Get out of the way Hiccup" He was blocking me, even I tried to go left or right. I noticed also that Stormfly and Toothless were pawing at each other.

"No, Astrid liste-"


Since I couldn't go left or right, looks like I had to fly either up or down.

"Stormfly up!" I yelled and we successfully flew over Hiccup and dashed home with Hiccup right on our tails.

"Astrid wait!" He yelled but I ignored him. I'm not listening to him. I'm not listening to him.

Once we were flying just above the ground, I heard Hiccup say, "I'm sorry Astrid" before Toothless grabbed the tail of Stormfly, causing me to fly forwards and land on the ground.

I glared at Hiccup.

"Are you freaking out of your mind?! What did you do that for?!" I asked checking if Stormfly was okay.

"It was the only way to stop you" He replied and landed Toothless. Heather was just crossing her arms the whole time.

"Come on Stormfly" I said.

"No, look Astrid. I'm sorry for missing the lunch date. I got distracted by som-"

"HEATHER! YOU GOT DISTRACTED BY HEATHER" I interrupted him, pointing my axe at her.

"Heather isn't really a bad person Astrid, she just needed someone to welcome her, and you're not really welcoming" He crossed his arms.

Heather smirked.

"Heather isn't really a bad person Astrid, she just needed someone to welcome her, and you're not really welcoming" I mocked him.

He looked at me strangely.

"Look Hiccup, you should never start start anything if you can't even finish it" I growled at him, glared at Heather one more time before running off away from those two.

A tear escaped my eye but I wiped it off. I'm not crying over that jerk I call my boyfriend.

I slowed down once I got to the Great Hall. I was greeted by the bothers.

Snotlout was the one who was the most upset.

"What got your panties in a twist?" I ask.

"Heather is with Hiccup" He mumbled.

"Tell me about it" I rolled my eyes.

"How was the date?" Fishlegs asked.

"There was no date! Remember?! You guys were distracted by that Heather chick!" I growled at them.

"Yeah but he said he was already an hour late for the date and said he was going to see you. You didn't see him?" Snotlout asked.

I slammed my fists on the table.


"Oh. Well. This is awkward" Snotlout cleared his throat.

"Everything was going so great after Merida. What if this is a sign that we shouldn't be?" I ask.

"Ugh, this is why I'm single" Fishlegs said.

Ruffnut smacked Fishleg's tummy causing it to jiggle.

"What if it is just a test to see how strong you guys can go?" She asks.

"Ugh Ruffnut has a brain" Snotlout groaned.

"And you have stupidity" She said.

Ruffnut turned to me.

"Don't give up just yet" She says.

"I'm not, but I won't forgive him that easily" I crossed my arms.

"Of course!" She replied.

I sighed.

We heard the doors open and in came Hiccup with Heather. They were laughing until they saw us, looking at them disapprovingly.

"Oh hey Hiccup, and Heather" Fishlegs greeted sarcastically.

"Uh hey guys" Hiccup said and sat down with us. I scooted away from him as Heather squished herself with Hiccup. So Hiccup was in between Heather and I.
The whole table was pure silence and awkwardness.

"Well, I'll go give Meatlug a bath" Fishlegs left the table.

"We'll go home early, our parents wants us home to clean" Tuff and Ruff stood up and left the table.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but don't leave me Snotlout.

"I need to go bodybuilding" Snotlout stood up.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yes, I don't get these bad boys just by sitting around" He kissed his muscles before saying goodbye and leaving.

"Looks like it's just us three" Hiccup tried to make the atmosphere non-awkward.

"Nah, just you two" I stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Out of this place before I bash the face of the person who forgot to go to a certain date that he planned" I replied before exiting the place, leaving Heather and Hiccup.

What I'm worried about is if Hiccup will end up spending the Snoggletog party with Heather instead of me.

I sighed before walking back to my house, loneliness beginning to creep it's away into my heart.


So guys?

What's up?

Do you think Heather is up to something? Or is she a goody two shoes?

Comment yo!

I love you guys!


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