Chapter 23 We're Getting Our Dragons Back

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For the whole day, I was in the Great Hall talking to other vikings about their missing dragons.

I found something very crucial about every dragon that has gone missing.

They say that the dragons are right there sleeping and the next day, they mysteriously disappeared.

I noticed that the dragons disappeared at only night time. A bit weird to me.

I looked over to see my friends upset about their missing dragons.

"Don't worry guys, we will find your dragons" I said them.

"I hope so Astrid" Snotlout replied.

"We will find them, but for now, why don't you guys take a rest and call it a day?" i suggested and they only shrugged in reply before heading outside the Great Hall.

"Astrid" Someone called my name and I turned around. It was Hiccup again.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Can we talk?"

"Maybe after we find the dragons, Hiccup. But now's not really a good time" I say before leaving him in the Hall.

It hurt to do that, it really did.


I was sleeping soundly when I heard a noise outside. I groaned and woke up to see Stormfly luckily still sleeping beside my bed.

I tiptoed to the door to find out what the noise was about.

I looked around until I saw a shadow creeping near Hiccup's house. I sneaked my way and the shadow was actually a person, a cloaked person.

I followed it until I stopped to see it was going for a random house. I waited outside and what I saw I couldn't believe.

The cloaked figure was luring the dragon out of the house with ease. It didn't roar, it didn't growl. It just followed the figure, as if it was hypnotized.

The figure led the dragon to the shores beyond the forest and the figure accidentally fell backwards because it tripped on a rock.

The figure's cloak flew off and I looked to see..

Oh no.


"Ugh Alvin better thank me for this" She cursed.


She was working with Alvin and the Outcasts.

I knew that girl was up to no good. I saw her lead the dragon to this boat, which was already filled with 2 other dragons. I then saw men high five with her.

"Good job Heather, boss is really proud of ya" One of them said.

"Tell him it wasn't easy. This Astrid girl is already suspicious, I might have to eliminate her" She hissed.

Eliminate?! We'll see about that.

"Alright, just remember. Tomorrow 2 hours after midnight"

"Okay! Whatever! Just go!" Heather shooed them and watched them disappear into the fog before turning back to retreat. I followed her back into the village and waited for her to disappear. I saw her climb on Hiccup's roof and climb inside the window.


So that's how you sneak out at night.

Now I know what she's up to, I'll have to make sure no one's dragons get taken away. I'm not sure if I should tell the others.

But for now, I'll stand guard and make sure she doesn't take this any further.


More vikings were grieving the next morning. I just wanted to scream it was Heather's fault, but I have to be wiser than this. Heather already suspects that I suspect her. Besides, I don't have proof to back Heather's story up.

I walked towards the Great Hall when I saw Heather outside, with visible eyebags under her eyes. I went up the steps and approached her.

"Hey Heather, you sleep well lastnight? You really have bad eyebags" I say.

"Yeah, I know. Uh I kept having uh nightmares" She said.

"What are you waiting for here outside?" I ask.

"Oh Hiccup said he'll be teaching me to ride dragons by myself. He already taught me to tame them, to make them obey me and other important dragon stuff. It's fascinating" She replied.

No wonder the dragon didn't growl around her.

I can't believe Hiccup trusts her this much.

"Oh, good luck with that then" I say before entering the Great Hall.

Ha, if only you knew that I knew.

I looked to see my gloomy group of friends.

"Hey guys" I greeted.

"Hey, any news yet?" Snotlout asked.

"No but I need you guys to come with me tonight, we'll meet at the forest at midnight okay?" I said.

"Why? It's already bad enough I lost my dragon, don't take away my sleep" Tuffnut groaned.

"Your dragon? It's our dragon" Ruffnut said.

"Whatever, but this better be for a good reason Astrid" Tuffnut said.

"It is for a very important reason, trust me on this" I say.

"We'll meet you at midnight" Fishlegs said.

"Just don't tell Hiccup, just yet" I say.

They all nodded.


*skipping to an hour after midnight*

"Astrid it's been an hour and the only thing I've seen is an owl" Tuff said.

We heard ruffling in the bushes and I gestured the others to keep quiet at all costs.

They finally see how Heather hands the dragons over to the Outcasts and waits at the shore before leaving the shore.

"What is Alvin doing with our dragons?!" Snotlout asked.

"I don't know but we have to stop her" Ruff interrupted.

"We'll follow them tomorrow and get the dragons back" Snotlout suggested.

"You think it's that easy?!" I hissed.

"I'm not going down without a fight Astrid. If you want, we won't tell Hiccup. We can't risk Toothless being abducted, he's the most important and strongest dragon of all" Fishlegs said.

"You're right. Alright, we prepare a boat and we follow them alright? We go on a rescue mission and we get our dragons back" I said.

"Yes! I knew there was something evil under all that gorgeousness!" Snotlout spat.

"Yeah, an evil I just want to crush and grind" Ruff punched her palm.

"You know? I like your ideas" Snotlout nudged Ruff and she blushed slightly.

"Alright guys come on, get some rest. Tomorrow's a big night for us" I said and we all separated to go back home and prepare for the journey tomorrow.


Ooooooh now we know what's happening to the dragons!

Well, half of it ;)


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