Chapter 24 The Tail

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Now listening: The Romantic Flight off the HTTYD soundtrack XD idk why, but I listen to HTTYD songs when I write chapters. It keeps me in the zone.



The next day, after I fed Stormfly, I went to the Great Hall as usual. I went inside to see the others hanging out with Emma.

"Morning guys, hey Emma!" I smiled at her.

She smiled back and stood up to hug me. She sat back down and resumed talking to the others.

Hiccup stood up and went to me.

"Hey" He simply said, placing his arms around my waist.

"Haddock" I greeted.

"Hofferson" He says back before kissing me. I pulled away and kissed his nose before approaching the others.

"Hey Astrid" They greeted.

"Hey guys. I've seen you met Emma" I said.

"Yes we have, she's actually cool" Ruff smiled.

"Yes, unlike the other female strays" I rolled my eyes.

"Strays?" Emma asks.

"Nothing to worry about" I smile. Hiccup sat back down on his chair. But the seats were fully occupied now. There was no seat left to sit on.

"The perks of having a boyfriend" Hiccup smirks before pulling me down to sit on his lap.

I smiled.


"Anything for you" He smiles wrapping his arms around me.

"Let's be romantic like Hiccup and Astrid" Snotlout says to Ruffnut before picking her up and sitting her on in his lap.

It felt really weird seeing them all romantic like this because I was used to them always being brutal to each other.

"You know I'm working on a new project" Hiccup whispered to me.

"Really? What is it?" I ask.

"I'm making Toothless a tail that helps him fly without my help" He replies.

"That's nice, can I help?" I ask.

"That's sweet but you don't have to"

"Come on, pleaaase" I smiled.

"Fine, let's get started" He smiles standing up after I got off him.

"Guys me and Astrid are going to the blacksmith's" Hiccup said grabbing my hand.

"Alright, we'll see ya later bud" Fishlegs said and the others said goodbye to us.


It was just me and Hiccup and it has been hours of hard work and sweat. Well, mostly Hiccup's hard work and sweat.

"Alright, how does this look?" He asks holding out a tail that held out by itself. It looked exactly like a dragon wing, I was amazed. (Basically it's the tail Hiccup made for Toothless in 'Gift of the Night Fury' where they had Snoggletog)

"Wow Hiccup, it's amazing" I marveled at it. He set it down on the table.

"Alright, let me go get Toothless" He says before disappearing.

I touched the tail. Hiccup was gifted, he did an amazing job.

I suddenly heard loud roaring and saw Stormfly outside Gobber's out of control.

I ran out to her. She was scaring some of the vikings. She flapped her wings rapidly.

I held out my hands.

"Hey easy girl, easy. What's gotten into you?" I asked calmly and she instantly calmed down.

"What's wrong with you?" I scratched her chin. She purred and licked me. I giggled and wiped my face. She then turned around flying away.

I smiled and walked back to the blacksmith only to find the tail gone. I then smelt something weird burning. I looked at the furnace and saw the tail.

I panicked and grabbed some cloth so I don't get burned. I took it out and it was all ruined. Some parts have melted and the wing had big burnt holes in them. How did this get in there?!

"ASTRID! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Hiccup says yelling at me. I flinched. I got scared, Hiccup never yelled like that before.

"I-I don't know Hiccup! I went out because Stormfly was acting all wild and when I came back, I found it in the furnace" I said putting the wing down.

"So you're saying that the tail magically walked into the furnace?!" He asks examining the wing and groaned.

"I really don't know what happened!" i tried to reason with him.

"You were the only one here Astrid, don't you dare lie to my face" He says glaring at me.

"Don't worry Hiccup, I'll help you make another one" I say.

"I'm not mad about the tail! I'm mad that you're actually lying to me" He says.

"I'm not lying! Why would I just destroy it for no reason?!" I said.

"For attention maybe?!"

"Are you kidding me Hiccup?!" I replied crossing my arms.

Toothless was silent and perched on the corner the whole time, scared of the situation.

"Ugh this tail took hours" He mumbled groaning.

I sighed.

"Look Hiccup, I'll help" I said saying and touched his shoulder but he jerked his shoulder away.

"Just don't Astrid. I'm sure nothing wrong will happen if you're not here to ruin anything" He says.

I shut my mouth. Me and Hiccup's first fight. Over a damn wing. I held back my tears.

Hiccup never yelled at me like that. Never.

I turned around and walked away.

Forget him, as long as I didn't do anything wrong, I don't care what he thinks.



When I was certain Astrid left me, I wanted to turn around and tell her I was sorry. I wanted to kiss her and apologize for yelling at her.But I didn't.

I've never yelled at her like that. She looked hurt and scared. Why'd I do that?!

I looked at the tail. Why would she do that. It took us hours. I sighed.

Well it's back to square one.

"Hey Hiccup" I heard someone say.

"What?!" I asked rudely and I saw Emma.

"Sorry, I was just..." She says.

"I'm sorry. I just got into a fight with Astrid" I sighed.

"It's okay, what happened?" She asks approaching me.

"I found her burning the tail we made for Toothless the past 3 hours" I said.

"Now it's ruined" I showed her the tail.

"Don't worry, I'll help you fix it if you're planning to" She says smiling.

I smiled too, noticing I haven't seen a shade of hazel eyes like Emma had. It was kinda, pretty.

"That would be amazing, thank you" I said and we hopped right to it.



I cooled off by screaming at the top of my lungs on a cliff. I saw Stormfly approach me from a distance. Well she heard my pain again like last time.

"Hey girl" I smiled as she looked at me and started roaming around.

I sighed.

I'm not mad about the tail! I'm mad that you're actually lying to me!

His words stuck in my head like a tattoo. His voice I still hear as if he was yelling it over and over again.

I can't help but wonder how the tail ended up in the furnace. It seemed impossible. The wind wasn't strong enough to carry it, but even if it did, it was impossible it would end up exactly in the furnace.

I need to find out.


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

I had to break those two up. So I did what I did. I stepped on Stormfly's tail with lots of pressure and dove for cover. Perfect timing she was outside the blacksmith waiting for Astrid.

Stormfly started roaring in pain and I hid. The vikings started backing away from Stormfly.

Once I saw Astrid run out, I quickly sneaked into the blacksmith and saw the tail. I smirked and picked it up.

"Sorry for your hardwork Hiccup" I said before tossing it into the furnace. I looked to see Astrid looking at Stormfly as she flew away. I quickly exited the blacksmith right before Astrid came back in.

Next thing I knew, I heard yells and Astrid went out the blacksmith about to cry.


Going perfectly as planned.


Oooooooh! Woot.

Who is this mystery person?

Lol guys you might hate me once you know who it is. I'm sorry for advance.

Just don't hate me.

Because I love you guys.😭


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