Chapter 26 Returning The Favor

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We were literally 5 minutes away from Berk. Alvin came up to me and tied some cloth around my mouth. I growled at him.

"Now enjoy your seat. You are going to be watching us destroy Berk if you don't give us the dragons" He smirked.

"YALBSVLLNEVECERGEEET AWEEEEEERY WIIIIRRH THIIIOIIIKFD" I tried to talk but the cloth wasn't making it easier for me.

"What?" He asks.

I glared at him.

From the distance, I heard a blowing of the horn.
The emergency horn.


Please be ready, please be ready.

"Boss! We're here!" one of the Outcasts yelled.

"Now we begin" Alvin whispers.

I tried yelling but my voice was muffled.

I tried to break free but the ropes were too tight.

We hit the shore of Berk and the vikings started marching right up to us, Hiccup leading them.

"Hello fellow Berkians!" Alvin greeted everybody. Stoick glared at him, already holding his huge battle axe.

"We are here to make, an offer" Alvin continued.

"We take the dragons...." He said.

"NEVER" Hiccup yelled.

"Oh, looks like you don't want the girl then?" Alvin smirked and ripped off the cloth covering my mouth.

"ASTRID!!!" Hiccup struggled to get to me but Stoick was holding him back.

Alvin held my face tightly in his hand, making my cheeks squish together.


"Look, Alvin, we can deal with this the proper way" Stoick reasoned with Alvin.

Alvin let go of my face, ugh that's gonna leave a mark.

"No. Give us the dragons, and we'll free the girl. If you don't......" Alvin said before holding a knife to my throat. I could feel it's tip begging to slice itself into my throat to my chest.

"DON'T YOU DARE" Hiccup yelled angrily.

"Oh I will" Alvin pulled his knife away and I sighed in relief.

"Don't listen to them Hiccup! Don't let them take the dragons--"

"SHUT UP!" Alvin interrupted me by holding the knife to my lips.

The Outcasts were starting to surround the Berkians, ready to fight.

"If you don't shut that pretty little mouth of yours, you won't be able to talk when we're done here" He threatened.

I glared at him.

"Heather!" Alvin yelled and seconds later, Heather was climbing up the ship.

"Guard the girl, looks like Berk wants to do this the hard way" Alvin says before getting off the ship.

"Outcasts ATTACK" Alvin yelled and all hell broke loose.

Even the dragons were fighting back, but getting captured one by one. I saw Hiccup trying to get to me, but the Outcasts wouldn't let him.

"Having fun Astrid?" Heather asks.

"Of course not you beast" I spat.

"Careful on what you say to me" She hissed.

"I'm not scared of you"

"How would you feel if I took your dragon?"

"Don't you dare hurt Stormfly" I said.

"What are you going to do about it?" She smirked.

I looked to see some of Berk's buildings already burning. There were fireballs, nets, dragons, swords, the sound of people fighting. Berk was suffering, and all I could do was watch.

"Hey Heather" I heard and looked up to see my friends on their dragons.

"Let Astrid go" Tuffnut said.

"You'll have to get through me first" Heather smirked. My friends landed and started getting Heather busy while Fishlegs came up to me to untie me.

I saw a huge fireball come at us out of nowhere.

"Guys! Get out of here!" I yelled and they tried to get off the boat as fast as they could. Heather was already off the ship and my friends were already on their dragons.

I was about to run to the edge when my foot got stuck up on tangled ropes.


I saw the fireball get closer and it was too late. It crashed the ship apart. The rope that was tied to one of the ship's poles was dragging me down underwater with it.

I saw fire and explosions as I looked up at the surface. The water was freezing cold and I struggled to swim up for air. My oxygen was starting to diminish, and I began losing consciousness.

Right before I closed my eyes, I saw Toothless swim to me. He blasted the pole and held my in his arms. He swam up to the surface and setting me down on the dry and warm ground. Now, the explosions were really close to me now. But I didn't move. I was trying to catch my breathe.

"ASTRID!" Hiccup ran to me and hugged me tight.

"Don't you ever do something stupid again! You got me worried sick! I was praying to Thor that you were okay and...." He stopped suddenly and hugged me tight. I felt his hot warm tears glide down my cold wet shoulders.

"Hiccup, it's okay. I'm okay aren't I? Now, let's finish this thing" I said before whistling, Stormfly appearing right by my side, bringing my axe with her.

I grabbed it and mounted on Stormfly as Hiccup was mounting on Toothless.

"Hey if we get out of this mess, I'm so going to kiss you whether you like it or not" Hiccup says before taking off with Toothless.

I blushed before I commanded Stormfly to take off too.

"SPIKE ATTACK" I said and Stormfly shot some Outcasts.

"Good girl" I said.

The battle didn't end quickly. But since we were all cooperating, we were able to take down most of the Outcasts. The Outcasts started backing away in surrender.

"DON'T SURRENDER YOU IDIOTS!" Alvin exclaimed.

The Berkians were beginning to crowd the Outcasts. There were so many of us left. Alvin should've thought that they wouldn't stand a chance against the dragons.

"YOU!" Alvin yelled at me and threw a knife at me. Why me?! What?!

But Hiccup then pushed me away and taking the shot.



"NOOOOOO" I yelled and crawled to Hiccup's lifeless body. I looked at the knife stuck and I pulled it out of him.

Stoick was furious as he began charging at Alvin, taking care of Alvin himself.

"Hiccup it's okay, we'll go get help. Don't worry" I put pressure on the bleeding wound.

"Someone help!" I yelled.

"Why'd you do that?! Why'd you do that?!" I started crying shaking him, trying to get his eyes open.

"Just returning the favor" He smiled weakly and brushed his fingers on my cheeks before pulling me in to kiss him.

I pulled away to hold his hand.

He started closing his eyes.

"No stay with me! SOMEONE COME OVER HERE AND HELP HIM" I yelled.

The rest of the gang arrived and knelt down beside me.

"You are NOT LEAVING US HICCUP!" I yelled and shook him.

His eyes were now closed as his grip started to loosen around my hand. I cried and held it tighter.

"No no no no" I mumbled.

"Bring him to Gothi!" I said and the others didn't hesitate carrying Hiccup.

I turned to Alvin still fighting with Stoick. I grabbed the knife, walked up to Alvin and stuck the knife on his leg. He yelled in pain.

I kicked him down on the ground.

"If you ever come near Berk again, I'm putting the knife between your eyes" I threatened and kicked him before walking away to find out if Hiccup was going to be okay or not.

This is like Merida all over again.



The Berkians won, but Hiccup is severely wounded. Will he be okay? Or not?

Thanks for the 2.3K reads guys. Last time I checked it was just 1.5K ^.^

I jumped for joy. I love you guys so much! Thank you for everything!


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