Chapter 28 Unforgettable Snoggletog

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"Astrid, hey" Fishlegs smiled sympathetically.

It has now been 9 days since Hiccup fell into a coma. And today is Snoggletog.

I was in the Great Hall since Stoick insisted me to take a break from visiting Hiccup. I insisted I soend my Snoggletog with Hiccup but Stoick didn't allow me. He told me to go out and have fun.

Half of the vikings here were sad, and the other half tried to bring a happy mood. We were all devastated Hiccup couldn't join us for his first Snoggletog ever since he came back from The Big Four thing.

I stared at my cup of Yak Milk, swooshing it around and around in the cup.

"Astrid, cheer up. It's Snoggletog, everybody gets presents" Snotlout said before joining me with the others.

"If you mean to say handing explosive dragon eggs to families is getting presents, then I'd have the best present ever" Tuffnut said.

"That's why we put them in water, duh" Ruff said.

"A water with a depth of 100---"

"Please don't kill the vibe with your knowledge" Snotlout interrupted Fishlegs.

I sighed.

"Just imagine what Snoggletog would be like, with Hiccup around" I said staring at the large fireplace in the middle of room where the Stoker Dragons played.

"He'd be with you the whole time" Tuffnut groaned.

"Yeah, he can't resist you" Ruff says.

I smiled. Truth is, I can't resist him too. Sometimes.

"Alright everybody!" Stoick yelled to catch everyone's attention. We turned to him.

"Alright, so we all know Hiccup isn't here to join us, but still he would have wanted us to enjoy Snoggletog. So HAPPY SNOGGLETOG EVERYBODY" He cheered and we all cheered.

Stoick is right. Hiccup would have wanted us to be happy. Stoick walked up to me.

"Happy Snoggletog Astrid" He smiled.

"Happy Snoggletog Stoick" I greeted. Aw he really looks like Santa Clause.

"I'll go check on Hiccup, you keep charge while I'm gone" He says before leaving.

"Ugh why do I have to be in charge" I groaned.

"You can do a lot of things when you're in charge!" Snotlout smirked.

"Like bash things and blame someone else for the damage" Ruffnut says.

"Or set this whole Hall on fire but that's too brutal. But still awesome" Tuffnut put his fist in the air.

"Or invent new things to discover more about dragons and their nature" Fishlegs smiled.

"And this is why I'm in charge" I say after hearing their ideas.

Suddenly they all widened their eyes, and smiled widely at me. The room went completely silent too.

"What's happe-"

Suddenly someone covered my eyes. With my reflexes, I grabbed the hand and bent it backward, making the person fall to the ground in pain.

"What do you think you---" I stopped when I saw who just surprised me. No. Could it be.

"OWW, WHAT?" He hisses.

I kneeled down and brushed my fingers on his cheek. I then brushed his auburn hair away to stare at his emerald green ones.

"Hey" He smiles at me.

I still widened my eyes a tear escaping my cheek. I was still taking it all in.

He brushed my tear away with his thumb before bringing my chin closer to him for him to kiss me on my lips. The vikings around us cheered and wolf-whistled. He pulled me in tightly for a hug.

"Hiccup" I whispered happily.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love love love you" I whispered back.

He kissed my shoulder before pulling away.

"How?" I ask fixing his hair.

"I woke up and heard cheering from all the way to my house, and I realized. It's Snoggletog, and I should be spending it with my girlfriend" He replied.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"A bit thirsty" He says. I grabbed my warm neglected cup of Yak Milk and handed it to him.

He smiled before taking it and drinking it.

"Dude! YOU'RE ALIVE" Tuffnut yells before hugging Hiccup.

"YES! YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" Ruffnut says before hugging him also.

"AND YOU'RE NOT A GHOST" Snotlout hugged the three. Fishlegs just hugged the 4.

"Group hug" they all exclaimed and I shook my head, resting my hands on my hips.

Hiccup pulled me in and I was in the middle of a ball full of hugs.

"Squishing me. Squishing me" I say repeating all over again until they all pulled away.

"Guys you stink" I say.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the one who hasn't bathed for 9 days" Snotlout gestures at Hiccup.

"And you haven't bathed since last year" Ruffnut smirked at Snotlout.

"Me too" She adds and kisses his cheek.

"EWW NOOO" Tuffnut screamed and ran away.

"We now know how to shut Tuff up" Fishlegs says.

Hiccup laughs as he pulled me closer to him by the waist.

"So we should leave you two to catch up" Snotlout says before dragging Fishlegs away with him.

Hiccup turned to me.

"This is no doubt, the most unforgettable Snoggletog" He whispers to me.

"I agree" I smiled.

We then kissed, and I can't help but feel like it was our first all over again.


Awww :')

Hiccup's alive.

So what should their adventure be next guys?


Love you guys


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