Chapter 29 Snoggletog With Him

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Hiccup and I were sitting against a tree, staring at the moon. His head was on his lap while I was playing around with his hair.

"Astrid, you see that? The stars form a heart" Hiccup says pointing at the stars.

I tried to look for it, and it took me a few seconds before I found it lying just right beside the moon.

"I see it, and you see the constellation just under the moon? It forms Fishlegs" I smiled.

"Hmmm" He was trying form something out of the stars.

"I got nothing, all I could form was a big cirlce"

"Exactly" I say and he laughs.

Gosh I missed his laughs.

"I miss your laughs too" He replied.

"Dang did I just say that out loud?" I blushed.

"Yeah" He smiled up at me. I mentally slapped myself.

Gosh he looks so cute looking up at me like that.

"So, did you miss me the past 9 days?" He asks, intertwining our fingers together and playing with them.

"Of course I did! Everything I did, you would just lay there ignoring me" I replied.

"I wasn't ignoring you"

"Okay, whatever you say" I giggled.

He smiled at me.

"But mine wasn't as bad as yours, you were out for a month"

"I know" I whispered.

"It got to the point where Gothi had to feed you some stuff I don't know the name of" He made an 'ew' face.

"Ugh, I could still taste it" I said.

He chuckled and studied me. He always studies me.

"Why are you always doing that?" I ask.

"Doing what?"

"Like stare at me, it makes girls conscious you know"

"I don't know. Just, admiring..." He replied played with my blonde hair.

"Can I add another braid to your hair?" I ask biting my lip.

"Oh no no no, one is enough thank you" He says.

"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase" I said.

"No Astrid, I'm going to fall for that face you make. And if I agree, the next time you ask, I'll agree again until my hair looks like it has dreadlocks"

I just smiled at him.

"Alright just one more" He rolled his eyes.

"Yaaay" I silently cheered and began braiding his hair.

"You're so cute" He chuckles.

I just kissed his forehead in response before returning to braiding.

"Let's pull an all-nighter"

"Doing what?" I ask.

"I don't know, just spending time with you" He shrugged.

"Aren't we doing that now?"

"Yes, I guess we are" He replies.

The whole night, me and Hiccup spent it. We talked about things, especially adult things. Like how many children I'd like to have in the future, what age I would get married, or if I'll move out of Berk or not.

I hope he wasn't dropping a hint that he was going to propose, I'm not ready for that yet. We're still young and unexpected things still happen, like Merida and Heather, or even Alvin and the Outcasts.

But I'm just happy that through all that, we're still together and still going strong.


I slowly opened my eyes to someone lifting me off the ground and putting me on something.

"Huh?" I ask looking around.

"It's okay Astrid, I'm just taking you home on Toothless" I heard Hiccup say and I closed back my eyes.

"Alright" I say.


I was put down on my soft bed. Then I felt a light kiss on my forehead while I was tucked in.

"Goodnight, Astrid" The voice whispered and I felt the whole room go silent. I smiled since I knew who it was.

I drifted off to deep slumber again.


I woke up again and found Stormfly in my room.

I sat up.

"How'd you get in her girl?" I asked.

She just approached me and licked my cheek. I laughed and kissed her.

"Good morning" I say. I stood up and found flowers on my table, with a plate of bread, eggs and a cup of Yak Milk.

I walked up to it and saw a note beside the flowers.

'Good Morning beautiful.

I brought you breakfast and flowers, go fatten yourself up. I'll see you later yeah?

P.S. I love you :)


I smiled wide at the sweetness Hiccup poured into this whole thing. Someone actually cared about me. Someone actually loves me.

This is all so amazing. It's amazing how Hiccup can turn me into a softie, I'm usually a really tough girl. But Hiccup showed me that there was another side of me.

I think I found someone I'll love for the rest of my life.


Sweeeeeeeeeet Hiccup :')

So sweet.


Like 3.5K reads guys? Like really?

Omg. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And omg I'm getting a Toothless plush toy. Mom got me one XD

Ahaha and are you guys ok if I update everyday? I'd like to keep it that way.

Love you guys!


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