Chapter 3 Forgotten Love

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I'm way over Hiccup. I realized grieving wasn't gonna get me anywhere. Stupid how I just realized that last year. Well now, it's offically 24 hours before Hiccup gets back. And to be honest, I'm kinda mad at him, and at the same time excited.

"Hiccup's coming home tomorrow!" Fishlegs trotted around the table.

"Hmph" I rolled my eyes.

"Not excited?" Snotlout scoffed.

"Ugh, me either" Tuffnut and Ruffnut said together.

"Yeah, he pretended like we never existed. Not sending us mail to let us know if he's okay or just to wonder if we're okay" I grumbled.

"Yeah, when I get my hands on his neck I'm going to wrangle him" Snotlout growled his fists clenched.

"Count me in" I smirked flicking my bangs away from my face.

"I'll just watch" Fishlegs laughed nervously.

"I'm gonna hold his feet" Tuffnut smirked.

"I'll hold his arms" Ruffnut replied.

"I think we just planned the perfect murder" I laughed.

"We won't murder him, just give him a lesson" Snotlout smirked punching his palm.

"Alright Vikings! Rest now! Tomorrow's a big day!" Stoik sounded excited.

"Alright, night guys" I waved.

"Night, Astrid"


Everyone gathered at the plaza holding up 'Welcome Home Hiccup!' signs.

Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff and I with our dragons, sat on this high rock thing, letting us see everything at the plaza.

"Can't believe everyone's at the plaza, waiting for someone who hasn't even made contact for 5 years" Tuffnut growled.

"Yeah, or sent us gifts" Ruffnut said after.

Everybody started clapping and cheering.




I sighed.

"Looks like he brought his new friends" I rolled my eyes.

I saw 4 figures but 1 stood out the most. Hiccup was, finally a man. I widened my eyes and we all dropped our jaws.

He had longer hair with some braids, and it looked cool on him. His clothes are new and improved, he became buffer and his face, was the one that changed the most. He wasn't cute anymore, he was handsome, really handsome.

"Woah is that--"

"I know" I interrupted Snotlout.

"Man, it'd be hard to strangle him if he's grown that, manly" Snotloud groaned.

He was absolutely positively murdered by puberty. He looked amazing. No Astrid. I shook my head. No.

"Hey Berk! I'm back!" Hiccup yelled, completely unaware his old friends were just there.

"We're the big four! This is Jack Frost" He pointed to a pale white haired boy who did an Indian squat on a long wooden stick. (I know that people who believes in Jack Frost see him, but I decided to ignore that in this story)

"Rapunzel" he pointed to a short haired brunette who smiled wide, frying pan and a chameleon with her.

"And finally.... Merida" There was something different in the way he said her name. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

There was a girl with untamed orange hair. Hiccup placed his arm around her waist and held her close. My heart felt like it was being stabbed.

"Ooh Astrid you've got some competition" Snotlout teased and Ruffnut slapped his cheek.

"Not that she's gonna win or anything" He grumbled holding his cheek.

I started breathing heavily in fury.

"Fine! Leave the girl who loves you and come back 5 years later with another girl with you! I told you I love you but I never heard you say it back! Maybe you don't love me---------" I stopped myself.

"Maybe.... You don't love me" I whispered and fell to the ground.

And no, I'm not gonna cry.

"It's okay Astrid, Hiccup's stupid, we know that" Snoutlout places his hand and my back.

"And hot" Ruffnut said and we stared at her.

She shrugged.
"Don't look at me like that. You know it's true" She said.

I sighed.

"Wanna get out of here? I'm bored with all this attention" Snotlout gestured to the screaming vikings.

The dragons got together minutes ago and are playing with Toothless.

We climbed down the big rock and walked away from the loud commotion.

We agreed to go to the Great Hall.

"Ahh peace and quiet" Tuffnut said sitting on the table.

I turned to the fireplace in the middle of the hall.

"Astrid, the only way you're gonna deal with this, is show him what he missed" Ruffnut said. Thank Thor she was a girl.

"Show him you're stronger, wiser, and certainly better off without him" She said.

"I guess you're right" I smiled.

"Thanks you" I said punching her shoulder.

The doors then busted open and everybody from the plaza came.

"NOOOO" Tuffnut groaned.

"Let's get outta here, we can say hi later--"

"HEY KIDS! Come here! Hiccup's here!" Stoik called out to us.

"Or now" Snotlout finished.

We turned around hesitantly to face the big four. We walked slowly up to Hiccup who took in all our different puberty-hit appearances.

We stopped right in front of them.

I then saw Merida's hand snake it's way into Hiccup's and stayed there.

So they are together. This angers me so much.

"Guardians, meet the big four! Big four, meet the guardians" Stoik said.

We all did choruses of 'hey's and 'sup'.

"Uh hey guys" Hiccup spoke up and smiled at each one of us. He then smiled at me and I just raised one eyebrow and looked away.

"Hey Hiccup" Fishlegs was the only one out of everybody who said hi.

I could feel Hiccup's eyes burning holes into me. He was staring me down.

And to make it more worse, there was an awkward silence. And Stoik got awkward too. I glanced at the white haired boy and saw he was smiling at me. I smiled back at him and Hiccup saw that little gesture we exchanged.

"So we'll just go" Ruffnut said and we all backed away from the big four, leaving Hiccup disappointed and confused.


"Dragon racing?" Fishlegs suggested.

"Woop woop" Snot cheered and we all got to dragon racing.

We ignored everybody's topic of Hiccup and spent the day dragon racing. At one point, we saw the big four sitting on the grass watching us race.

"The black sheep" I said to Stormfly as the black sheep was launched into the air. (If you seen HTTYD 2, you'll know what I mean xD)

"Let's go girl!" I said and we continued the race.

Ar the end, I got the highest points.

"Astrid wins, again" Tuffnut groaned and landed.

"That was amazing! Oh my gosh! Can I ride one?" Rapunzel appeared out of nowhere.

I glanced at her.

"You could" I replied and took the saddle off Stormfly's back.

I carried the saddle with me.

"These are amazing creatures" Jack Frost rubbed my dragon, appearing out of nowhere.

"Sneaky one huh?" I asked him smirking.

"My specialty" He bowed.


"Jack Frost I know. I'm Astrid Hofferson" I smiled at him.

"Such large beasts eh? You guys are lucky yer dragons love yah!" Merida gazed at them.

Great, now the big four is with us.

"Yeah so excuse me, we better be going back home" Snotlout said carrying his saddle.

"That's my saddle" Ruffnut said to Tuffnut.

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't!" Ruffnut pulled the saddle Tuffnut held.

"Get off" Tuffnut pushed Ruffnut away.

"Guys for Loki's sakes just check the names under your saddles" I groaned.

"See! That is mine!" Ruffnut smacked the back of Tuffnut's head.

"Whatever" Tuffnut tossed the saddle to Ruffnut.

"Hey guys long time no see" Toothless walked over to us smiling. We just stared at him with strange looks.

"O-kay" He scratched the back of his neck. It's that gesture cute guys do. Ugh. I hate it.

"So how have you been? Didn't really send us mail when you were gone" Snotlout asked Hiccup crossing his arms.

"He NEVER sent us anything" I flicked my bangs away, still carrying the saddle.

"Look I know that I haven't kept contact with you guys--"

"For 5 years" Tuffnut added.

"--for 5 years but there was so much to do. So much to see. But hey, I'm here now right?" He smiled at everyone then at me.

Don't smile at me I'm still mad at you.

"That is true" Ruffnut mumbled.

Hiccup opened his arms initiating a group hug. The others went for it while I just stood there. Hiccup looked at me, smiling.

"Can't I'm carrying a saddle--WOAH" Hiccup pulled me in anyway causing me to drop my saddle, and he squeezed us to our deaths. I had no choice but to hug back.

We pulled away.

"So I can't help but notice a girl has captured Hiccup's attention" Ruffnut nudged Hiccup as the Big 3 were still with the dragons.

I rolled my eyes and turned away to pick up the saddle.

"Yeah uhm, her name's Merida" He smiled.

Ugh. Fine act like nothing happened before you left us 5 years ago. Forget that I ever said I love you. Forget we loved each other.

"Astrid you're gripping the saddle too tight" Fishlegs gestured to my whitening knuckles. Everyone turned to me.

I turned around to face Hiccup.

"I'd seriously love to hear about your love life but I can't right now because I need to sharpen my battle axe so that if I slice anyone's throat he'll--"

"Calm down" Tuffnut chuckled.

"I will see you around" I finished and walked away with the saddle.


How stupid of Hiccup.


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