Chapter 35 I Didn't Want This

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Lol u guys mad?

You guys I'm sorry XD but i felt like my book was getting boring and stuff so i put a twist for this couple of chapters. But don't worry, we all know anyway Hiccstrid is gonna ship so hard at the end ;)

Haha well if you guys still love me, go on and read :) I'm making this chapter like, I'm so gonna be late for class but you just can't stop Hiccstrid.



I couldn't sleep that night. Hiccup's voice kept replaying in my head. I can't believe he didn't believe me, that I was lying.

I sighed. Stormfly must've noticed because she got up and stayed beside me.

"It's okay girl, just thinking" I said rubbing her side. She purred and dropped back down on the floor to sleep.

How did the tail get there?


I woke up to Stormfly scratching the door.

I yawned and stretched.

"Alright girl" I said. Ugh I must've only got like just a few hours of sleep, because I still feel like I wanna sleep. (MY FEELING NOW)

I got up and opened the door to see Stormfly flying away instantly. Must've gone to go to pee or something.

Well, good thing she's house trained.

I closed the door behind me. I yawned once again and started walking to the Great Hall.

I walked over to the others and luckily Hiccup wasn't there. But, so was Emma.

"Astrid you look horrible" Snotlout says.

"Yeah you look like you haven't slept" Ruff chuckled.

"Don't ask" I sighed and sat down.

"We heard what happened with Hiccup" Tuff says.

"Yeah, why would you do that? I mean I know you're a violent person, but I didn't expect you to go that far" Fishlegs says.

"But I didn't do it! I-I came back and it was already in there!" I slammed my hands on the table. Once I know who did this, I'm putting THEM in the furnace.

"I can't believe you guys don't believe me" I say.

"It's just that, there's no other way that it ended up in there you know? You were the only person in there" Fishlegs replied.

"Or maybe the tail really did go into the furnace by itself" Snotlout says.

We ignored him of course.

"But I didn't do it, you guys have to trust me. Maybe someone went in there when I was outside with Stormfly" I say.

"That is a possibility" Fishlegs say.

"I'm with Astrid, even though she's a violent, rude, mean--"

"GET ON WITH IT" I growled interrupting Snotlout.

He put his hands up in defense.

"....she would never ever do anything to hurt Hiccup in any way, I think, except for the time she pushed him to the ground and kicked him" Snotlout says.

"And punched his shoulder" Tuff said.

"And threw a shield at him" Ruff added.

"Or that time she pushed him into the lake" Fishlegs say.

"Guys! You are not helping" I groaned.

"Alright, we believe you didn't do it. But how can we prove that if we don't even know who did it?" Fishlegs said.

"There's just one thing to do" I sighed.

They all looked at me.

"What?" Tuffnut asks.

"I apologize, for something I didn't do" I replied.


I walked over to Hiccup's house hesitantly. Once I got close to his door, I knocked on it.

It took a couple of seconds before Hiccup opened the door.

We then stood there awkwardly.

"Hey" He says.

"Uhm hi" I replied.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for yesterday. For burning the tail. I just wanted to see if it was fire-proof, like Toothless' skin You know?" I said.


All lies.

That was the most stupidest thing I've ever said.

Hiccup chuckled and hugged me.

"And now you're hugging me" I said as I patted his back.

"You're so cute Astrid" He chuckles kissing me.

"What? You're not mad?" I ask.

"I can never be mad at you" He says pushing my hair away from my face.

I smiled.

"Hiccup?" I heard a familiar voice and I looked inside the house to see Emma with Toothless.

"Coming!" Hiccup said.

Well of course I was jealous, but Emma is no harm. I trust her. And I trust Hiccup.

"Me and Emma are trying out Toothless' tail. She helped me make it" Hiccup says.

"Oh. I'm sorry you had to start over again" I said looking down.

He picked up my chin and kissed me.

"Hey, it's just a tail" He smiles.

I smiled wide.

"I guess I'll see you later?" I said biting my lip.

"Definitely" He says before closing the door. I'm just happy that we're good.



I heard them make up.


"Hiccup?" I spoke up while petting Toothless.

"Coming!" He says before returning to Astrid.

Ugh. I really don't want to break them up. Astrid and Hiccup don't deserve this. It's too much.

But anything to protect Gobber.

I can't have ????? hurting him.

Why did I agree to this anyway.

"Emma?" Hiccup asks placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Huh, oh." I snapped out of my thoughts.

"You okay? You wanna continue?" He asks me staring at me with his emerald green eyes that seemed to make me get lost in them.

"Yeah, sure" I said before we turned back to Toothless.



I walked away from Hiccup's house.

At least we're okay, at least we're okay.

I smiled for the first time since yesterday.


So we know that Emma is just someone who is under the control of ???????.

What do you guys think?

@life_of_demigod gave me an idea lol. Thanks :)


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