Chapter 36 Astrid's Monsters

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I went to the forest to hang out with me, myself, and I.

I climbed a tree so I could get a closer look of Berk and the sunset. I looked at the horizon.

It reminded me of my dad. We always watched the horizon together.

"Dad! Look the sun is going to sleep again!" I pointed out to the sun almost asleep.

"I know lass, you wanna say good night to the sun?" He asks rubbing my head.

"GOOD NIGHT SUN!" I giggled.

I looked up at my dad and held his hand.

"Dad, when I grow up, I wanna be just like you" I said and he carried me.

I started playing with his beard. It was so fluffy.

"Why do you say that Astrid?" He asks.

"Because you're not afraid of anything" I replied and kissed his cheek.

"I love you dad" I said hugging him.

"I love you very much, my Astrid" He says.

"Promise that you'll always stay with me" I say brushing his beard with my fingers.

"I promise, lass"


"DAD!" I tried to reach out to him from under my bed. These huge monsters were destroying my home.

"Astrid stay there! Don't move!" My dad yells at me, wrestling with one of the monsters.

"But dad!"

"STAY THERE" He screamed and I cried. I had to stay there and watch daddy get picked up by the monster and the monster flew away.

"DAD!" I screamed as I got out of bed and looked up at the big hole on our roof. The dragon carried my dad away.

"Astrid!" He yelled. I saw him going farther and farther away.

"YOU PROMISED! DAD COME BACK!" I yelled but it was too late. He was gone.

"I thought you wouldn't leave me alone...." I said and fell down on the floor to cry.


I walked out of my house. I saw all the vikings lying on the ground. Are they sleeping?

I saw the houses were broken and there were house parts everywhere.

Gosh, the carpenters will take ages to fix this mess.

I looked down at my dress to see holes and dirt. Gosh, dad won't like this.

I walked more and saw my best friend sleeping on the ground too. I laughed and walked over to her.

I shook Annie, my best friend.

"Annie! Wake up! The monsters are gone" I said but she didn't move.

"Annie! It's me! Astrid!" I said starting to panic.

"Annie! Don't ignore me! I won't talk to you ever again!" I said shaking her. I shook her with all my might. I touched her chest and I pulled my hand back to see, red paint.

"Annie! What's this coming out of your chest?" I ask.

Why isn't she talking to me?

I sat down in front of her. She looks so pale. She's so cold too, and stiff.

"Annie? What did I do wrong?" I ask, but she didn't reply. She didn't move a bit.

"Annie.... Are you still my best friend?" I started crying.

"Annie, we're best friends right? I thought it was Annie and Astrid, best friends forever" I said pulling my knees up to my face and cried.

I heard some people coming this way and I looked up to see vikings just like my dad. They were looking around, until one saw me.

"Look Stoick!" One of them said to the big orange bearded man. He looks a lot like daddy.

I stood up and walked up to them.

The big guy knelt down to in front of me.

"Hello lass, what's your name" He asks.

"Astrid, pleasure to meet you" I said putting out my hand.

He chuckles and shook it.

"I'm Stoick" He says.

"You look like my daddy. But he left with the monsters. And everybody is sleeping on the ground with red paint. Can you wake them up?" I ask holding his shoulder.

He looked sadly at me, as well as the other vikings.

"Gobber, we have to take this girl with us" Stoick says to his friend behind him with a funny wooden leg.

"Of course" His friend replies.

"Look lass, you'll come with us okay?" Stoick says.

I looked back at my village.

"What about my home? I don't want everyone to wake up without me" I said.

"Look, lass, they might be asleep for a really long time. Maybe even when you're 30" He jokes.

"Wow, they must be really tired" I replied.

"Yeah, they are. Why don't you come with me? And you can be with people who aren't asleep" He says.

"Really?! Where are you from Mister Stoick?" I ask. He laughs.

"I'm from Berk lass, somewhere a bit far from here" He says.

"Oh. If I come with you, will you help me find my daddy?" I ask.

"We'll do our best" He says before picking me up and carrying me.

"Mister Stoick, what are you doing here?" I asked him as he brought me to a big ship.

"I'm here to rescue the awake people lass" He says before placing me down on the ship. I looked around to see the vikings letting down a big bedsheet.

"Yay! I always wanted to ride a boat!" I say looking at the water.

"But dad promised me to take me with him though" I said.

Stoick wiped a tear from his eyes, and his friend handed him a napkin.

"Why are you crying mister?" I ask him.

"Nothing lass" he smiles before walking away.


"Welcome to Berk, Astrid" Stoick brought me to a really big island. Even bigger than my home.

"Wow! It's so big! And so clean" I giggled looking around.

"I want you to meet someone lass" Stoick says.

I tilted my head.


"HICCUP! I'M HOME!" Stoick yelled and a little boy in a large green long sleeved shirt ran to Stoick.

"Dad!" He giggled and hugged his dad.

"Hiccup, meet Astrid" Stoick says and Hiccup looks at me. He then smiles and runs to me.

"Wow! You're eyes are blue! They're so cool!" Hiccup says.

"You're eyes are green! Like the trees!" I giggled.

"Hey! I know a place where there are a lot of trees! You wanna go there?" He asks.

"I love trees! Let's go!" I said and Hiccup grabbed my hand before leading me where the green trees were.

And that was the beginning of my friendship with Hiccup. I eventually grew up, and knew the truth about what really happened to my home and family.

And once I did, I distanced myself from everybody. I wanted to live on my own. I stopped talking to Stoick and Hiccup.

But later on, I slowly came out of my shell. I didn't want to cry anymore. I didn't want to be weak, and that's how I became rude and mean, but strong and independent.

I let one tear escape my cheek. I wiped it away as soon as it rolled down my cheek.


And that was a chapter all about Astrid's past. I made it by myself okay?!

And if you're wondering, the monsters she mentioned were the dragons.

I hope you learned more about Astrid in this chapter :)

Love you guys


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