Chapter 38 I'll Find You (LAST CHAPTER)

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I was sharpening my axe the next day at Gobber's. Hiccup was helping his dad repair the ships since 2 Gronckles decided to chew of the ship parts.

"Hey Astrid!" I heard someone greet and I saw Emma standing.

"Hey Ems, is it okay if I call you that?" I ask.

"Anything's okay" She says approaching.

"So what's up?" I ask her flicking my bangs away from my face.

"Nothing much, say Astrid?" She says sitting on the stool nearby.

"Yep?" I ask.

"Does Berk have a history with Merida?"

As soon as she mentioned the name, I felt anger.

"More like with Hiccup" I mumbled.

"Really? Oh" She says innocently, playing with her fingers.

"Why? Where'd you hear that?" I ask looking at her suspiciously.

"Oh, there were talks around town. So much gossip here" She says and I nodded.

"But if you ever hear about her being here or something, come to me first" I growled.

"I will" She says swinging her feet.

She hopped of the stool and said goodbye before heading out.

I pulled my axe and examined it.

Sharp enough.

I turned around and exited Gobber's place.

Why did Emma ask about Merida?



I helped toss some planks of wood to the other vikings repairing the ship.

"Hiccup, we kinda need more wood"

"Alright, I'll go" Go to the forest to get wood so we can turn it to planks. (Is that how it works lol XD idc)

I was walking away to the forest away from the port. I started gathering some wood.

I rustles of leaves behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there. I kinda began to feel like I shouldn't have came here.

I gulped before turning back around and gathering wood.

I heard footsteps come closer and when I turned around, a cloaked figure was there before knocking me out completely.



I looked up from my finished drawing of Hiccup. Probably wasn't as skilled at drawing as he was, but it was kinda good.

I put on the bottom right.

My Strength

I smiled at my drawing. At least I got his smile right. I bit my lip picking it up and I ran outside. I went over to the port to see Stoick upset.

"Stoick! I mean--uhm *ahem* sir..." I said and and he looked over at me.

"It's alright lass, what is it?" He asks.

"Where's Hiccup?" I ask placing the drawing behind my back.

"That's what we're wondering. It's been almost 30 minutes" He groaned rubbing his temples.

"Oh I'll go look for him" I volunteered as tribute. (DON'T HATE)

"Alright" He says and I began running to the forest. As soon as I got there, the atmosphere changed.

It was, weird. It was awfully quiet.

"Hiccup?" I yelled but all I heard back was my own echo.

I walked more into the forest.

"Hiccup! You're dad is upset and I have something for you!" I yelled.

No answer.

"Where is that wimp?" I mumbled.

I looked around. I should see even a sign of a cut tree or something. Or footprints.

"Hiccup?! If this is a joke..." I started.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I walked more and more into the forest.

I suddenly had an idea of where he might be. It might be a long shot, but still worth trying.


I looked around the cove. The place where I first met Toothless.

"HICCUP?!" I yelled but I heard my echo once again.

"Where are you babe?" I whispered. I began walking back. Maybe I just missed him or something. Maybe he left the second I came in the forest.

I walked and walked. I took a few steps before I stepped on something hard. I looked down curiously. I bent down and removed the leaves. I saw it was Hiccup's ring. (LET'S JUST PRETEND HE HAD A RING OKAY?!)

It was a dragon. Well, it figures since he loved dragons.

I held it tight in my hand.

"Hiccup where are you?" I yelled.

"Gosh" I said before running out of the forest to alert Stoick immediately.


Stoick takes the ring from me.


I whistled for Stormfly.

"What are you doing Astrid?" He asks me stopping me.

"He saved me, now it's my duty to return the favor" I replied. I saw Stormfly and mounted on her. Stoick ran up to me and held Stormfly back.

"Astrid, it's too dangerous. What if someone attacks you?" He says.

"Stoick, I love your son, more than I could ever imagine. I won't let danger get in the way of it" I said before giving Stoick my drawing.

"If he comes back, and I don't, give him this" I said.

"What are you talking about lass?" He says taking the drawing.

"I think I have an idea where he is" I said.

"You really think he might be there?" Stoick asks.

"No, it's a possibility" I said thinking about Alvin's island.

"He's at Merida's" We heard a voice.

We snapped our heads to look at Emma standing shamefully.

"Merida, has him" Emma spoke.

"Emma? What are you talking about?" Gobber asks.

"I was the one who burned the tail" She says to me.


"But Merida told me to. If I didn't break you and Hiccup up, Merida would hurt Gobber. But I told her a few days ago that I wouldn't do it anymore and maybe she decided to take matters into her own hands" She says.

I didn't know what to feel. I was half mad and half sorry for her.

"We'll deal with this if I come back" I said to Emma.

Stoick held my hand.

"When, when you get back" Stoick corrects me. I smile wide.

"Oh almost forgot" I whispered before whistling.

"TOOTHLESS!" I yelled and the night fury came from above and landed right next to me.


"Let's go find Hiccup bud" I said.

"I'll see you soon Stoick" I said.

"Come back, with my son" He says.

"I promise" I smiled and we all said our goodbyes and began our search.

The gang even tagged along at the last minute. It was my turn to save Hiccup. He saved me, in so many ways.

Now it's my turn.

"Where are we going?" Snotlout asks riding on Hookfang.

"DunBroch" I said.

Hiccup I'll find you. We'll be together. We'll get married. We'll do whatever it takes for us to be together until the end of time.

We've been through so much, we can't give up now.

"Looks like I loved you more than anything. And I still do. I knew Merida wasn't the one, everything just felt off. But when I'm with you, I feel like I'm home" He said kissing my neck.

"I feel the same way Hiccup, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. Fighting for you" I whispered and he chuckled.

"I'll fight harder" He said, still not letting go of me.

"And Astrid?" He asked.

"Yes Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III?" I replied.

"I forgot to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I love you too"

I love you so much Hiccup.

I'll find you, I promise.

THE END of Book 1


So it's the end of book 1 :) I feel sad.

But don't fret, book 2 will be out either today or tomorrow :)

I would like to thank all of you for viewing my story. I hope the next book gets as much as views as this book will.

And I have one question.

Will you read my second book?

I love you guys, thank you so much for all your support!


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