Chapter 5 The Truth

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"Stop it Hookfang" I shooed away the dragon biting my clothes.

Hookfang didn't listen at all. He just continued biting on my shirt.

"I said shoo" I said while walking and someone bumped me.

"Sorry bro" Jack Frost patted my back.

"It's alright" I said. Man, how'd Hiccup stay so close around this guy? This guy's radiating freezing cold.

"So you're?" He asked.

"Snotlout" I answered.

"Snotlout. You're Astrid's friend right?" He asked.

"Yeah, closest actually. Me and her, we tight haha. We are--"

"I get it but I really need you to tell Astrid something" He begged.

"If you're thinking of dating her then you'll have to meet my knuckles first" I threatened.

"No! She's pretty. But no, it's about Hiccup" He said.

"What? What's wrong with Hiccup?" I asked him.

Jack pulled me into the air with him.

"Hey! Put me down Frosty!" I growled.

"Frosty? That's all you can come up with?" He asked putting us down on top of my house.

"How do you know where my house was?"

"There's a thing called stalking. You should try it sometime" Jack joked.

"Oh ha ha. So get to it, what's wrong with Hiccup" I asked him. Hookfang sneaked up behind me just to make sure I was okay. I patted his head.

Jack looked at Hookfang.

"He's not gonna tell anyone" I groaned.

"Alright, listen. Hiccup seems like he's inlove with Merida but actually he's not!"

"Seems like he is to me" I crossed my arms. Why should I believe this guy?

"No. Merida asked help from the same witch she went to who gave her the secret to change her mom into a bear. She came for this sort of 'love at first sight' potion. She gave it to Hiccup 3 years ago, and now Hiccup hasn't been the same" Jack explained.

Love potion. I guess that makes sense.

"The potion is good for people who have already fallen in love. It works by changing the person the guy already loved to whoever the guy sees after he drinks the potion" He said.

"So Merida transferred Hiccup's feelings for Astrid to herself?" I made sure.

"Exactly. Don't tell Merida or Punzie I told you this. They'll both kill me" He said.

"They're crazy! Especially Merida. She couldn't stand hearing Astrid's name all the time!" He added.

"That-that was great of you Jack. I truly thank you, you gave just gave Astrid hope" I hugged him quickly and pulled away.

"Don't tell anyone we did that" I warned and got down from the house to tell Astrid.

Boy will Astrid be happy to hear this.


I was just making myself some dinner when someone furiously knocked on my door.

"Hey calm down! Don't kill my door!" I yelled and opened it.

"Snotlout?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you"

"Come in and take a seat" I invited him in.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Then the truth came out. Everything came out. From Merida's potion to his confusion why I'm like this. I knew Hiccup was still in there, the Hiccup that loves me.

But I had a hint of doubt, like something saying that I shouldn't believe. It's because Jack is close to Merida. They might be planning something to make me think this way, so for now, until I can verify it, I'll carry on living without Hiccup.

After that long conversation, it took me a really long time to go to sleep because I wasn't sure what to believe.

"Do you Hiccup take Merida to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Hiccup said.

I just stood there. Here was Hiccup and Merida getting married. I couldn't move, just stand and watch.

"I may now pronounce you, husband and--"

I couldn't let him finish that sentence.

"NO! Hiccup! Don't marry her! I love you" I said to him.

"But I don't Astrid, get over it" Hiccup said in a deep voice.

I woke up with a scream and realized it was already dawn. I sighed and rubbed my head. That was not a good dream.

I walked out of the house to have an early morning walk with Stormfly close by.

"Morning Astrid!" Gobber said and I waved hi.

I passed by the Great Hall where I saw Hiccup and Merida, kissing. Yes kissing lips to lips. And instantly I thought about what Jack told Snotlout. Could it be true?

"Hey take a picture, it lasts longer!" I heard Merida snap and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Wasn't staring at you..... You beast" I whispered the last part and continued walking. I heard someone jog up to me and I just looked down at the feet beside mines and realized that the left foot wasn't a foot, but the foot made for Hiccup.


I ignored him.

"Please Astrid, talk to me" He whispered.

"I thought I made it clear not to talk to me"

"I-I just can't stop talking to you Astrid. I don't know why but I just can't"

I closed my eyes not letting the tears fall. Fight it Hiccup, fight it.


For me.

"Don't keep your girlfriend waiting Hiccup"


"I'll see you around" I said and continued walking.

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