Chapter 6 Astrid's First Spark of Hope

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"Hey guys" I called out to the others. We were just hanging out in the open and peaceful field.

"What?" Tuffnut answered.

I examined my extremely sharp battle axe, playing my finger lightly on the edge.

"What do you think would happen if I placed this axe bull's eye on Merida's big fat head?" I asked.

Fishlegs widened his eyes.

"She'd die" Ruff shrugged.

"She'll probably bleed, then die" Tuffnut corrected and Ruffnut smacked him.

"She'll be gone and you'll have Hiccup to yourself" Snotlout answered.

"Hmm. True" I sighed and placed my battle axe down.

"Are we gonna help Hiccup or not?" Fishlegs asked.

"We don't even know the cure for the potion" I replied.

"We could just ask Jack" Snotlout suggested. I would, but Jack was literally everywhere though. He wouldn't sit still in just one place.

"If we could just talk to him without Merida or Rapunzel knowing" I mumbled walking back and forth.

"We'll just wait for the right time and right place, and when the time comes...." Ruffnut said smirking at Tuffnut.

"We tie him up and place him in a place where no one can find him! Then we can get some answers, yeah!" Tuffnut finished for Ruffnut and then they high fived.

"Or we could just ask him when he's alone" Fishlegs suggested.

"Okay fine! Go with the hard way" Ruffnut rolled her eyes.

"That seems appropriate, we'll go with Fishlegs' plan" I said and they all agreed.

"So what should we do now?" Snotlout asked.

"We could--"

"If you say dragon racing I will slap you" Snotlout interrupted Fishlegs.

"Yeah, Astrid always wins these stuff. Let's do something that someone else may take the lead" Tuffnut suggested.

"How about just sitting back and relax, enjoy the peace while we still have it" Ruffnut suggested, laying her back on the soft field where we sat.

"Agreed" I said and mirrored her actions, and soon everyone did too.

"May I relax too?" A voice spoke and we saw Hiccup.

"I don't see why not" Fishlegs replied.

But of course, he had to lay beside me. OF-FREAKING-COURSE.

"Hi Astrid" He said staring up at the clouds.

I sighed in response.

The others decided to group their own when they saw me and Hiccup talking. They gathered not too far away from us.

"Still mad at me?" He asked.

"What do you think?"


"What did I do?" He asked.

"Hiccup jus-"

"If you tell me to talk to you when I know what's wrong with you, I might be dead before I know what's wrong" He interrupted.

I faced the other way, away from Hiccup's gazing eyes.

"I want it to be the old times Astrid. You punching me on the shoulder, being tough and all. You're also very brave and confident. Now, you don't even talk to me anymore" He whispered.

I sat up. I can't take this. I'm right on the verge of telling him Merida gave him a potion. But I can't say that because he'll say Merida wouldn't do such a thing and maybe I just might be jealous or that I hate Merida. I can't have him blaming me for something that isn't true, well, except for the hating Merida part.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, I wish I could tell you. But now's not the right time" I replied as strong as I could. Not letting my voice break.

"But promise me, that you won't ignore me anymore" He sat up beside me.


"That's the Astrid I know" He winked.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I punched his shoulder as hard as I could.


"Both. That was for leaving us for 5 years. 5 years isn't just a couple of years you know?" I smirked.

"It's not my fault Pitch escaped our first encounter, he's good at hiding you know"

"I don't care about no Pitch" I replied.

"That's what I like about you" He smiled.

I smiled and blushed at him. He then groaned and held his head.

"What's wrong Hiccup?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.



I held my head between my hands. Something sparked up in my mind. I don't know what it is.

"Uh are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked them.

Astrid punched my shoulder like the girl she is. I'll never get used to that.

"Lighten up Hiccup" She said before kissing my cheek, sending me to Cloud 9. It's official, I think I love this tough little Blondie. She grabbed my hand which made me feel sparks and twitchy inside, and dragged me out, doing what I loved to do.

Be with her.

"What's wrong Hiccup?" Astrid asked me with her gleaming eyes.

"I-I'm fine Astrid, just a headache that's all" I replied.

"You should go and take a rest" She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"As long as you promise me that we'll hang out tomorrow" I smirked at her.

"Oh Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III" She punched my shoulder again. I chuckled.

"I'm serious" I said.

She smiled faintly at me.

"Wouldn't miss it Metal-Leg" She winked and I felt happy inside.

We both said our goodbyes. There was something about Astrid that made me want to be around her more. Is that a bad thing?



What was wrong with Hiccup? Was he alright?

"Where's lover boy off to?" Ruffnut asked as she came back to me with the others.

"I don't know, he had a major headache so I told him to rest. And we are hanging out tomorrow" I said.

"What?! Really?! Tell me the deets!" Ruffnut squealed and the others looked at her wide eyed.

"I am a girl, so quit you're staring" She hissed at the guys.

I told them what me and Hiccup just did and what we promised to do tomorrow.

"That's our chance! You and Hiccup do your date, distract Hiccup and then in the meantime, we will find Jack!" Fishlegs suggested.

"That's perfect! Mission accepted" I said and we all did a fist bump.

Let's do this.


Woop woop.

That happened :) are you guys liking the story so far? Let me know, that would be much appreciated thanks :)

You guys remember the vision Hiccup saw? *wink wink*

Oh and follow me too! I'm looking for HTTYD stories to read too :)

Mwah 💋

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