Chapter 7 Back In Time

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I went to the Great Hall the next day to meet up with the others.

"So have you seen Jack?" I asked them.

"Yeah, he's with Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup at the Blacksmith's" Fishlegs sighed.

"We need a way to get him separated from them"

"You guys just distract the others while I just get Jack out of there, got it?" Snotlout said.

"You're good with coming up with ideas sometimes you know?" I patted his head.

"Yeah yeah let's just go"


In a matter of minutes, surely the Big Four were there at the blacksmith's, watching Hiccup do his work with Gobber.

"Hey guys! Nice seeing you guys here!" Tuffnut started.

"Hi! Tuffnut right?" Rapunzel gleamed with happiness. Seriously, nothing can crush this girl's feelings.

"Yeah" Tuffnut replied.

"Nice seeing you guys too" Jack floated.

"Hey, when you float, do you have to think of like happy thoughts? Or have like faith trust or??" Snotlout wondered.

"Oh no, the wind carries me"

"That's awesome. The wind never carries, I'm too much of a fatball to fly anywhere" Snotlout patted his tummy.

"Hey if you're fat, what does that make me?!" Fishlegs crossed his arms.

"It's okay Fishlegs" I patted his back.

"Astrid! H-Hi Astrid!" Hiccup waved and Merida glared at me.

I flicked my bangs away and waved hi in response.

"Hi Astrid. Fancy seeing ya here" Merida started with bitterness in her voice.

"Likewise" I said with the same bitterness.

"So uhm I was wondering if we could hang out like, after I was done here?" Hiccup asked me.

"Whatever fits your schedule I guess" I shrugged.

"Alright then!" He smiled and went back to his work.

Merida glared more at me and I just winked at her. She shook her head and she looked like she was murdering me in her mind. Don't worry, I do that too.

"Hey! Were you guys born at the same time?" Rapunzel asked Tuff and Ruff.

"No, I was born first while Ru-"

"HEY I WAS BORN FIRST" Ruffnut slapped Tuffnut's chest.

"Excuse me I'm the guy, I was born first"

"Ladies first remember?" Ruffnut asked. And that was the fight that lasted 10 minutes.

I around to see Jack and Snotlout gone. Good boy, Snotlout.

"Hey uhm, just find me after you're done Hiccup! I'll be uhm-around" I said and dragged the others out.

"Bye!" Rapunzel waved.

"Bye!!" We said to her.

I swear Rapunzel's so nice.

We met Snotlout behind the Great Hall with Jack.

"Hey Jack" I said.

"Hello there Astrid, Astrid's friends!" He waved.

"We need your help" I said.

"You need the cure for the potion? Snotlout told me" Jack smiled.

"Yes, do you know the cure?"

"Just make him remember things you used to do. Small gestures that mean a lot to him. If he remembers something, he'll get a headache" Jack said.

A headache. After I punched him.

"YES! He had a headache after I playfully punched him, I used to do that to him a lot"

"That's good. Let him remember more things and gradually he will remember and figure it out himself" Jack smiled floating and sitting on his stick.

"Oh alright, how long will that take?" I asked him.

"Depends on how strong his feelings were for you. If you wanna hurry things up, you could always give him the typical 'true love's kiss'" Jack air quoted.

I blushed a bit.

"Uh huh I'll think about it" I cleared my throat.

"I hate Merida" Ruffnut clenched her fists.

"You and me bro" I replied.

"Well, gotta go guys, they might be looking for me" Jack said gliding away.

"Good luck with Hiccup Astrid" He smiled then finally disappeared.

"Kiss him eh?" Tuffnut nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up Tuffnut" I rolled my eyes.

After that, I said goodbye to the others and went to the cliff. I looked at the horizon.

"Just a bit more" I whispered. Just a bit more patience, love and hardwork to get Hiccup back. It'll all be worth it.

"BOO" Someone said and I jumped and turned around.

"Hiccup! That's not funny" I said and punched his shoulder.

He groaned and held his shoulder.

"Ow okay, you're definitely stronger, no doubt" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Nah you're just a wimp"

"Excuse me?" He smirked.

"You heard me" I winked.

He chuckled. "Still the same old Astrid"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Wanna take a ride on Toothless?" He asked and if course I agreed.

We were just relaxingly gliding just above the waters of the ocean, dipping my hand down to touch the water.

"It's beautiful this time of day" Hiccup said.

"Mhm" I agreed and encircled my arms around him, leaning my chin on his shoulder. (If you saw Astrid's first ride on Toothless with Hiccup on HTYYD 1, you'll know what I mean)

"Ow" Hiccup said holding his head with his right hand.




There goes another head ache. This was the same headache I felt yesterday with Astrid. It felt like I was being electrified through the brain.

Astrid held her arms around my waist tightly and leaned her chin on my shoulder. Oh my Thor I can't believe this is happening right now. I was so happy Astrid agreed to take this flight with me.

We took a peaceful flight high up in the sky, with the beautiful Berk lights.

"Alright, I admit. This is pretty cool" She marveled at the sights around.

"It's amazing..... He's amazing" She said before petting Toothless' side.

And you're amazing, Astrid.

That memory. I know that memory from somewhere.



"Hiccup please tell me you're okay" I said shaking him lightly.

"Huh, yeah" Hiccup said Toothless looking back at us. He growled.

"Yeah bud, I'm fine" He said.

"You alright? What happened?" I asked Hiccup.

"I don't know, I just remembered something I guess" He said a bit unsure. Did he remember something else?

Because I did.

This took me back to the time Hiccup took me flying on Toothless for the first time. It was the first Hiccup and Astrid moment, and it was the best. I was happy that I didn't refuse to ride with Hiccup. Because if I did, I wouldn't be feeling like this right now.

Wish me luck, I'm getting Hiccup back.


Back in time to their first Hiccstrid moment ;)

The cure! They know the cure! Yaaaaaaaay!

P.S. I love you guys ❤️❤️

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