Chapter 8 A Hero is A Betrayer

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Lol guys personally I think Unexpected is more better than my first story, Life in Berk. So I'm putting 'Life In Berk' on hold because I'm also enjoying this story better :3

Oh please recommend me good stories to read :) idk what to read cuz I'm waiting for the updates of the other stories I'm reading lol ❤️❤️

And I love you guys because you actually take time to read my story. I'm so thankful for that :) thank you!



The next day after me and Hiccup went flying, we went to the Great Hall as usual to meet up.

I sat down and said good morning. I looked over to Tuffnut and he was frowning while Ruffnut was smiling wide.

"Hey what's with the mixed emotions?" I asked the twins.

"Ha! I was born before Tuffnut!" Ruffnut cheered.

"That was only by what, an hour?" He rolled his eyes.

"Guys get over it" Snotlout said.

"Whew I'm glad that I'm the only child in my family" Fishlegs sighed.

Snotlout slapped him in the face, knowing that I was just listening to their conversation.

If you're wondering, I'm the only child. Literally. I'm the only one who is a Hofferson so far. My parents died protecting me from dragons, and guess what? I'm protecting dragons. I don't know if I have an aunt or uncle or cousins, but I'm better here in Berk because everyone here is family.

"I'm sorry Astrid, Fishlegs wasn't thinking" Snotlout spoke.

"It's alright. I'm used to it" I smiled back.

"Anywho what should we do today?" Ruffnut asked.

"I was actually thinking we can spend the day hanging with our dragons" I suggested.

"Yeah, haven't been with Meatlug that much"

"Or Hookfang either"

"Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said.


Guess where we were, yep. The forest.

I was playing catch with Stormfly where I toss up stones and she catches it mid air.

"Nice one girl" I smiled and tossed more stones. Stormfly purred and I scratched her neck.

I heard someone rustle up some leaves and I prepared my battle axe.

"Come out or you'll never be able to!" I threatened and out came Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Astrid, you've got to help us" Rapunzel desperately said.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Merida is planning to poison Stoick!"

"What?! Why?!"

"So when Hiccup is the chief, she is basically in control of this place. She's got Hiccup wrapped around her finger! He'll do whatever she wants! Unless you want this place safe, we'll have to stop her" Rapunzel said.

" Why? Why is she doing this?" I asked.

"The dragons, she wants the dragons. She wants to overcome everything, she wants power" Rapunzel said.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked her.

"Because I'm not the kind of person Merida is"

Stoick, Hiccup, the village is in danger.

Stormfly tilted her head listening to us.

"How is she going to poison Stoick?" I ask.

"You know how we're leaving next week? Merida's planning to poison Stoicks goblet and place a potion in everyone else's. A potion that makes everyone bow down at her commands"

I was lucky Rapunzel was giving me these details. We could save Berk.

"I can't let her hurt anyone" I growled.

"That's why I came to you" Rapunzel replied.

I went to her and hugged her.

"Thank you Rapunzel, you just saved the whole village"

"No problem"


"I knew Merida was up to no good!" Snotlout spoke from inside of Hookfang's mouth. Snotlout thought it was a good idea to brush Snotlout's teeth.

"That girl is so getting her skull crushed" Tuffnut hissed.

"And burned" Ruffnut added.

"We have to come up with a plan" I started.

"We could just exchange the drinks before they get served" Snotlout suggested.

"Snotlout for Loki's sake get out of there" I yelled.

"I can't. His tongue is sticking to my body"

"Ugh" Tuffnut groaned.

"We could always take the drinks that Merida will serve. Like, steal em." Tuffnut said.

"Alright, until we could come up with a better plan, that's our plan for now" I said.

"Why can't we just threaten Merida? If she does this, we'll tell Stoick and everybody else" Fishlegs suggested.

"No one will believe us Fishlegs. They'll think we're just jealous or something" I replied.

"Hmph, we'll stick to the stealing the drinks plan then"

"Alright. It's up to us to save Berk okay?" I said.

They all nodded.

"We can't let anything happen to our home. To my only home." I whispered the last part.

"And we are helping" Jack suddenly appeared with Rapunzel.

"Looks like we're not alone then" I smiled at them.

Well, we're going to be the Big Seven plus dragons then >:)

I'm sorry Merida, but you're plan isn't going to work.


Ooooooooooh Merida's got an evil side :O

How do you feel about all that's happening right now? Let me know <3&

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