Chapter 9 Dat Kiss Doe

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I did backflips on Stormfly on the sky.

"That's it girl" I smiled but halfway the flip, someone blasted a fireball at us and it caused me to lose my grip and fall.

"STORMFLY!" I screamed as I fell and Stormfly's figure started getting smaller and smaller as I fell deeper.

Is this how death greets everybody?

Suddenly someone caught me and I looked to see Emerald eyes.

"Are you okay?! I didn't mean for that to happen!" Hiccup hugged me tight while Toothless kept flying.

I slapped his cheek.

"That was for making me fall!" I screamed.

I the punched his chest knowing it wouldn't do any damage to him.

"That was for everything else" I said and hugged him tight. I bet he could feel my heart beating rapidly. That was by far the most scariest thing that happened to me.

"I'm so sorry Astrid" He hugged me back tightly as I did.



I hugged her tightly. I didn't want this to happen and thank Thor I caught her in time. I closed my eyes, enjoying Astrid's warm embrace.

"Wow, th-that's a big opportunity Hiccup. You'll have the honor of protecting everybody" She was being strong for me. She placed her hand on my cheek and I leaned on it, feeling it so soft and gentle.

"I know but, I don't want to leave Berk. Or you" I replied. Studying her beautiful blue eyes and her beautiful face. She had a pinkish color on her cheeks and her lips were almost red as roses. She was the most amazing person that I have ever met.

"Go Hiccup, I'll be here always, I'll be waiting for you" She held back her tears. I wanted her to be strong, but the tears holding her back didn't do her any good.

"You can cry you know" I whispered.

She laughed and let out her tears.

She hugged my tightly, and I held her, pulling more of her into me. I securely wrapped my arms around her waist.

The next thing she said was the three words that I've always wanted to hear, but I never said back. And I regret it, so bad.

"I-I love you, Hiccup"

I opened my eyes and looked down at Astrid, smiling.

I don't know what these visions were, or if they were a daydream or a memory. I think Astrid is supposed to mean something more to me, than this.



I opened my eyes and looked to see Hiccup smiling at me.

I pulled away and cleared my throat while blushing.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I just noticed how, amazing your eyes looked under the sunlight" He whispered about to touch my cheek but I looked away.

"I-I think I should get back to Stromfly" I said.

"Y-yeah" He said and we landed, Stormfly obediently waiting for me. I got off Toothless and hugged him tight.

"Always take care of him okay buddy?" I whispered to Toothless. Toothless purred and licked me.

"Alright alright" I laughed and Hiccup was just watching me. I turned around to walk to Stormfly.

"That was quite a surprise attack Haddock" I said to Hiccup while mounting on Stormfly.

"Yeah, a surprise attack that went insanely wrong"

"Good thing you were there to catch me in time" I sighed in relief,

"Yeah, sorry bout that"

"It's alright" I said.

"Well I just wanted to say hi" Hiccup said and left me there, flying away back to his house I assume.

"I miss you, Haddock" I whispered watching him.

"Can't you keep a hint? Stay away!" I heard Merida's voice and sure enough, she was there, her hair still unsurprisingly untamed.

Stormfly growled at her.

"I'll do what I want, you don't own me" I snapped.

Stormfly came near her.

"No Stormfly, I'll handle this" I said and got off of her back.

"You know? Yer so stubborn! I swear I sometimes I want to shoot arrows at your head"

"Wish I could slice my axe down your throat. I'm not scared of you Merida" I replied.

"Neither am I" She stepped closer to me, clenching her bow in her hand.

"Don't start something you won't finish" I warned her.

"Don't want something you can't have"

Ugh that's it. I swung my battle axe at her while dodging her fast arrows. She was good in dodging too.

I threw my battle axe at her but she dodged it perfectly. What happened next I didn't expect. It happened so slowly.

Her arrow flew past my waist, leaving a large wound, and didn't take long for it to start bleeding.

I looked at her to see her arm bleeding too, looks like I hit her with battle axe. My vision started getting blurry as the last thing I saw was Merida running away before I completely blacked out on Stormfly who caught me just in time.


"Wake up! Astrid! Oh Thor!" I hear someone's echoing voice, and feeling an excruciating pain on my waist. I was being shaken rapidly.

I opened my eyes to see Hiccup holding me.

"Hiccup? I-I-Merida...." I groggily said but he shushed me.

"You've been here lying unconscious on the ground for hours!" He said before picking me up.

"Ow Hiccup, stop it hurts"

"I'm sorry Astrid, I have to bring you home" He whispered gently before placing me on Toothless and riding away with Stormfly close by.

"Hiccup stop! I'm fine!" I said as Hiccup dabbed my wound with wet cloth.

"I can't Astrid, I have to clean this" He said and I sighed.

"I shouldn't be here" I started before sitting up.

He guided me back down.

"Astrid please don't, I don't want you to get hurt" He said.

We stayed quiet as I watched his cute face focusing on treating my wound, finally wrapping a cloth on it to stop the bleeding.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I went to your house, but you weren't there so I assumed you were in the forest, so there I found you" He replied sitting back on his chair looking at me.

"Why?" I asked.

He blushed slightly.

"Just wanted to see if you were okay after what happened and obviously you weren't" He said.

"Merida did this" I whispered.

"She wouldn't"

"Well face it, she did okay?" I said.

"Merida's not the kind of person" He shook his head.

"Well she is. I don't care if you believe me or not" I sat up and put on my boots.

"And where are you going?" He watched me stand up.

I felt a jolt of pain and I bent down holding my waist while groaning.

"Let me bring you home, at least" He said appearing beside me so fast and placing his arm gently around my waist.

"Whatever" I replied.


When we got there I went down from Toothless and walked to my door.

"Thanks for the lift I guess" I turned to him.

Then he did something I did not expect him to. He kissed my cheek.


"Hiccup?" I asked unsure.

"I-I'm sorry, Astrid. I-I don't know what came over me" He apologized.

I didn't say anything but just went inside my house. I touched my cheek and slid down the door, letting out a few tears.

When will you come back to me Hiccup?


That's another vision for Hiccup guys!

You guys HAPPY?

You guys HAPPY??


:D lalalalala

Oh and I love you guys ;) you guys are seriously the best. The thing that keeps me going you know?

Thank you for all the comments and votes :')

*le cry*


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