Unexpected ~How To Train Your Dragon Love Story~

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ALRIGHT! Story takes place after the the end of HTTYD, the first movie! Alright? Okay :)

I wanted to write a story with also Astrid as Hiccup's love interest so I have stories with someone else as Hiccup's love interest and Astrid as Hiccup's love interest :)

Well hope you enjoy both anyway :)



Life in Berk will never be the same after what Hiccup did for us. He did us all a favor, and I'm proud that Stoick is proud of him.

Hiccup. That little scrawny boy. He was scrawny, but that wasn't what I saw in the inside. He was tough, brave, and dedicated. That day I discovered Toothless, was the day Hiccup changed my view of him forever. I no longer saw this loser who we thought couldn't even carry a battle axe for more than 20 seconds. I kinda felt guilt for picking on him before. He really proved us wrong.

Now, we saw a boy that can take down a humungous beast with his tamed dragon. It was all a first for me. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was the boy I never thought I'd like, or maybe even love.

That is, until now.


I woke up to the sound of my Deadly Nadder, Stormfly, snoring lightly near my fireplace. I sat up and yawned as I stretched. Stormfly was the companion I've never had. Seriously. I never had a pet, and now I have Stormfly, she wasn't my pet but my best friend.

"Stormflyy, time for breakfast" I shook her gently. She woke up with a pur and instantly got up happily at the sight of me.

"Let's go eat" I opened the doors to let out Stormfly so she could fly to the feeding place nearby. I walked out and smiled as the sun was shining brightly today.

I went to the Great Hall and saw Hiccup with Tuff, Ruff, Snotlout and Fishlegs. I went over to their table.

"Ooh here come's the hero's damsel" Ruffnut teased Hiccup. Hiccup glanced at me and blushed slightly.

"Shut up guys" I sat down in between Hiccup and Fishlegs. I glanced at Hiccup.

"Morning Dragon-Tamer" I nudged him.

"M-morning Astrid" He looked down and I just shook my head playfully.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Snotlout asked everybody.

"Let's go do something dangerous" Ruffnut clapped.

"Something stupid" Tuffnut replied.

"Anything that involves our feet placed firmly on the ground" Fishlegs crossed his arms.

I thought of something to do. Since we have dragons and we loved flying them, why don't we try out for some dragon racing?

"Hey, I know what we could do" I flicked my blonde bangs away from my face.

The others waited for me anxiously.

"Let's go Dragon Racing" I smirked.

"Uhhh" Hiccup started.

"AWESOME" Snotlout yelled and all the vikings turned to him.

"Carry on" Snotlout cleared his throat.

"Let's do it" Tuffnut stood up and the others followed. They walked towards the exit.

"Yeah" I said and went after them and Hiccup caught up to me.

"Uh are you sure that's a good idea?" Hiccup asked me.

I punched his shoulder because I'm weird like that.

"Lighten up Hiccup" I kissed his cheek. I giggled when he smiled that bright smile of his. I took his hand in mine and dragged him along.

"Let's go" I said and we caught up to the others already mounted on the backs of their dragons.


The whole day we spent racing like I've said. But at the end of the day, no one was able to beat Hiccup and Toothless. Not even close.

"Wow" Snotlout breathed heavily.

"Hiccup's fast" Tuffnut straightened his helmet.

"Well, he IS the most experienced dragon tamer" I placed my hands on my hips.

"It's just in the matter of practice" Hiccup smirked.

We all headed back to town with our dragons right behind us. We saw Stoick approaching us with not really a happy look.

"Hiccup I've been looking everywhere for you" Stoick groaned.

"What is it dad?" Hiccup asked.

"Excuse me, but I need to talk to Hiccup alone" Stoik said.

I kissed Hiccup's cheek.

"We'll go, bye Hiccup" I smiled and he kissed me on the lips this time. I blushed hard while everyone wolf whistled.

We all said goodbye and gone back home for the rest of the day.


I twisted and turned in bed as I knew it was already morning. I groaned.

"Stormfly I don't wanna get up" I groaned.

We heard then knocks on the door. I got up and opened to see Hiccup's handsome face.

"Hey" He greeted then kissed me.

"Good morning" I smiled.

"Can I come in?" He asked. The way he asked gave me a bad feeling. What was happening?

"Sure, come" I let him in, closing the door behind me. He sat on my couch with Changewing not too far away.

"I need to tell you something" He started. He ran his fingers through his hair.

Oh boy. This won't end good, I know it.

I sat across from him and looked at him.

"You can tell me anything" I placed my hand on his and he didn't hesitate to wrap his fingers tight, holding my hand.

"I-I'm leaving Astrid"

Those words hit me so painfully.

"Forever?" I asked.

"No. I just won't be around for a while" He whispered kissing my hand which was in his.

"For how long Hiccup?" I asked.

"A couple of years" then the room fell silent.

I wanted to cry. But I never cry. I have to be strong.

"Why?" My voice breaking.

"I'm soon going to be the 4th member of the Big 3" he said.

The big 3. My dad used to tell me about them.

Jack Frost. The Guardian of Winter. Dad says he helped the world by defeating Pitch, the one who gave nightmares to peaceful dreams.

Rapunzel. A girl who formerly had long blonde hair, that glowed and heal any kind of wound. But now, she didn't have her hair but that didn't stop her. She was still good with her frying pan and she still has magic running through her veins.

Merida. The best archer there is. She accidentally turned her mother into a bear because she didn't want to turn into what her mother expected her to be. She was brave, and strong.

"Wow, th-that's a big opportunity Hiccup. You'll have the honor of protecting everybody" I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I know but, I don't want to leave Berk. Or you" he replied looking at me.

"Go Hiccup, I'll be here always, I'll be waiting for you" I smiled trying hard not to cry.

"You can cry you know"

And I laughed letting my tears fall.

I hugged him tightly. The tightest I could go.

"I-I love you, Hiccup"


I watched as Hiccup waved goodbye at the town on Toothless. Saying goodbye to Toothless didn't make everything easier. They flew away fast and just like that, gone. Everybody was heartbroken. For the first time ever, I saw Stoick cry. Ruff and Tuff was silent the whole day. Fishlegs preferred to go home after Hiccup left. Snotlout cried too, but he hid it from everyone. Gobber stared at Hiccup's workplace at the blacksmith the whole day.

I walked sadly home. My legs felt like they weight a ton. My heart broke more when I passed Hiccup's house. Normally I'd see Toothless perched on top of the house, but now, I see none. I see an empty house without the boy's smiling face in it. The dragons were a bit gloomy too with the sudden disappearance of their dear friend Toothless.

I can tell that this day is what it'll be like for the next several days, gloomy and unhappy.

Well, that was what it was like with our Day 1 without Hiccup.

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