Chapter 2

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Present Day

Letting myself into my dorm room, I sighed and dropped my bag on the floor next to my bed before stripping out of my clothes and making my way towards the bathroom, in desperate need of a shower.  As I thought about the situation with Jungkook, I realized this would have never happened if I had refrained from making three mistakes.  Listening to Anya and going to the party had been mistake number one.  Getting in Jungkook's bed that night had been mistake number two.  Mistake number three?  Being an absolute total fucking moron for letting myself fall for him.

As I turned on the water, I thought about the last three months.  Nothing had gone like I expected it would.  I was expecting a decent fuck, followed by radio silence, but no.  Nothing ever goes my way.  After the more than decent sex, Jungkook had asked for my number.  I had been surprised and gave it to him before I could think to say no.  I left his apartment, one he shared with a cute quiet guy in my Sociology class named Yoongi, not really expecting to hear from him again.  At least not more than the normal hellos we said in passing. 

But Jungkook was full of surprises.  He texted me the next day, asking if I wanted to meet up.  That one night, one message, one stupid fucking decision was the catalyst that set everything else rolling.  Before I knew it, I was meeting Jungkook at random times for sex.  Usually at his place, but not always.  There was a quick round in the biology lab, one in the staff toilet, and more than a few in his car, parked on the opposite side of campus, away from prying eyes.  The one night I had planned on had developed into a friends with benefits sort of deal and if I had ever tricked myself into thinking it was more, I was viciously shot down to earth when I accidentally saw my name in his phone: FWB 4. Yeah.  Not even my name.  Just a number.

It should have been a wakeup call, but I think I have already established the fact that I am a dumbass when it comes to Jungkook.  And although I want to kick myself sometimes for having these feelings for him, I can't say I'm surprised.  With his thick dark hair, wide innocent eyes, and adorable smile, he's the most devastatingly handsome and sexy man I have ever seen in my life. Outside of the bedroom, on the campus of the university, he's polite and funny, sweet and kind.  However, the instant a party begins, that angelic façade fades away and he becomes the devil incarnate.

I finished my shower, once again feeling disappointed in myself.  I hated feeling cheap like this, but unfortunately for me, there was no turning down Jungkook, no walking away from the man who owned my heart.  I hated the feeling, but I didn't know what else to do about it, how else to handle it all.  After drying off, I climbed into my bed, my heart feeling heavy as I knew nothing would ever change.


"What do you think babe?  Want to join me tonight?"  Jungkook's voice was low, raspy, but this time it wasn't directed at me.  I had been going back to my sociology classroom to grab the computer charger I had left behind, but unfortunately ran into the person whose face filled my thoughts.  However, he was already occupied with someone else. 

They looked up when I entered and I ducked my head in embarrassment.  "Sorry.  Just... just grabbing my charger."  I pointed to the one plugged into the wall, hurrying over and pulling it out before shoving it into my bag.  Not wanting to see Jungkook's lips all over the new girl, I averted my eyes from the sight and hurried out of the room, trying to keep the tears that were now stinging from slipping down. 

I will not cry over Jungkook.  I will not cry over Jungkook.  I will not...

"Shit!" I didn't notice the person I ran into until my nose hit their hard chest.  "Are you okay?"

I rubbed the stinging muscle, trying not to let my eyes water, giving me a whole new reason to cry.  "Yeah.  I'm so so..." Looking up, my words trailed off at the handsome man in front of me.

"Am I that handsome?"  The smirk on the man's face made the butterflies in my stomach flit around. 

YES! I wanted to shout out the word, but I bit my tongue instead.  "Um... sorry for bumping into you.  I was... was trying to get to class."

"It's alright.  I can't complain when a pretty girl runs into me."  The man's voice was low and sensual and when I looked back up at him, I could see it matched his looks perfectly.  He had dark hair that fell over his face and when he grinned, I could see the perfect shape to his beautiful full lips.  "Name's Seokjin, but you can call me Jin."

"Y/N.  Nice to meet you."  I took the offered hand, marveling at the size of his hands compared to mine.  He had long beautiful fingers and large palms.  I went to say something else, but an arm around my shoulder distracted me. 

"Hey babe.  Why'd you run off so quickly?"  Jungkook's voice was deep in my ear and I couldn't stop the shiver that suddenly raced up my spine.  Jungkook and I never had any kind of interaction outside of his bedroom, especially not in public so it made wonder what exactly he was thinking at the moment.

"Oh sorry man.  I didn't realize she was taken."  Jin's voice was smooth as he looked between Jungkook and me.

Shaking my head, I subtly shoved Jungkook's arm off my shoulder.  "I'm not.  We're just friends."  If you could really even call us that.  I could hear a slight hitch in Jungkook's breathing, but I ignore it, brushing it off as something else, anything else.  I knew he wasn't bothered by the fact that I had said he was just a friend.  That I was absolutely sure of.  "I am running late though.  It was nice to meet you."

Giving Jungkook a small smile, I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and hurried away from the uncomfortable scene, not entirely sure what had just happened.  The man, with his plump lips, had looked like an angel in his loose white sweater and light colored jeans, while Jungkook was the embodiment of sin dressed all in black.  Trying to distract myself, I slid into my seat in my Policies and Reform class, waiting for the professor, Dr. Gonzalez to begin the class.  My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a message from Jungkook.

I tried to put my attention back onto what my professor was saying, but I couldn't keep my mind on him.  Normally his lectures were engaging and informative, but today he just seemed to drone on and it was all I could do to pay attention.  When the class finally ended, I quickly packed up my stuff, eager to get out of there and back to my dorm, away from Jungkook and whichever girl he managed to find in the short period of time since we last saw each other. 

Hurrying out of the classroom, I pulled my phone from my bag, turning it back on.  Not watching where I was going, I almost ran into a tall figure, but this time he caught me by the arms before I could barrel into him.  "Are you going to make this a habit?  Because I might like it."  Jin's voice was filled with amusement.  How was it that I never saw this guy before but managed to run into him twice today?  Literally run into him.  What kind of divine being did I piss off recently?

"I'm really sorry.  I'm usually not this clumsy. I swear."  I ducked my head down in embarrassment and tried to sidle past him as I stuck my phone in my pocket, eager to get this humiliating interaction over with.

"Wait a minute."  Jin grabbed my wrist gently.  "How come I haven't seen you before?"

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but probably better resembled one of those air filled waving people outside of car dealerships.  "I don't... I don't know.  I spend a lot of time in the library."

Jin grinned, those full lips turning up.  "That explains a lot.  I'm usually out on the soccer field, but since the season just ended, I have a lot more free time now."  Jin looked over my shoulder at the classroom that I just exited from.  "Ahhh... you have Dr. Gonzalez.  You must either be in the counseling or social work program."

Raising an eyebrow at him, I couldn't help but be curious about him.  "Social work but how do you know?" 

"I'm in the counseling program.  I had Dr. Gonzalez last year.  He's good.  Definitely knows his stuff.  Can be a little intimidating, but I liked him." Jin ducked his head, almost seeming embarrassed and I couldn't help but think about how cute he looked. Almost bashful. 

"Counseling?"  I couldn't help but be surprised.  When he mentioned soccer, I automatically assumed he must be part of one of the sports medicine programs, but it shows how wrong I usually am when it comes to make assumptions about people.  A fleeting image of Jungkook passed through my mind, but I quickly shoved it away, not wanting to think about him right now.

Jin nodded.  "Yeah. I want to work with teens.  You know... give them the support they don't always get at home."

My cousin came to mind and I realized how much someone like Jin could have helped her all those years ago when I couldn't, when I didn't know what to do.  "That's a very admirable profession.  The world definitely needs more people who are willing to take on such a demanding field."

Jin's cheeks turned pink and I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.  "Um... I know you don't know me very well, but would you be interested in getting coffee?  There's a cute little café not far from here.  Maybe...?"  His question trailed off as he ducked his head down again.

"Yeah.  I would like that." 

The smile on Jin's face grew and I had to smile back.  "Since the weather is pretty nice, we could walk.  Is that okay with you?"

"Sure.  Sounds good.  I spend enough time locked up in my dorm room or the library studying so some time outside sounds good."  A vibration from my phone startled me, but I ignored it, having a good feeling who it might be.  It continued to vibrate before stopping then starting once again.  I was almost curious to look, knowing Jungkook was never the type to call twice.  He always said that if you didn't answer the first time then he wasn't wasting his time trying again.  That should have been a huge red flag to avoid him at all costs, but those gorgeous eyes and sexy smirk overruled and shoved any ounce of common sense to the bottom of the barrel.

With Jin by my side, I headed out of the university, a flash of black leather catching my eye.  I looked up to see Jungkook leaning against side of the building and when he saw me, his eyes narrowed, something that looked like irritation lingering in them, something that I wasn't used to seeing.  Could it actually be that Jungkook was jealous?  Shaking my head, I pushed the thought away.  Yeah.  Like that could actually happen.

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