Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV:

Three months earlier...

"What about her?" My roommate, Yoongi, pointed out the girl walking towards us. She was pretty, that was obvious, but I gave an uninterested shrug, not really wanting to pursue her when there was someone else lodged in my mind.


"What about her?" Yoongi gestured towards a girl with long dark hair and I remember sleeping with her already.

I shook my head in refusal. "No. Not her either."

Yoongi sighed. "What is with you lately? You're acting like you have no interest in girls anymore. Is there something you want to tell me?" Yoongi nudged my shoulder and sent me a suggestive wink. Rolling my eyes, I punched his arm before moving away from him.

"No thanks. That's all right for you, but I definitely prefer women." Yoongi laughed at my reaction and I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

My roommate was definitely an enigma. He had dark hair that hung over his pale face, which was usually covered in a black ball cap. His face usually carried a scowl and he was rarely seen without his black leather jacket, a worn one with silver chains. He was a DJ for the local radio station, while he was finishing up his last couple classes for recording arts. While his looks definitely would have made him a well sought after fuckboy, he was completely the opposite, unfailingly loyal to his boyfriend of six years, Hoseok. They had their first year in college, both of them latecomers. When they had come out to their parents, both sets had been surprisingly supportive, accepting the other without issue, making everything easier on their nervous sons.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Yoongi's eyes were concerned and I knew he wasn't going to let it go until I admitted what was bothering me, what had me so distracted from the girls he had been pointing out.

"No. Not really." Looking around the busy central foyer, I grabbed Yoongi's arm and pulled him down the corridor until I reached a quiet alcove, one that was far enough away from the busy common area, giving me the privacy to reveal my secret. "I... I met a girl."

Yoongi's face was unimpressed as he eyed me. "Okay? You meet girls all the time."

Wanting to shake him, I narrowed my eyes in irritation, surprised that he wasn't getting it. "Listen to me. I. Met. A. Girl."

"You already..." Yoongi's voice trailed off as my meaning sunk in. "Oh fuck me running."

"Um... no thanks, but yeah."

Plopping down on the bench nearby, Yoongi's eyes concentrated on my face, the surprise at my confession clear. "Well... who is she? What do you know about her?"

I shrugged. "I don't... I don't know anything about her. All I know is she's the roommate of Tae's girl."

His eyebrows furrowed in thought, but then Yoongi's face broke out in a grin as he realized just whom I was referring to. "Are you talking about Y/N?"

Nodding my head, I flopped down on the bench next to him, running my hand over my face, trying to dispel the feelings of frustration that were coursing through me at light speed. "Yeah. Her."

"Okay. So what's the problem?" The confused look returned. "Why don't you just talk to her? You've certainly slept with enough girls over the last couple of years. Probably enough to run your own damn country. Why is talking to this one so hard?"

"It's different." Standing up again, I paced back and forth in front of him. "I've never even talked to her, only caught glimpses of her when she's with Anya, but to hear Anya and Tae talk about her, it seems like she's one of a kind. She's in the social work program and is here on a scholarship. She doesn't go to parties since she spends so much time in the library."

Yoongi snickered at my words. "Damn. For someone you haven't even met, you sure know a lot about her. Why don't you talk to her?" Yoongi repeated the question and I wanted to scream.

"She's different Yoongs. She's not like the girls I've been sleeping with. She's smart, she's driven, and she has goals. She wants to be someone. She's not like some of the other girls here where their big goal is finding some hot guy's dick to jump on to." A sharp smack to the back of my head had me stopping in my tracks. "Ow. What the fuck was that for?"

"Don't you dare degrade women like that. College experiences are different for everyone. If a girl wants to have a little fun then that is her choice. And on top of that, you're a man whore yourself so you have no room to judge anyone." Yoongi's arms were crossed and I could tell I had stepped over a line.

My face turning hot, I looked down at the ground, ashamed of my own words, ashamed of the things I had assumed, had judged, especially considering my own track record was less than stellar. "Yeah. I know." Pacing again, I tried to pull my thoughts together. "Y/N is different. This is the first time I've ever been nervous to talk to a girl. I've... I've never done this before. Never really got to know anyone like that before."

"And you want Y/N to be different?"

"I want Y/N to be different."

Yoongi nodded at my words, silent for a moment as he processed what he was going to say to me next. "I hate to say this, but if you want a girl like Y/N to even give you the time of day then you are definitely going to have to approach this differently. She's not going to be interested in being one of your conquests."

"I don't want her to just be one of my conquests. I..." My voice trailed off again as I tried to bring my thoughts together. "I... I just don't know how to make her anything else."


From the time Y/N had walked into the party tonight, I had been by her side, refilling her drinks, dancing with her, wanting an excuse to be next to the girl who had made my heart flutter from the moment I saw her in the corridor, laughing at something a guy standing near her was saying. I could see she was surprised that I wanted to be this close to her, but I didn't want to be anywhere else. She had on this sexy pink shirt that bared her skin, pairing it with a short black skirt that showcased her legs, beautiful ones that I wanted to see more of.

As she talked to Anya, I let my hand trail down from her shoulder down to the bare skin of her back, gently tracing my fingers over the soft silky skin, trying to control the trembling in my fingers at the idea that I was this close to her. She shivered slightly at my touch and I felt a tiny twinge of pride knowing I had at least some kind of effect on her. It might not be much, but it was enough. Hopefully it would be more.

Moving my lips close to her ear, I let them gently brush the shell of it, getting another whiff of her perfume, some sweet scent that made my mouth water and my cock harden. "What do you think babe? Want to get out of here? Let me show you just how good I can make you feel?" I didn't miss the little sound that escaped her lips, a soft sound that made me want to drag her to the nearest bedroom.

After a moment's hesitation, Y/N nodded and I had to stop myself from shouting out my excitement. That would be the last thing I needed. Have her agree to go with me then run away because I acted like a lunatic. Yeah. That wouldn't be good.

Taking her hand, I led her up the stairs and to my bedroom door. I pushed it open and when she stepped in, I closed the door behind us, locking it, not wanting anyone to come in and interrupt us. This was what I had been waiting for and the last thing I wanted was for something to mess it up.

Moving closer to her, I placed my hands on her waist, turning her to face away from me before pulling her back against my chest. Dropping my head down, I pressed my lips to her neck, loving the little sound that left her lips, a soft one that made my cock weep and I wanted nothing more than to strip her out of that short little skirt and bury myself inside of her, make her mine.

I trailed kisses across her skin, letting her scent overtake me, something I wanted to get lost in, and something I wanted to have next to me. I never brought girls to my room, usually taking them to one of the spare rooms or the futon in the basement, but Y/N? She was different. I wanted the experience with her to be different.

Present Day:

How had I fucked it up so badly? Where had I gone wrong? When had I turned into such an idiot? Turning her into a fuck buddy had never been the goal, but somewhere between burying my face between her thighs and her getting dressed afterwards, my nerves vanished and I panicked. This was not what I had wanted, not in the slightest, but now I didn't know how to fix it without looking like the pathetic asshole I actually was. I knew I fucked it up when I saw the hurt on her face when she saw her name in my phone. I had labeled her as FWB4, knowing it was an asshole thing to do, but I was stupid and I knew it. For me, it had been a shitty plan to try and stop myself from falling too fast. She had more power over me than she knew and it scared me. Way more than I wanted to admit. I was afraid and my fear led me to do stupid things. Now I was at risk of losing her to someone else. And what made it worse? Jin was one of my friends.

I didn't even know how they met, but all of a sudden, he was taking her on dates and treating her sweetly. Doing the things with her that I wanted to do, that I should have done from the beginning. The first time she blew me off for him? I thought my heart was going to crack right inside of my chest. I had gone to the gym to try and work off the frustration, but it hadn't worked. Not in the slightest. And now here he was... stealing her heart.

But I knew I was the one at fault. I was the one who had fucked up so badly. I knew she saw me with other girls. The immature side of me wanted to make her jealous, but she never showed anything, just a look of disgust that made me feel sick to my stomach. I hadn't actually been with anyone but her since the first night, knowing that no girl would ever be good enough, would ever be able to measure up to her.

Seeing her tonight at the library had been a stroke of good luck. I had been coming back from dinner with Yoongi when I had seen her going in. Knowing she would be busy with her research for class, I headed back to the apartment I shared with Yoongi for a couple of hours before making the decision to go see her. She had been so caught up in her work that she didn't even notice me until I said her name. She had looked surprised to see me and seemed even more surprised when I asked her out for coffee. I knew I had fucked it up from the beginning and now I wanted the chance to make it right, to make it better.

The coffee date had gone much better than I had expected and I felt like I was finally getting to know her, something I should have done from the beginning. She had definitely looked surprised when I told her I was in the medical program and that I wanted to be a pediatrician. It definitely didn't fit my image, but I had always liked kids, even eventually wanted them. I had asked her questions about her own program, things I had already known, but didn't want to seem weird about. She had been funny and sweet, further cementing herself into the part of my heart she already owned, something she didn't even know about.

The walk back to her dorm had been just as nice, the conversation continuing and when we stopped in front of her building, I couldn't stop my request to kiss her. It had been soft and sweet, something I had wanted to do from the beginning, but had been afraid of. Her lips had moved against mine so perfectly and I had to stop myself from pulling her even closer, from begging her to come home with me and making her mine. I had said my goodbyes but couldn't stop myself from texting her, from letting her know I was thinking about her, something I was afraid to admit to myself. Now I just had to figure out where to go from here.

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