Chapter 11: Young Maid

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Maids and butlers scrutinized the two new temporary hired maids, there wasn't anything unique about them.  Though one of them looked too young to be there.

"These are the two new temporary hires, Alexandra Spencer and Madison Anderson." The head maid introduced them as she gestured to the two girls standing beside her

"Head maid, how old is she?" One of the maids asked as she looked at Alexandra.

The head maid glanced over at the two girls, "Alexandra is twenty years old, Madison is twenty-five."

 "I would appreciate it if you were all to show them how to do some of the work." The head maid turned towards Alexandra and Madison, "Follow me, we're going to go to your rooms now."

Whether it had been by pure coincidence for them being new and temporary or if they were purposely arranged, both Alexandra and Madison were put in the same two bed bedroom.

One single bed on each side of the room, two wooden closets pressed against the wall in between the beds, and a small desk and chair at the foot of each bed.


"Keep in mind that the madam isn't here, and you mustn't do any inappropriate things."

Alexandra stopped walking behind the elder maid walking in front of her leading her down the hall, "Inappropriate?  Why are you telling me this?" Her brows furrowed at hearing such words.

The leading maid stopped and turned around, "Take it as advice from your senior.  Given that you're so young, you may not understand things very well." Her green eyes trailed down Alexandra's form, "The young master may take a liking to you since you're new here, keep a working distance from him, and the master."

Alexandra took a fist full of her white waist apron and forced a smile, "I appreciate your advice, but you don't have to worry about that.  I have no intention of going out of line in what I have to do, I'd like to thank you in advanced if you help me keep myself on track." She said in distaste.

The maid nodded, "Don't think bad of me, it's merely honest advice.  There have been many young maids in the past who have tried to bed the young master to gain favor, the same for some of the new butlers." She smiled slightly, "It would be a shame to see someone so young to have their life ruined for such things."

Even though it was advice for her own wellbeing, Alexandra still didn't like the idea that she was given a warning for something she had never thought of.

It was in this moment that she realized that not only was Alexandra there to watch and gather information, she was to become Alexandra.

She was to fully cast away her identity as Amy Beltner and become Alexander Spencer and become the perfect maid.

"Miss Melissa." Alexandra addressed the other maid, "I have my pride and dignity and will not do such things as to try and seduce or accept advances from anyone." Her gaze hardened.

'You want me to be Alexandra, I'll become Alexandra.'


The first few weeks followed smoothly, there were a few mistakes with certain chores.  In that time, they were able to meet briefly with the other agent, James.

"The day after tomorrow the target will be out for the entire day for a meeting, he'll leave at seven in the morning and return around six in the evening.  We'll have that entire day, the only obstacle in the son.  He'll be coming back tomorrow from his trip to Italy, I'll need you to distract him.  Either one of you will do, keep him outside, or to go visit friends, if need be, you can give him a sedative."

"How about a laxative?" Alexandra chimed in quietly as if making sure no one heard, "He'd be coming back from his trip, it could be thought that maybe the sudden change in food didn't sit well with his stomach?  And besides where would you get a sedative?  Can't olive oil be used as a sort of laxative?"

Both James and Madison looked at each other in silence, "That's another choice, but that would be a last resort.  We'll talk more about it when the time comes." James said as he headed towards the door.

It had been midnight when James arrived to their room, and now that the usual maids working at night were to start their rounds, he would need to leave as soon as possible.

Once he was gone, Alexandra slumped onto her bed, "A laxative?  Am I trying to ruin the poor guy's stomach?" She dug the heels of her hands onto her forehead, "It must have been the sleep speaking.  Can we forget about that option?" She let her hands drop as she hopefully glanced at Madison.

"If we have to, we will use that method.  But we'll do the best to avoid that method.  The target is very doting on his only son, so if he hears that his son has fallen sick he's likely to drop everything he's doing to come back home."

"Thank goodness." A deep sighed escaped her lips as she relaxed, "Then that one definitely has to be crossed off."

Madison sat on her bed across the room from Alexandra's, "The last resort."

"He doesn't fancy young girls right?" Alexandra asked as she thought of ways to avoid the son.

Madison said nothing but merely went and switched the lights off making Alexandra sit up straight almost like a bristled cat.

As if sensing her worry Madison muttered as she laid down in bed, "You don't need to worry about that.  What was in the file, if you read it, he isn't that type of person.  In fact, he's one who praises and gives rewards for job well done.  Rewards as in bonus along with the paycheck."


'Why am I here?' Alexandra looked at the two men sitting in the table across from her playing a game of chess.

The son, Andrew, had arrived hours earlier than expected and the first thing he had demanded after arriving was a game of chess.

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