Chapter 5: Reluctant Acceptance

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Amy pursed her lips for a few moments worry making its way to the pit of her stomach, "I don't want to break ties with my family and friends." She muttered, "If I accept, will you help keep my family safe?" She hoped she could get at least some sort of reassurance.

Melody tapped her chin for a few seconds "That's doable." Melody responded with a curt nod, "Though I doubt you'll be put through such situations where your family will be at risk any time soon."

Yet.  It wasn't uttered, but that word was clearly in the air.  Amy knew that maybe at first there wouldn't be many things that would risk her family and friends, at least not yet.  How about later on when she's deemed enough to do risky jobs?  What if her family is targeted for revenge, or what if they use them as hostages?  Maybe it wasn't just limited to friends and family, but to everyone who had ever interacted with Amy.  Her co-workers, classmates from high school who she was still in contact with, teachers or maybe even her neighbors.

Amy leaned her head back against the wall and placed her hands over her eyes, "Do I have to leave home?" It seemed like the safest option to her, to place some distance between her family and herself, but the thought of leaving them hurt.

"No.  At least not yet, you'll be informed if it's needed or not." Melody put her hand into her jacket pocket and dug around for a few seconds and took out an object, "You'll be needing this, take it."

Amy uncovered her eyes and looked at what was being offered to her, "A phone?" She asked as she brought her hands down and slightly leaned forward.

"This isn't any regular cell phone, to not cause any mix ups, problems and most of all to not have unwanted ears listening, this is a phone you'll be using when we get in contact with you." It was a simple phone, or rather not a current model phone.

Was it to keep her from looking suspicious?  To have that phone look as inconspicuous as possible, to not attract attention to herself.  But having two cellphones would be enough to catch people's attention.

'If I take it there's no turning back after this.' Amy thought to herself as she looked at the medium sized phone box being held in front of her.  Taking a deep breath, Amy steeled herself and took the phone from Melody's hand.

Turning the box side to side, she didn't see any brand name, merely the image of a phone, "That phone has no brand, it's not connected to any cell phone carriers for safety purposes.  You could say that it was made by our agency." Melody answered her unasked question, "You can say that this phone is for work only, and not for personal use." Melody added.

'Figures, since it's some spy agency they'd be able to do that and maybe even more than that.'

"I think that I've overstayed my stay." Melody looked down at her wristwatch then back at Amy, "I'll be leaving that notebook for you to look over some of the documents in them.  You're free to do what you wish with it, keep it or burn it." Melody began to head to the door, "I'll tell your mother that you're studying to give you some time to think to yourself." She added as she walked toward the entrance of the bedroom.

Though before she left the room, Amy had asked the question she was most curious about, one that has been on her mind, "Why me?  How did I even end up being an option for this recruitment?" She was scared of the answer, but she wanted to know the reason.

Pausing at the entrance, Melody glanced at Amy for a few seconds and replied, "One of our agents did." The rest of what Melody said afterwards felt like all the remaining breath in her lungs had been punched out leaving her chest aching for breath.

Her mouth had gone born dry as she listened, her ears felt like a roaring waterfall were passing by.

"He has never been wrong with people he has recommended."

Amy blankly stared down at the box containing the phone in her hands, feeling as if it were the heaviest item she had ever held.  Her hands tingled, feeling as if they would start to burn the longer, she held on to that box.  The box that furthered sealed her fate.


True to her word Melody had told Amy's mother that she was revising the notes that were left for her.  She was thankful for that, because Amy knew that she would not be able to look at her mother's face and say that everything was okay.

To answer any questions about Melody, the friend that had supposedly gone to school with her.  Amy needed time to think, but the more she thought the more turmoil she felt in her mind and heart.

Amy curled up in her bed holding a pillow in her arms which she had buried her face into, 'Did she intentionally chose to come today of all days?' She wondered to herself.  It was her day off from work, and that day just had to be when Melody had come to her house.  Was it to give her time to think and process everything that had happened so far?

Amy clung to her pillow as she slowly fell into a deep slumber, feeling all the stress and nervousness leave her body leaving her exhausted and wanting nothing more than to sleep and hope that things would be different when she would open her eyes.


Seeing her asleep, she slowly closed the ajar door and walked away, she had planned to tell Amy that dinner was ready, but she was asleep.

"I guess she got tired from revising those notes." She mused to herself as she slowly made her way back down to the kitchen where her husband was waiting for both wife and daughter to come.

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