Chapter 9: Secret

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Bitting her bottom lip, Amy nervously intertwined her fingers together, "Melody, I think my parents are starting to get a bit suspicious about me."

Melody set down her cup of coffee, "I see.  Have they asked anything in particular that made you think so?"

They were once again at the park they usually meet at, a place they often meet before heading to their training location, or to just talk about certain things, "For starters my parents were a bit confused as to why it seemed I was still getting paid the same amount I was when I was still working part time.  I don't even know the reason either."

"Oh, that's the organization.  Think of it as an allowance of sorts, at least for now."

"Allowance?" Amy was confused as to why she would be given an allowance after all she wasn't an active member.  She was still in training, a hellish training if she were to say.  Even though it had been nearly four weeks now, it was still hard, but less than before.

"We had to cut back your work schedule, and of course your pay would be reduced as well.  Since it was our doing, the organization took it upon themselves to pay you the remaining amount of your usual pay as an allowance or compensation for doing the change.  That's why you end up getting two checks when it's pay day, one from your work and the other from the organization." Melody explained, "So how did they find out?"

"The first time I saw the paycheck, I figured that it was the remaining of the work hours before the change.  But then the next pay was the same, and I mentioned it once to my parents, and they were confused about it.  I told them that I would talk to management about it, but I figured that it had to do more with you guys." She rubbed her bruised hands.

Aaron's training was a bit harsher than the others, at first, he had her put on gloves to protect her hands, but then, "From today onwards you won't be using gloves anymore.  You have to get used to hitting and getting hit.  In a real-life situation, you won't have the luxuries of having gloves or a helmet."

"And I've been going out too many times now.  Maybe I'm just a bit paranoid, but it seems they still believe that I'm going to the gym.  Though I worry that they'll find it suspicious.  I don't want them getting involved."

Melody tapped the side of her cup, "For your next class when your parents are home this Saturday, I'll go get you as you friend picking you up to go together to the gym."

Amy nodded in agreement, "Sounds good."


"What's this?"

"This is your gym membership card." Melody said as she placed a card in Amy's hand right after walking into the house, "You don't have to worry about anything else.  Like mentioned before, it's a real gym, just that it has a different side to it."

Amy sighed and slightly shook her head, "Okay.  My parents are in the yard." She gestured with her hand behind her.

Leading the way, Amy walked in front of Melody as they headed towards the back door.

"Good morning." Melody greeted as she walked over to Amy's parents once they arrived to where they were in the garden.

"Ah, Melody.  It's nice to see you again." Maria, Amy's mother stood up and walked over to Melody, "Are you bringing Amy more notes today.  Oh, this is my husband, Todd."

"Todd, this is Amy's friend Melody." Maria introduced.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Amy's father." Todd said as he now stood next to his wife.

Melody smiled, "I just wanted to greet you both before leaving.  Amy has mentioned before that she's going to a gym, right?"

"She did." Maria confirmed.

Melody nodded as she pulled out her gym membership card from her jacket pocket, "I came to pick her up to go to the gym together." She showed them her card, "Last time she was saying her legs were hurting, so I decided to drive her to and from the gym to let her legs rest."

"That's nice of you.  Thank you for doing that." Todd said with a nod, "Amy does seem like she's going hard at working out.  She's been showing up with a few bruises here and there."

Amy nervously laughed, 'Would they have looked more into it if the bruises continued more?'

"I tried to hide them as best as I could.  I was thinking that maybe you both would think that I was getting into fights.  The weights are .... a bit heavy and sometimes the jump rope hits my legs." She grimaced as she remembered the first time that heavy and hard rope had hit her legs.

"I see.  Well don't hurt yourself." Maria said, "Why don't you two go along so you can get your workout done early."

"Okay." Both Melody and Amy answered.


"I was so nervous.  I thought they were going to ask questions about it." Amy said as she put on the seatbelt next to Melody.

Melody smirked, "There was nothing to be nervous about.  This just shows how much you're still lacking in keeping things a secret, we're already meeting up in different locations before heading to the gym.  Should we increase your classes?"

"No!" Amy quickly responded, "I think I have enough.  I don't think I'll be able to keep up physically.  I'm still aching everywhere from how hard Aaron punched me in the ribs, I don't think he knows the definition of holding back."

Letting out a laugh Melody turned on the car, "Actually he's holding back quite a bit, be thankful that he hasn't taken this more seriously."

"If he did, what would have happened?" Amy wondered.

"To put it in simple terms, you wouldn't be able to walk for a while or use your hands." Melody answered, "Anyways, you have to learn how to keep things secret especially since you're doing much better than before and maybe a small mission may be coming your way soon."

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