Chapter 11: Sukuna

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I'm kind of debating with myself whether to update the next chapter too or not?

Maybe I shouldn't, my fingers started hurting earlier today, and now just barely getting better.  Swelling went down too, so I guess I shouldn't overwork my fingers with typing.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



"How wonderful it is, to.... massacre!!!!" 'He' exclaimed in joy at the thought of the destruction he could do.  The euphoria 'he' felt at the possibilities of what 'he' could do once again.  His blood boiled in excitement at the thought, 'How many years has it been!' 'he' thought in glee.

Just as before 'he' could do anything, his hand grabbed his jaw.

"What are you doing in someone else's body?" Yuuji's voice came out.

"The likes of you can move?" 'He' asked in confusion.

How was it possible that a human was able to move around in a body that 'he' was not possessing?

"I mean it's my body."

His body flinched as Sukuna was reigned in and Yuuji took control of his body once more.

"Yuu-ni!" Shina ran at him seeing that Yuuji was now in control of his body.  Just as she reached him and wrapped her arms around his torso from behind, Fushiguro yelled out.

"Don't move!  You're not a human anymore.  By the rules, Itadori Yuuji.... as you are a curse, I will exorcise you."

"NO!" Shina stood in front of Yuuji.  She knew he wouldn't be able to do much, but her body moved on its own at the thought.  For all she knew, Fushiguro could have changed form what she knew.

"Shi-chan."Yuuji muttered out as he reached out his hands to pull her back to him.  Her back against his chest.

"Now, what do we have here?" A voice called out near Fushiguro.

"Gojo-sensei! Why are you here?!" Fushiguro exclaimed in surprise as he turned his head towards him.

Gojo leaned in towards Fushiguro, smirked and took some pictures of him to show to the second years, "Things got noisy when that high-grade cursed object went missing.  And I wanted to go sightseeing too, so I came here." Gojo stood up, "So.... did you find it?" He asked.

Yuuji slowly rose his hand, "Sorry.  I ate it."


Gojo found it surprising but interesting that someone could eat Sukuna's finger and completely merge with it and still have control of their body.  And not die at that as well.

Gojo placed his hand on his chin.  That kid looked familiar.  And that girl standing in front of him did too.

"No abnormalities in your body?" Gojo asked.

Yuuji raised his arms around, "Not really."

"Can you swap with Sukuna?"

"Sukuna?" Yuuji tilted his head.

"That's the curse you ate."

"Oh, yeah.  I can probably do it." He nodded.

Gojo nonchalantly stretched, "Then.... ten seconds.  After ten seconds come back."

Shina turned towards Yuuji to tell him not to do it, but Yuuji merely pat her head, "It's okay Shi-chan."  And he gently pushed Shina to the side.

Yuuji closed his eyes, and instantly the same markings as before showed up on Yuuji's body.

Sukuna jumped at Gojo ready to strike him down.  And just as he swung his clawed hand were Gojo was, he was met with nothing but air.

"Let me show off my cool side.  After all my student is watching." Gojo said as he grabbed a hold of Sukuna's arm and hit him on the back of his head.

Shina watched with wide eyes as she took steps further back to avoid being hit with the debris being thrown around.

Their fight continued until the ten seconds were up, and just as agreed, after that time Yuuji took control of his body once again.

"I'm surprised.  You really can control it." Gojo mused.

"But it's really noisy." Yuuji said as he hit his head as if trying to stop any noise that only he could hear.

"You're lucky it's only that." Gojo laughed.

Gojo then lifted his hand, his index and middle finger heading towards Yuuji's forehead.

Just before his fingers touched Yuuji, Yuuji was yanked back.  He was pulled hard enough that he fell backwards landing on the person who pulled him.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Shina hissed out and she wrapped her arms protectively around Yuuji's neck.  Holding him tightly against her.

"And who might this be?" Gojo stepped forward towards them.

Shina bristled as he got closer.  She seemed more like a cat hissing and ready to scratch at anyone who got close.

"Stay away from us." Shina said in a warning tone.  She made a move to stand up but was stopped by Yuuji who held onto her arm.

"Shi-chan." He grabbed her arm, then loosened it, "You need to get out of here."

Shina shook her head, "No!  I'm not leaving you!"

Gojo tilted his head, the name was familiar to him, "Shi-chan" He repeated the name until it finally clicked, "Ah, you're Shina-chan aren't you?!"

"How do you know her?" Yuuji now sat up and made sure to pull Shina further behind him.  Trying to hide her from the unknown man in front of them.

"We met a LONG time ago when she was this little." Gojo slightly crouched down to show just how little Shina was when they met.  Exaggerating their meeting into one that was full of fate since they were able to meet again.  And of how maybe they were meant to be friends.

Before they could say anything else, Gojo was now in front of them, and tapped his fingers against Yuuji's forehead.  Yuuji slumped forward, Shina grabbed a hold of him.  Tightly holding him to herself, trying not to topple over with the weight of Yuuji in her arms.

"We have to take him Shina-chan." Gojo said as he made his way to reach for Yuuji.

She shook her head, "NO!" She didn't care if they found out if they knew, "You just want to take him and use him.  Your damn elders will kill him!!" She sobbed out, "They'll want to kill him."

She knew that Gojo would get his execution to be put on hold, but that was only for an unspecified amount of time.  And she didn't want that.  She wanted Yuuji to be safe.  If by hiding him away would keep him alive, she'll do everything she can to hide him.

'But what if I fail again?' That doubtful voice rung in her head.

The voice was right, what could she do on her own.  She just didn't want to lose him.

"He's the only one I have left." She pleaded, "I don't want him to go."

Gojo crouched down in front of them, "Megumi-chan, what do you think?"

Fushiguro looked at him and at the girl, "By the rules he should be executed.  But I don't want to stand by and watch him die."

"Are those your personal feelings?" Gojo asked without looking at him.

"They are.  Please do something about it."

"See Shina-chan, even my student wants to save him.  I'll do my best to save him." Gojo reassured her.

Shina's hands trembled against Yuuji's body, "Do you promise?"

Gojo nodded, "You'll be coming with us too.  It seems like you know more than you should." Gojo said as stood up.

After a while Shina nodded, "I don't want him to become a tool to be used as a vessel for Sukuna." Shina whispered only enough for Gojo to hear.

Gojo's eyebrow slightly rose underneath his blindfold.

'I was right back then; this girl is interesting.' He smiled.


Eleventh chapter done, what did you think of it?  I liked it.

The main plot has officially started now.  Yay!  Now, I'm just going to start watch the anime again to refresh my mind a bit of how things happened, since like I mentioned before in one of the previous chapters, I'll be going mainly by the manga, and some things in the manga are different from what was in the anime.

But, I don't want everything to be based on only the manga.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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