Chapter 15: New Guardian

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I'm typing this as if I had a deadline to meet, I've been updating this one too much already.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



One of the only two sorcery educational institutions in Japan.  Its outward appearance is that a private religious school.  This place is the launch pad for many who have already graduated.

"Amazing.... it's in the mountains!"  Yuuji looked around the place in surprise and awe, "Are we really in Tokyo?"

"Tokyo's suburbs are like this too you know." Gojo stated reminding Yuuji that Tokyo wasn't only lights and tall buildings.

"What about Fushiguro-san?" Shina asked as she walked beside Yuuji.  She glanced at Gojo who was on the other side of Yuuji, waiting for a response.

"He's been treated already, now he's just fast asleep." Gojo now walked in front of them to lead them further in, "Anyways, you're going to have an interview with the school principal."

"The principal?"

Gojo turned towards the siblings, "If you fail the interview, you won't be able to transfer, so do your best."

"What?!  Then I'll get executed right away!" Yuuji exclaimed.

"So you're not in charge?"  A voice came from nowhere catching them off guard, "Apart from your strength, you're so lame." They all looked at Yuuji's cheek that now had a mouth and eye on it and it was talking to them.

Yuuji slapped his hand over his cheek, "Sorry sensei.  It comes out sometimes." Yuuji sighed feeling tired already for once again having to deal with Sukuna.

Gojo placed his fingers on his chin and looked on in interest, "Well, isn't that nice-" Gojo was cut off but Sukuna.

"I owe you a debt, you know." Sukuna spoke referring to the fight with Gojo on the school rooftop.

"AH! Again!" Yuuji exclaimed as he heard the voice coming from the hand on his cheek.

"If you treat this brat's body like an object.  I'll kill you." Sukuna's mouth smirked tauntingly as it threatened and warned Gojo.

"To be targeted by Sukuna, I feel honored." Gojo humored him.

Yuuji covered the mouth of Sukuna with his other hand, "Is he actually famous?" He asked.

Shina peered at his hand as she tried to pry his hand off to see Sukuna's mouth, if it was still there that is.  But Yuuji firmly pressed his hand there preventing Shina from moving it away.

"The doubt-faced spectre is a fierce God.  Imagined having four arms and two heads.  In fact, he's human.  Legend has it that more than a thousand years ago, when sorcery was in its prime, shamans gave their all to defeat him, but to no avail.  He was given his name, and after his death, we weren't even able to destroy his waxed body, so it crossed into our world as cursed objects." Gojo informed them, "He's undoubtedly the King of All Curses."

Yuuji and Shina let that sink in, "Between the two of you, who's stronger?" Yuuji asked.

Gojo crossed his arms across his chest, "If Sukuna regained all his power .... it would be a bit difficult.  I think?"

"You'd lose?" Shina asked, even though she already knew his response.

"I'd win." Gojo smirked.


"You're late Satoru.  Eight minutes late." A man voiced as his hand poked at the cotton with his needle.

Yuuji looked at him in confusion and shock, 'Is this the principal?'

Gojo glanced at Shina, "Shina-chan, it would be best if you stay here next to me.  You're still not ready to be here yet?"

Shina was confused, "Why?" Why wasn't she ready to be there?  Was it because she was twelve, and as far as she knew Jujutsu tech didn't have a middle school section.

"You're not in high school yet." He confirmed her thoughts.

Standing next to Gojo, she watched as Yuuji was questioned by Principal Yaga Masamichi.

Yuuji had introduced himself, and his like in women by referring to Jennifer Lawrance.  Shina quickly introduced herself as well.

"Shina-chan is still only twelve.  She's barely in middle-school." Gojo informed Yaga as an afterthought, so he wouldn't question Shina in the same manner as she was yet to be in high school, "Unlike him, she has cursed energy."

Yaga looked at him, then at Shina for a few seconds before direction his attention back to Yuuji.


Gojo watched in mild interest as he heard the responses that Yuuji had given at the questions.  He did find some of the responses humorous, but other than that, they were slightly interesting.

"What do you think of his answers?" Gojo quietly asked Shina who was standing beside him as he had told her to.

She tilted her head back, to far back that it strained her neck from having to look up at him, "They're very like him." Those responses were very Yuuji like.

The two of them watched in silence as Yuuji was hit over and over by the stuffed animal with cursed energy.  The stuffed animal seemed to be enjoying itself as it threw Yuuji around as he was the one that was a stuffed animal.

Under different circumstances, it would have been rather interesting and funny to see.

"You passed.  Welcome to the Metropolitan Magic Technical school." Yaga said as he pointed at Shina, "And I'll be seeing you later on when you properly leave middle school." He looked at Shina, who quickly nodded.

(At the dorms)

"For the time being you can use this room however you want." Gojo opened the door to a room.

"WOW!  So spacious." Yuuji smiled happily as he looked around the room, then promptly began to set up things in his room.

As Yuuji and Gojo talked, Shina walked around the room, opening and closing the closet.  Looking out the window and wiping her finger on the window, which had her slightly grimace at the small amount of dust on it.

'He'll have to clean this room well.' Shina sighed as she finally turned towards the two in the room who had by now finished talking.

"And as for you." Gojo pointed at Shina, "Your room is right next to Yuuji's." He began to walk out of the room after telling her to follow him.  Which she did as well as Yuuji.  Her room would have been in the girls' section of the dorms, but since it was so empty Gojo figured it would be more 'convenient' to have them all together, and besides in each room they had all their necessities and didn't have to leave their room for anything.

Shina knew that Gojo was just too lazy to set up a room for her in the other part of the dorms.  Would the same be for Kugisaki?

"There's a lot of rooms, you know?" Fushiguro mumbled as he walked out of his room and seeing Gojo, Yuuji and Shina walk out of the room.

"Fushiguro!  You look well now!" Yuuji exclaimed as he walked up to Fushiguro

"Don't you like having a lively person around?" Gojo asked, "I thought it was for the best."

With a blank face Fushiguro looked at Gojo, "I have enough on my hands with classes and missions." He sighed, "It's an unwelcome favor."

He then slammed the door shut on Yuuji who was trying to look into Fushiguro's room, "Is she going to be staying here too?" He tilted his chin over at Shina.

Gojo happily clapped his hand together, "Yep.  You won't be lonely anymore; you'll have two new dormmates." He smiled, "Though she won't be taking any classes or missions with you yet."

Gojo then shortly explained Shina's situation with her still being in middle-school and having yet to even properly train even an ounce of cursed energy.  And unlike Yuuji who already had his strength, she was like any average person, but a bit more strength and speed from all of the 'accidental' training from searching for the finger.


They both looked down at the documents in front of them on the table.

Guardianship Form.

Now that their legal guardian, their grandfather, has passed away, they were now considered as children of the state.  Being that if they aren't claimed by a living relative or a new guardian, they would be sent into the system and wait for adoption or until one of them is considered as an adult to be able to live on their own.

It was something that hadn't crossed their mind, that is until now.  And it certainly didn't cross their mind to see the name and signature of the new guardian right above their names.

Appointed Guardian: Gojo Satoru

'Does that mean we're now legal siblings with Fushiguro?  Gojo's his guardian.  Isn't he?' Shina blankly stared at the paper before looking up at Gojo who was across the table from them.

He smiled at her, "Once you two sign that, I'll legally and officially be your guardian." He placed two pens in front of them, "Feel free to call me father, or better yet, call me papa!" He joked.

The Itadori siblings looked at him with blanched expressions.  They couldn't imagine themselves calling him 'father' or 'papa' even if it were a joke.

They sighed and signed their names on the document after reading it.  There were no odd terms or conditions.  Just that Yuuji and Shina would be under his care as their new guardian.  All financial assets the siblings have will stay under their name and will have access to them once the age of eighteen, unless they are needed for any emergency expenses of the siblings, medical wise.

And that Gojo, as their new guardian, will provide a stable home, food, clothing, education, financial and medical needs to the siblings.

All the insurance money and houses from their parents and grandfather will be under their name but managed by Gojo until they come of age.

"Thank you for doing this for us." Shina thankfully said.  She was honestly thankful that she wouldn't have to worry about their living situation and possible separation.  And the fact that they would still be able to keep their property and assets was a relief.

Gojo placed his hands on the table, "You're welcome.  Now you two have an extra sibling."

"Who?" Yuuji asked.

With a smirk Gojo answered, "Megumi-chan!"

Fushiguro Megumi was also under the guardianship of Gojo.


I think I'll stop with this chapter for today.  I think?  I feel like I won't though.

I hope you all liked this chapter.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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