Chapter 16: New Student

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Sixteenth chapter.  I was pretty bored, so I just decided to update this chapter since I already had it revised just didn't update it.

Anyways, have any of you watched "Spy X Family" and "Ascendance of a Bookworm 3" they're really good, really recommend you to watch it.  They both currently have five episodes.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



"We're going to pick up the third student." Gojo informed the three as they all stood in the hallway of the dorms.

Though currently they were all now in Harajuku waiting for the new student, Kugisaki Nobara, to arrive.

"How can there only be three first-years?" Yuuji asked not really understanding why there would only be three.

Fushiguro gazed at Yuuji for a few seconds before speaking, "Have you met anyone else who can see curses?"

Yuuji turned towards Shina, "Shi-chan can see curses, though I only found out recently." Yuuji elaborated.

"Aside from her.  She can't even be considered as a first-year since she's still in middle school."

Yuuji ate his snacks, "Nah, haven't met anyone like that."

"That's how much of a minority we are." Fushiguro stated, explaining how rare it was for people to see curses and have cursed energy.

"Didn't you say I was the third student?"

Fushiguro fixed his uniform, "Apparently her transfer was decided quite a while ago.  I guess something came up, since it's not your ordinary educational institution."

"Thanks for waiting!" Gojo called out to them as he walked over to them, "Oh!  The uniform made it in time."

Yuuji smiled at Gojo, "Yup, it fits just right.  But it's a little different from Fushiguro's.  There's even a hoodie."

"Well, if you have requests, we can alter your uniform." Gojo informed him.

"Huh?  I didn't make any requests though."

"That's 'cause I made some requests on your behalf." Gojo said nonchalantly.

Yuuji pulled at his uniform to look at it once more, "I guess it's fine.  I like it too.  What do you think Shi-chan?" Yuuji turned towards Shina.

Shina nodded, her loose hair moving over her shoulder, "I like it too."

"Be careful, Gojo-sensei has this side of him too." Fushiguro mentioned as he turned towards Gojo, "More importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku?"

"She said she wanted to meet us here." Gojo stated as he looked over in the direction that Kugisaki would most likely come from.

"Popcorn!  I want that!" Yuuji randomly exclaimed as he saw the stalls nearby.


"Hey you.  What about me?" She held the older man by the shoulder as he tried to walk away after he had spoken to another woman offering her a position in modeling.

The man looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"It's about modeling, modeling!  I'm asking you, how about me?" She folded her arms across her chest demanding an answer from the older man.

He nervously took a step back, "No, um .... I'm in a rush, so...."


"Are we really going to talk to that now?" Fushiguro asked as they all looked at Kugisaki across the street.

"That's kind of embarrassing."  Yuuji shook his head as he ate his snacks with Shina occasionally taking a handful of popcorn from the bag Yuuji held.

"So are you." Fushiguro grimaced as he looked at Yuuji, almost as if he wanted to distance himself from him to not associate himself with Yuuji.

"Hey, over here!" Gojo called out.

Now standing in front of them, after fawning over Gojo looked cool, she introduced herself, "I'm Kugisaki Nobara." She placed a hand on her hip, "I'm the flower in the group.  Be happy boys."  She glanced at Shina, "Well one of the flowers in the group."

"I'm Itadori Yuuji."  Yuuji introduced himself with a smile, "I'm from Sendai."

"Itadori Shina.  Also from Sendai." Shina introduced herself with a curt bow.

With a blank face Fushiguro introduced himself, "I'm Fushiguro Megumi."

Kugisaki carefully looked at them all.  Her eyes raking at the three people in front of her.

Shina in her blue jeans and light purple shirt looked like the quiet type, and aloof if she had to describe her.

'He's obviously unsophisticated.  He's the type who ate his nose boggers as a kid.  For sure.' She thought as she looked at Yuuji.

Her glance turned towards Fushiguro, 'Just from his name .... I can't stand boys who think they're all that.  He'd definitely do things like .... lighting a gull drenched in oil on fire.'

She let out a long and tired sigh, "I'm not very fortunate with my environment, huh."

'She's sighs after seeing someone's face.' Yuuji thought, clearly feeling that she had been thinking odd things about them.

"Are we going somewhere after this?" Fushiguro asked Gojo.

Gojo looked up at the sky 'thinking' for a few seconds, "I've finally gathered my three students.  And on top of that, two of them are from the countryside." He laughed.

Before he would explained further, Kugisaki interrupted, "Three students?  What about her?" She tilted her chin towards Shina.

"Ah, Shina-chan.  She's not my student.... yet." He said, "She's still in middle school.  She'll be learning from someone else for a bit.  For now, she's coming along to get to now her surroundings along with Yuuji-kun."

This was news to both Yuuji and Shina, they both figured that they would be trained with Gojo.  But apparently that wasn't so.

"Anyways, we're going to go .... " Gojo dramatically started as he turned to look at them, "Sightseeing in Tokyo." He emphasized each word.

Yuuji and Kugisaki lit up like a Christmas tree at hearing this, Shina was excited but less than the other two.  Since she already knew where exactly they would be going instead.  But being able to see everything in person was fairly exciting to say the truth.

"I want to go to Disneyland!  Disneyland!" Kugisaki exclaimed happily as she ran up to Gojo.

"You dummy, Disneyland is in Chiba!  Let's go to Chinatown, sensei!" Yuuji exclaimed.

"Chinatown is in Yokohama, you know!"

"Chinatown is in Tokyo!"

The two argued back and forth in where was what, and who was wrong and right.

Fushiguro looked tired looking at Yuuji and Kugisaki.  He looked over at the only 'sane' person in the group.  Unlike Kugisaki and Yuuji, Shina was quiet, though her lips did twitch at trying to hold back her laughter.

"You aren't as excited as them?" He asked.

Shina looked up at him, "Not really.  After this, we'll probably have plenty of time to see other places.  I think?  Right?"

"Hmm." Fushiguro hummed as he looked back at the other group.

"We're going to Roppongi." Gojo stated with a sparkle, making the two beyond happy.


"You liar!!" Kugisaki angerly yelled at Gojo, who was smiling as if nothing had happened.

Yuuji covered his face with his hands with a cry as if he had just suffered the most grievous betrayal.

"There are curses here, right?" Fushiguro asked, completely ignoring the two-grieving people behind him.  Not the least bit surprised at this turn of events considering with how Gojo was.

"Don't toy with us country folk!" Kugisaki continued raging and yelling at Gojo.

After a few minutes of explaining the situation of why they were there, and how Yuuji had eaten Sukuna's fingers, both Yuuji and Kugisaki were sent into the building.

Yuuji looked in awe at the weapon that Gojo had given to him, "You must suppress Sukuna.  If not, any near curses will instantly be killed." Gojo told Yuuji, as Kugisaki walked on ahead.


Gojo, Fushiguro and Shina waited outside for the other two to come out of the building.  With nothing to do, Gojo randomly brought up a subject that made the other two raise an eyebrow.

"Megumi-chan, have you greeted your new little sister." Gojo said as he happily placed his hands on his cheeks.

"Sister?" Fushiguro asked.

"Yep.  I, Gojo Satoru, am the legal guardian of you and now Yuuji and Shina.  So, you're legally siblings now."

"You're just our guardian, you didn't adopt any of us." Fushiguro stated already used to Gojo's antics.

Gojo shrugged, "Don't mind the small details."


kugisaki and Yuuji had split ways.  She went upstairs, while he stayed downstairs.  Each looking for a cursed spirit to exorcise.

It didn't take long for Yuuji to find one, or rather it didn't take long for a cursed spirit to find Yuuji.

Before the cursed spirit could get a grasp on him, Yuuji jumped away and readied the weapon and charged at the spirit.

With two swipes the spirit was delt with quickly.  Yuuji sighed as he sat on the spirit, "Yup.  I can move well."


"About Yuuji .... he's crazy isn't he.  As grotesque as the curses may be, whether they take the form of the living .... if those curses try to kill him.  He goes to get rid of them without an ounce of hesitation." Gojo fixed his blindfold, "Unlike you, he hasn't been in contact with curses for a long time.  He's just a boy who's been living his life as a regular high school student would."

Fushiguro thought back to the events that led to where they were at now.  How Yuuji ate the finger, had a postponed execution, and now a student of Gojo.

"Even with talent, there are frustrated shamans who were unable to overcome the fear and disgust that comes with destroying curses." Gojo continued, "You've seen them right, Megumi?"

Gojo leaned forward to look at Shina was beside Fushiguro, "Did you think cursed spirits are scary and nasty?" He asked.

Shina sighed as she turned her head towards both Gojo and Fushiguro, "They're .... scary because I don't know how to deal with them, or when they may come out.  And the fact that they could kill me, kill anyone within a second." She frowned as she thought of that rainy day years ago in where their parents were killed, "And they're also pretty disgusting to look at." She honestly said.

There were many times during their childhood that she came across cursed spirits that terrified her, and some that she had barely even managed to run away from.  In a way she was glad that she was able to see them, that way she was able to steer Yuuji and grandfather away from any spirits when they were out walking or in the park or even on the way to school.

But at the same time, she wished she wasn't able to see them because it was horrible waking up and finding a cursed spirit looming over her just looking at her.  And her having to pretend that she can't see it, and not scream or cry, or even gasp in surprise.  At having to sit like nothing is wrong in class when either a classmate or the teacher has a cursed spirit attached to them like a leech.

"Today, I want to check if she has .... that craziness." Gojo smirked.

"But kugisaki has experience.  Why wouldn't she have that craziness by now?" A side glance was directed to Gojo.

Looking at the building, Gojo answered, "Curses are born from people's minds.  They increase proportionally, in number and size, to the population, right?" Gojo explained, "In the countryside versus in Tokyo, the curses differ in level."


"If you're not coming.  Then I'll exorcise you as you are." Kugisaki raised her hammer and nails as she put her cursed energy into the nails.

With her hammer, she embedded nail after nail on the mannequin, "The nails.  It's best if you take them out." Kugisaki snapped her fingers, and the nails began to move further into the mannequin, "Because my cursed energy flows in them." The nails crushed the head of the mannequin as it crumbled to the ground.

A sound resounded in the room from the corner, looking to the corner, she saw a child huddled, hugging his knees to his chest while crying, "Hey, it's okay now.  Come here."

The child shook his head, which made Kugisaki slightly angry, "I guess the saying that children don't get emotionally attached to beautiful people is true.  What an inconsiderate woman I am." She muttered, "I'll call Itadori." She sighed as she turned around away from the child.

"Wait!  Don't leave me!!!" The child exclaimed as he got onto his knees trying to get up as he reached out to Kugisaki.

From behind the child, a cursed spirit emerged from the wall and grabbed him by the head.  With her hammer ready to strike, the spirit placed its sharp nail onto the child's neck slightly breaking the skin and blood trickled down his neck.

'It's taking him hostage?!' Her eyes widened in shock, 'This curse has intelligence!!'


"Although I say 'level' .... It's not just about the amount of cursed energy."

Fushiguro sat on a cement block as his hands hanged loosely between his legs, "Slyness."

"Beasts with intelligence sometimes confront us with a cruel scale." Gojo tapped his knee, "A scale that pits one life .... against another."


Kugisaki looked on in frustration as the cursed spirit held the boy in his grasp, debating on what her next is.  What she should do next without bringing harm to the child.

She let her weapon drop to the ground, "I'm unarmed.  Let that kid go." She sighed, "I wanted to see Saori for the last time." She mumbled as she waits for the cursed spirit to kill her.

But, a hand broke through the wall behind the cursed spirit, nearly hitting it.

Itadori broke through the wall as he swiped his weapon at the spirits arm, the one that was holding the small boy.

The arm sliced off and the boy fell into Itadori's arms, "Are you okay?"

The boy, through teary eyes, nodded.

"I won't let you escape!" Kugisaki yelled as she opened her uniform and pulled out a straw doll, "Itadori!  Hand over that arm!!" She yelled at Yuuji.

She placed the straw doll over the arm that Yuuji had thrown over at her.

"A straw doll?" The boy nearly cried again as she held tightly onto Yuuji at seeing a straw doll.  As far as he and Yuuji knew, straw dolls were used for voodoo.

"Straw doll ritual: resonance!" She hammed the nail into the straw doll and arm.


After the boy had been walked home safely, they began to discuss what they should go eat.


Finally done with this chapter.  What did you think of this chapter?  As you may have already noticed, this was basically just the whole episode (and that one chapter in the manga entirely) with just the difference of Shina being present.

The next chapter, not sure if I'll be updating that now, but I'll have to do some serious revision there, along with in some other chapters.  As I'm reading through the drafts I have, I can't help but feel disappointed at how I typed it up, and just rearranging everything.

ALSO, there's going to be a NEW JJK fanfic, but it's not going to be entirely on them, it's going to be on the POV of someone else, and OC who isn't really connected to Cursed spirits and Jujutsu.  Have a couple drafts of it typed up, so that may be published soon.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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