Chapter 21: Sukuna's Proposal

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I should really be focusing on my other work, but I just want to get these last few chapters I have drafted up.  I have two more chapters after this one that are partially finished, so I want to get those finished as soon as possible.  Especially, since I want to get updated to the where the anime ended.

And I think I did mention it once, but after this story reaches where the anime ended, this story will be "completed" I say completed like that, because it will be just a first part, because there will be a second part to this series, but that series will be what continues on after the anime, so what happens in the manga.  Though the first couple of chapters will be only on Shina's childhood.

And more in depth of each plan she tried to do as she grew up.  And a whole bunch of famly fluff stuff before getting into the main story.

Anyways, I'm sorry for any spelling and grammar errors.



"Shi-chan, can we talk?" A knock came at her door as Yuuji asked to talk to her.

Shina set down her book and went to open the door, "Yeah." She moved aside to let Yuuji in, "What's wrong?" She closed the door.

Yuuji stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Shi-chan, I think it would be best if you le...." His body went limp before he could speak.

A scream came to her throat, but before she could scream, Sukuna's voice came out as he partially took over Yuuji's body.

"What did you do?!" Shina exclaimed as she dropped to her knees.

'Sukuna' raised a brow.  Sukuna couldn't move his body, but was only able to partially possess Yuuji, "I have a proposal for you.  I've just put him to sleep for a while.  But it won't last long.  So, I'll give you this." Sukuna brought up 'his' hand and harshly bit down on his hand, blood dripping down.  It was clear that he had bit down on a vein considering the amount of blood pouring down the hand and onto the floor.

She looked down on horror, "You'll give me the sight of my brother's blood!" She watched as blood welled in his palm and dripped from the side of his hand.

"Drink two fingers worth of blood.  That way we'll be able to talk in your mind without any interruptions." He explained as he sat up on the floor, he further instructed her what to do, "They won't be able to trace nor feel any of my cursed energy on you."

Shina slightly opened her lips as she let out a deep breath and slowly brought up her hand.  She was desperate and she was willing to do such a thing, even if it was crazy.  Deeming that she was taking too long, Sukuna shoved 'his' hand against Shina's mouth.  Blood dripped down her chin as some of the blood seeped into her ajar mouth.  A metallic taste reached her at once.

Letting out a muffled gasp she placed one of her hands behind her on the floor to hold herself up.

The hand pressed harshly against her lips as she nearly fell over, the hand firmly gripped her jaw as the blood dribbled in, some welling in her mouth, while some slowly making its way to the back of her throat making her almost gag.

With a gasp of air, she slapped the hand off her and raised her arm to wipe the blood off her mouth and chin with her green sleeved shirt.  Her lip ached; she knew she may have hurt her lip against her teeth when Sukuna pressed "his" hand against her lips.  Her cheeks and chin hurt from how hard the hand had been pressed against her face.

Just before she could wipe it off Sukuna's voice rung out, "I'd advise you to drink that blood in your mouth and lips.  It's a bit more blood than what I expected, but that will do as well."

She paused and after a grimace of disgust, she did what he told her to do.  With a swipe to her lips, she swallowed the blood that once coated her lips, smearing some in the process.  The taste and feeling of the blood in her mouth and throat made her grimace, especially at knowing that it was Yuuji's blood.

After that Sukuna left, and the markings on Yuuji started to disappear.  It was too quick for her to even have the chance to clean all of the blood on herself and on Yuuji's hand and the floor.  Yuuji's body sagged as it fell to the floor once more.

Blinking his eyes opened, he looked up at the ceiling.  His eyes turned towards Shina beside him and noticed how she was covering her mouth with both hands.  He was confused at her actions and figured it was from shock of him 'fainting', but he noticed the dots of blood on her shirt.

He sat up, ignoring the slight dizziness that followed.  He grabbed Shina's hands and pried them off. He let out a gasp, "What happened!?" He placed his hands on Shina's face, turning her face side to side.

"It's nothing." Seeing his upset and worrying expression she added, "When you passed out, I tried to catch you and I .... hit myself."  She looked down at his hand to mention how he had cut his hand as well but was shocked.  The wound had closed, and all that was left was the blood.


Without thinking of taking a towel or napkin or of even cleaning his hand which he didn't even seem to notice, Yuuji pulled Shina out of the room and nearly ran to Fushiguro's room.

"FUSHIGURO!" Yuuji opened the door without knocking.

Fushiguro looked up from his phone ready to tell Yuuji to knock, but his words stuck in his throat.  He stood up quickly, noticing the blood on Yuuji's hand and Shina's chin and shirt, and the blood smeared on her lips and corner of her mouth.

"What happened?" He asked as he opened one of the drawers and pulled out two towels to give to the siblings.

"Shi-chan got hurt!  Where's the infirmary?" Yuuji asked as he took the towels and fussed over Shina.

"I'm fine." Shina said as she took the towel and began to wipe the blood, "It was just a small cut on my lip."

Fushiguro's eyes shot up, "Small cut?  That amount of blood couldn't have come from a small cut."

Even though Shina and Yuuji had wiped the blood off themselves, there was some stains from the blood that had begun to seep into their skin.

Although she still protested, Shina was dragged to see Shoko.

Shoko examined her, "I don't see anything.  It must have been a very small cut, since there isn't anything there." Shoko told them as her eyes focused onto the red and swollen patch on her bottom lip.  A patch that had small bruises forming around it leading to her chin.


After that ordeal, Shina had gone to her training with Yaga.

"Itadori Shina once more!" Yaga yelled out as she concentrated her cursed energy.

At the moment she had been training to be able gain control of her cursed energy.  So far, she could only hold it for a few seconds, but now he wanted her to hold onto it for a few minutes.

On the times they weren't working on her cursed energy, she had physical training.  She particularity disliked where he had her run up the mountain with his cursed dolls chasing after her.  Because according to him running up a hill will help her strengthen the muscles in her calves.

Of course, he also worked on her muscles on her upper body.

"Does having muscle help with cursed energy?" She panted out as she laid on the ground in the training ground, sweat coating her skin and damping her clothing.

Yaga looked at her through his sunglasses, "Not particularly, but it's better to be fit and be able to outrun any curse you can't handle.  And also use physical power where cursed energy can't." He called back his cursed doll, "Tomorrow, you'll choose a weapon of your choice and practice with it.  Then from there, you'll work with other weapons to find which one fits you well, and if possible, to see if you can use your cursed energy with it."

She sat up, "Okay." With a tired huff she stood up and made her way to change out of her training clothes after Yaga had excused her for the day.


That night, once she laid on her bed, she was asleep within seconds.  Her body was sore, she hadn't worked out as much as with her training with Yaga.  And it didn't help that every time she took a shower, her body would ache*, making her ache even more than she was already.

The exercises in school she once thought as tiring, with running laps around the football field.  She felt that was hard, but this training she was doing, felt worse.  She would gladly take running laps around the football field.

Once her breaths evened out, her mind was suddenly loud with the voice of Sukuna.

All she saw was darkness, she had expected to see Sukuna's domain, but that was not the case.  Maybe because she had only consumed his blood.

"Sukuna?  What are you doing here?" She asked as she turned side to side hoping to see anything.

"Like I said before, I have a proposal for you."

She waited and listened intently, if Sukuna went as far as to give her his blood to talk to her and his mention of a proposal, it must be something of importance for both of them.

Shina doubted that it would be something important for herself, this had to benefit both of them.  Otherwise, why would he have a proposal?

"Collect and gather the remaining fingers and I'll think and consider helping you."

She blinked a few times, "Collect your fingers?  You want me to collect cursed items that are easily detectable and keep them for you, or give them to you?  I'd be found out before I even finish collecting even one!  Heck, I'm pretty sure I'd be treated as a traitor and maybe even executed on the spot for it."

Shina was terrified at the proposal.  For two reasons: first one being that he could just be making a fool of her and getting her to collect all of the fingers and then not help her, and then switch with Yuuji and attack her to get the fingers.  And the second being, if she does as he proposed and other found out, especially the elders; she'll most likely be labeled as a traitor and execute her and Yuuji.  Or hold her in a prison for all she knew.

"No one will find out."

He sounded so confident, but she certainly wasn't.

"If .... if I do this.  I won't be able to find and collect all of them.  Do you have some kind of seal that I can use to seal the cursed energy in them and keep them hidden?  You and I will be the only ones who now."

He definitely couldn't be picky, after all there was one person here who would do anything in order to get his help, "Fine.  I'll show you a seal, you must draw it down exactly as I show you.  You must put in all of the cursed energy you have into this seal."

"But keep in mind that if you ever go against this deal and give the fingers to someone else, I'll find a way to make your beloved brother kill everyone."

Shina nodded, "I understand."  She neither agreed nor disagreed.

After all, if she had fully agreed, she would be bound to this.  She had made a loophole for herself in case something was to happen.


* I don't know if anyone else goes through this, but my and I, every time after a shower later on at night we get so sore.  I thought I was the only one, but one day my dad mentioned that he was always sore in the morning after showering, so I realized I wasn't the only one.  My entire body aches so bad, it feels as if I had been beaten up.

Anyways, what did you all think of this chapter?

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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