Chapter 27: Meeting Him

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I think I'm pretty close to finishing up this book, which I'm excited about and also kind of sad about since I like this story.

I wouldn't have updated this chapter today, but I did.  All because I was sick, I've been sick since Friday, but it got much worse on Sunday, so I had to message the on in charge on Sunday to tell them that I wouldn't go to work the next day on Monday.  Went to the doctor on Tuesday and was told by him that I didn't have COVID, but I got tested for flu, and came out that I had flu A and B, and that I should rest at home for three days.  So, tomorrow is my first day back to work.  I stayed home an entire week, and I felt horrible about it because the person who works with me has to deal with everything because I wasn't there.  So, I'll be there to work tomorrow Friday, and then I have my days off on Saturday and Sunday.  It's a school, so we don't have work on Saturdays and Sundays.

I always get there to work at 6:50 in the morning, sometimes a bit earlier, and I start my shift at 7, and the other person comes in at 8:30 in the morning.  I'm glad I'll be back to work, but at the same time worried, because I know that I'm not 100% better with my cough.

My chest had been a bit swollen and hurt whenever I barely touched it.  The doctor said that it was most likely the sac around my lungs that were swollen, which was normal to happen in some cases.

Anyways, sorry for any grammar and spelling errors.




A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection; A twist of fate correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.

There was no other way to explain it, fate is full of coincidences.  And this just so happens to be one.  To be in the same place as him.  Not only once, but twice.

(Three Days Ago)

It's almost been a month since Shina started going to school, and in that short amount of time she had to not only continue her training with Yaga when she had time, but she also had to study and do her homework.

Study not only to keep up with homework or project, but that would also be easy.  No, she had to study because for two of her classes had upcoming exams.  Math and science.

Shina let out a deep sigh as she closed her notebook, "When is the exam again?" Shina asked as she slightly turned her head towards Shimada.

"It's next week on Wednesday." He replied without looking at her as he closed his own notebook, "Are you ready for it?" He asked.

Shina dryly laughed, "Am I ready.  I don't think so.  Even though you let me borrow your notes, I still feel like I haven't studied well enough." She rubbed her head.

"Have you asked your friends or family to help you study?" He asked as he turned around in his seat to look her.

She placed her arms on the table, "For friends, I don't really have much here.  Can I say that we're friends?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah.  I think we're friends."

She nodded, "Well, I haven't asked anyone to help me study, and well the relative I'm staying with .... he's at work most of the time so he doesn't have much time."

'I can't really tell him that he's not the best at explaining things.' She thought back to the time she had asked Gojo for help on her math, he hadn't done a very good job at it.

"Is he neglecting you?" He asked.

Shina shook her head, "No.  He's really taking care of me, and doing the best he can, but he just has his own work to do." She quickly said.  Gojo did take care of her, as in her needs any child would need.

Shimada placed his fingers on his chin, "How about we have a study date." He offered.

She pondered for a few seconds, "That would be great.  But first let me ask if it's okay for me to go."


"That's fine by me." Yaga said after their training had ended.

"Are you sure?  No problem with me going."

"None." The older man responded.

Shina took in a few deep breaths, ones she really needed after her training, "Should I ask Gojo-san?" She reached up to her hair and began to tuck any loose strands behind her ears for the time being, "I mean, he technically is my guardian so would I also have to let him know?"

After a short while of mulling over that question, Yaga nodded, "If you would like to, then do it.  And it would be better for more people to know where you are in case something were to happen.  Or you get lost again."

The last part made Shina flinch, "Right."

Shina had asked the same question to Gojo, though followed with what Yaga had told her, "Gojo-san is it okay if I go study with a friend of mine after class?  I already asked Yaga-sensei, and he was okay with it, but still decided to ask you."

Gojo let out an exaggerated gasp, "I can't believe you didn't ask your legal guardian first for permission."

Giving him a deadpanned expression Shina sighed, "Seriously.  You weren't around when I asked Yaga-sensei." She told him.

Dropping his exaggerated act Gojo placed his hands in his pockets and nodded, "You can go.  Just don't be back too late."


She didn't expect that Shimada would take her to study the next day after she had told him that her guardian had given her permission for the study date.

Not that she minded, but she had thought that they would have set up a date for it, but "Exams are right around the corner, and we can't afford to put off studying for too long." He had told her just before leaving.

"Before we head to the library, we should stop by at a family restaurant I know.  Their food is pretty good, I like their milkshakes the most." Shimada said as he led the way down the sidewalk.

Shina didn't mind that he had decided to take a detour, she in fact liked the idea to be able to eat or drink something, but then she remembered, "I'll pay for mine."

Shimada stopped walking and looked at her, "No.  I'm the one taking you there, so I'll pay for it."

The two talked back and forth for a while until Shina finally relented and agreed, "But after studying we're getting crepes, and I'll pay for that."

Shimada let out a laugh, "Sure." He resumed his walk and not long he walked into a small restaurant, "But do you even know where you can get any?"

Shina walked right in after him, ".... No."

"There's probably a stand nearby where we'll be." He said as he walked over to the counter, "I'm getting a vanilla milkshake, what about you?"

"Chocolate milkshake, and if there isn't any, then a strawberry one."

"Okay." He turned his attention back to the young woman on the other side of the counter and began to place his order.


Shina had faintly heard the young woman tell Shimada that their order would be ready in five minutes and to take a seat at one of the benches on the side.

Shina looked around at the decorations on the wall behind her, small paintings.  Simple and nice for a restaurant.

Her mind elsewhere, and faintly aware of her surroundings, hearing the murmuring of the people talking in the restaurant.

"Welcome.  Table for one?" She faintly heard someone say, the words barely registered in her mind as she tuned in to Shimada who had begun to talk to her.  Though she did feel a shiver go up her spine, 'Maybe the air conditioner is on to high.'*

"You won't regret having tried their milkshakes." Shimada told her as he leaned back on the bench next to her.

Shina let out a short and soft laugh, "It seems like you can't wait to get it." She slightly smiled as she thought of how much of a sweet tooth Gojo has, "The relative I'm staying with has a major sweet tooth.  If they're as good as you say they are, maybe I'll tell him about it.  Though I'm pretty sure he probably already knows about it." She let out a sigh, "It's getting a little warm." She added.

"Maybe it's from the kitchen?" Shimada responded back as he shifted in place to look towards the hall that most likely headed towards the kitchen.

The two continued to talk for the next few minutes, though Shina's attention was soon drawn away as from the corner of her eye she saw one of the staff run in front of them.

She fully turned towards the person and found him familiar, faintly though.

"I'm sorry manager.  I quit." The man quickly said as he ran out leaving behind a bewildered manager.

Shina felt as if her heart stopped beating for a few seconds, 'No.' She thought as panic began to set in, and she quickly turned her head around to the far back of the room.

Her eyes fell onto the man sitting at the table.  It isn't a problem to see someone sitting at a booth alone, but the thing was that he wasn't alone.**

At least the other people didn't seem to see his guests with him.

As if sensing her gaze on him, the man at the booth looked at her and let out a small smile.  Shina felt as if those eyes could see into her soul by merely look at the look in her eyes.

Her eyes widened as she felt goosebumps on her skin, her eyes shifted from him to the cursed spirits with him.  More specifically to the one who now seemed to be puffing out smoke with sparks of fire.

'Oh my god.' She thought as she quickly got up ready to leave the place with Shimada.  She was thinking of various reasons to get herself and Shimada out of there, but it almost seemed as if God had heard her, their order was ready.

The two milkshakes in a small box holder, not giving Shimada the chance to get them, Shina quickly reached for them, "It's getting a little too hot in here." She quickly said to Shimada hoping that it was an excuse well enough for her quick escape.

"It is.  Let's go sit at the park nearby." He said as he walked headed towards the door.  Though just as they were walking towards the door, she noticed the fire alarm right next to said doors, 'It's now or never.' She thought to herself.

After making sure that Shimada wasn't looking at her, she quickly reached out her left hand and pulled on the fire alarm as quickly as she could just before walking out.

The moment they walked out the sprinklers turned on and water poured out, getting everyone and everything wet, some people even began to run out of the place.


Her graze met his as she passed by the window one last time, before turning away and quickly left with Shimada.

As they walked away, she could feel her back burn with the stare she knew she was getting from him.


During their study at the library, Shina couldn't help but have her thoughts drift off to what had happened at the restaurant.

Even though it had already been more than an hour since then, the image of him looking back at her was so vivid.

'Did he recognize me?  Does he know who I am?' She wondered as she tried to focus on her assignment looking over the formulas Shimada had shown her, 'He must have.  He shouldn't have forgotten who ....' Her thoughts were cut off with Shimada tapping his pencil on her paper.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Shina quickly looked at him.

Shimada looked at her for a few seconds, "I think we should call it a day.  We've been studying for two hours now, maybe it's too much to take in all at once." He motioned to the study materials on the table they were at.

Shina pursed her lips, "Sorry, I just can't seem to focus well.  And you went to all this trouble to help me study too." Her grip on her pencil tightened.

"It's okay." He said as he leaned back on his chair, "How about we pack up and leave now."

Shina nodded as she began to gather her own things.


He had noticed how different she was after they had left the restaurant, he hadn't known her for long, but he knew that she was acting weird.  Not like the usual girl he saw in class every day.

He lost count of the number of times she heaved a sigh, or the number of times she would stop writing and just look at her paper as if she were expecting it to talk back to her.

On many of those occasions he wanted to reach out and ask what was wrong, but held himself back, 'Maybe the fire alarm going off at the restaurant scared her.' That was the only thing he could think of.  And if he were to ask about it, would that make her uncomfortable.  After all, he didn't know if she had some trauma with the sound or just uncomfortable with loud sounds in general.

And now on their way back, he saw the way she glanced at the restaurant they had been in hours ago.

His gaze turned from her to the establishment, he could still see some water on the tables.

'Maybe it was the sound.' He nodded to himself.


Shina almost let out a sigh of relief at seeing that everything was intact, that there were no scorch marks anywhere.

She looked towards the door, hoping that she wouldn't see the markings of the body of the young girl who burned to death at the door, like she had in the series.  But there were none.

'Thank god.' She took in a deep breath and turned away, 'At least no one died.'

"I'm going to let my family know that I'm heading back." Shina said as she reached for her phone.


Shimada had offered to ride the bus with her until she arrived closer to her house, which she refused.

"It's okay.  Just having you walk me to the bus stop is enough for me." She smiled, "I'm going to get picked up here anyways, so I'll just wait." She looked at the time, "And besides it's still early, and people are still around." She tried to convince him.

It wasn't that she didn't appreciate his help, she would have really enjoyed having him stay with her.  But she just wanted some time to herself to think, or maybe to just clear her mind of everything.

"Alright.  But if anything happens, or if you feel uncomfortable for some reason go into the closest store and call your family or me, and I'll be here as fast as I can." Shimada told her with all seriousness.


Shimada nodded, "Then I'll see you tomorrow.  Be careful."

"Thank you.  You be careful too." She waved her hand at Shimada as he began to turn away from her.

With a sigh she set her bag onto the bench and sat herself next to her bag, "I'm so tired." She sighed out, 'I wasn't expecting that to happen.' She looked down at her plated school uniform skirt and tugged at it flattening it down cover her outer thighs well.  Even though she was wearing shorts under her skirt, she still didn't like having a skirt on.

"May I sit here." A voice called out beside her.

Without looking Shina nodded, "Sure." She grabbed her bag, set it on her lap and scooted over on the bench to make more space.

"Thank you."

Shina look up and over at the person who had sat next to her, "You're wel .... come...."

"Is something wrong?"

Shina clenched her jaw, "No." She shook her head at the person who had sat next to her.  Watching as he smiled that same smile, he had at the restaurant hours ago.

'Geto.  What is he doing here?' She thought in disbelief, 'Shouldn't he have gone to wherever their hideout is?'

"Beautiful evening isn't." He said as he looked away from her.

She did the same and turned her gaze away from him, ".... It really is." She answered trying not to sound suspicious.


He could see the way she stilled herself to not move at all, her only movement being the rise and fall of her shoulders and chest as she breathed.

He was sure, no, he knew that she had seen him and the cursed spirits at the restaurant.  He had seen the way her eyes looked at them.  The fear in her eyes as she looked at Jogo, and he couldn't ignore the fact how she had pulled the fire alarm just seconds before Jogo had burned everything and everyone in the establishment.

"Beautiful evening isn't it." He said as he looked away from her.

She said nothing for a few seconds, ".... It really is." She had replied.

From the peripheral of his eye, he could see the way she clenched her hands around the straps of her bag.

He had known of the siblings being in Tokyo but had yet to see them both.  But to see the younger sister first before the older brother was unexpected.

Before he could say anything else, he got up, excused himself and left.


She waited until she couldn't hear him at all, though his steps were awfully quiet to begin with.  She wasn't about to question why he had left, but she was thankful for whatever reason it was.

As her shoulders sagged an all too familiar car drove up and stopped in front of her.

'Is this why he left?' She watched as Ijichi got out of the car, 'There is no way I'm going to mentioned meeting him.  At having seen him.' She got a better hold of her bag and stood up from the bench.

"Sorry for all the trouble Ijichi-san." Shina smiled, "I really appreciate the ride."

Just as she opened the door, she remembered something, 'I forgot to buy crepes for Shimada-san.'


This chapter seemed a little bit off, I don't know why but it just didn't sit well.

*Anyways as you may have noticed, I did change the time frame that this happened.  Because this part actually happens in the same chapter when Yuuji wakes up after being "dead", so I just wanted to work around that for a bit.  There may be some parts like this in future chapters where I may put something a little bit later than it really is, but it's all for the sake of the chapter.

**Where I used to work years ago at a diner, there were people who would ask for a booth and being only just one person, and here I am putting together two tables just to fit a family of five or six when they could have sat at a booth, while the other person could have sat at a smaller table.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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