Chapter 30: Truth To Him

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From the title maybe some of you can already guess what the chapter is about, or maybe have a very vague idea of it.

I'm kind of upset right now, and I'm just typing this up to get my mind off of it, it's pretty stupid.  But a show I had recorded on t.v was erased and I hadn't watched it all.  All because my sister was deleting recordings, and this particular one I had saved will most likely no longer be on t.v again since it only came out once because it's a Peacock exclusive show.  It's called "The End Is Nye" I loved, though I wasn't able to watch some parts of it since either I got distracted by something, or didn't watch it and decided to record it.

And so to watch it on peacock, I have to get a premium subscription, I already have an account there.  But it isn't a paid subscription, so there are only certain shows and movies I can watch.

Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



There were very few moments in her life that she had experienced true terror in her life.

One being when she got lost in the forest near her aunt's house in her previous life, and it was nearing mating season for animals, and it was more dangerous to be there.

The second one being the day she died.

And the third one was the day her parents died in her current life.

And now a new fear was added to that list, one that she dreaded to ever happen, her secret.

The secret that was a taboo to her to speak of.


It was October third when she decided to finally start to put her plan into action, she hadn't been able to make up a plan, considering that there wasn't much she could do to prevent many of the things that would happen.

The only thing she could do was to give hints to the people involved, though the only person that she could tell the truth to, a partial truth to was to Gojo.

He was her only string of hope to help her, and she had to warn him of the things that would happen.

And now she found herself knocking on Gojo's door, he usually didn't stay at the dorms, but this particular day he did.  And she wouldn't let this chance escape her to be able to speak with him.

Especially now that all the other students were out on missions, and some even doing some miscellaneous shopping.  And Shina herself didn't go to school since classes were cancelled until further notice since there had been a gas leak in the building.

She took a deep breath and knocked for a second time, 'Is he even awake?' She thought as she looked down at her watch, it was eight in the morning.

Just as she was about to knock again, the door opened, "Good morning, Shina-chan." Gojo said with sleep clearly lacing his speech.

"Did I wake you up?"

Gojo hummed as his eyes focused on her, "I had just gone to sleep about two hours ago."

Shina blushed, "I'm so sorry for waking you up!  I'll come back later!" She exclaimed as she turned around and was about to walk away, though she didn't get far when Gojo stopped her.

"You might as well tell me what you need, since I might be gone when you come back later."  He told her as he leaned on the door frame.

Shina nodded and turned back to face him, "Okay."  She nervously shifted on her feet as she shoved her hands in the pockets of her black sweater, "Is it alright if we talk elsewhere?"

Gojo said nothing for a few seconds, "Sure.  Where would you like to go?"

"Somewhere we can talk privately." She took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Dream." Was all she had to say for Gojo to full stand up straight and moved aside and gestured for her to come in.

"I can put a barrier around us, or even in my domain if need be." He said in all seriousness.

Shina nodded as she walked into his room and waited for him to close the door and lead her in.

Gojo placed his hands on his knees after he sat on his bed, while Shina sat on the chair, "So what happened?" Gojo asked her.

Shina chewed on her bottom lip, 'I didn't even think how I was going to really tell him about this.' She opened her mouth, "I have been having fragments of a dream for the past week, they didn't really make much sense.  But it was clear enough that is was something important, and it wasn't until last night that I finally saw the entire dream all in one piece." She gripped the hem of her blue shirt as she looked down at the floor trying to think of how to probably say what she was planning to tell him.

Shina looked up at Gojo, her eyes meeting his, "In a few weeks everyone's lives will be changed."  She paused, "What I saw was ...."

Gojo listened as Shina told him what she had seen, she made sure to emphasize on the most important parts.  Though she made sure to skip on some parts that weren't necessary at the moment.

Or rather on some things that were to happen much later and things that hinder his decision, only the main important parts were told.


If he didn't have perfect control over his cursed energy and expression, they would be in turmoil at the moment.

Gojo couldn't believe what he was listening.  At each word that left Shina's lips, he felt feelings of dread slowly seep back in, a feeling he had long left behind.

"Is there a way to prevent it?" He asked.

He could see the way her hands slightly shook, her gaze turning away from him for a few seconds before turning back to him, "I don't know.  But I think we can do something, though I know that not everything will be prevented."

Gojo stayed silent as he let everything set in, he tried to process everything, trying to think and rationalize everything and what should be done.

"Thank you for telling me." He told her, he meant it with all his heart.


The days passed and Shina and Gojo often met in secret and spoke of plans they would come up and possible outcomes for each thing that would happen.

'If only I knew more.' Shina frowned as she took a long sip of her strawberry milkshake as she listened to Gojo list off some of his ideas as they each leaned on a tree far into the forested areas of the school away from everyone.

"It could work for some parts, but I wouldn't know since I don't really know what it would be like to do that."

It was three days after she had told him about her 'dream' when they had decided that it would be better if they began to tell those involved small hints.  Places to avoid and have them practice certain scenarios.  That was the best they could do if they wanted to keep the truth of Shina a secret.

Gojo decided to say that he had heard rumors of some things stirring up.


"Yaga-sensei, would it be alright if Yuu-ni and I go back home for a short while.  We haven't been there for so long and it's probably covered in dust and maybe spiders too.  And I don't want what we have there to be ruined." Shina asked one weekend before she began her training.

Yaga held one of his stuffed animals in his arms as he thought for a few seconds, "As far as I know there aren't any missions assigned now, so I don't see a problem with you two going.  Though depending on what happens, that may change."

Shina nodded, "Thank you.  I'll go ask Gojo-san about it if he'll let Yuu-ni go.  Though first I'll ask Yuu-ni if he wants to go with me."

"Now that that's done with get ready for your training."


Yuuji was more than happy to be able to go back home for a short while, especially since it had been months since the last time they had been to the family grave.

Yuuji didn't have the time to go when Shina had asked, but when he was free of any missions was until October fourteenth.

The moment they unlocked the door to the house the lived in with Wasuke, they were met with dust and some spider webs.

As Yuuji made his way to take his shoes off, Shina stopped him, "Do you really want to walk on this dusty floor?" She asked as she walked in with her shoes on, "We can just take them off as he start cleaning.  You'll just get your socks dirty."


The two of them took their time looking around the place, looking at the way they had lefts things before they left.

They had made sure to tell Ijichi to go and do whatever he needed to do, since they were most likely to stay longer in the house.

Yuuji walked into the kitchen with Shina following in after him.  The table was covered with a white cloth to prevent dust to pile on it.  The cupboards were empty, every dish was wrapped up and put into a box.

"It feels so odd being here." Shina whispered as she placed her hands on the chair their grandfather always sat at, almost as if trying to remember, imagine their grandfather sitting there.

"Yeah." Yuuji said as he placed his right hand on the small counter feeling the dust under his fingers, "I'm going to clean a bit.  It's really dirty." Yuuji grimaced as his pulled his hand away from the counter.

Shina sighed as she pulled her hands from the chair, "Me too.  After this, should we go and clean the house we lived in with mom and dad?" Shina asked.

Yuuji nodded, "If we have time."

The two of them each began to clean in different parts of the house.  First beginning with getting rid of all spiderwebs in each room, cleaning the walls, and finally working their way down to any furniture or electronic down to the floor.

Yuuji was outside tearing out the weeds that had grown, while Shina was sweeping in the kitchen after the table had been moved away for her to do so.


 "They've been given enough hints to take precautions against him.  Should I tell Gojo about Geto?  Tell the second years about it?" She sighed, "Grandpa what should I do." She muttered to herself.

"What precautions are you talking about?  And what about grandpa?" Yuuji said behind her startling her making her almost drop the broom she had in her hands.

Shina took a deep breath and smiled, "Yuu-ni are you finished?  I'm almost done here." She turned away from him and once again began to sweep up the last bits of dust, "We'll just need to mop the place."

Yuuji walked closer to her and grabbed the broom, "Shi-chan what did you mean by that?"

Shina opened her mouth, "All we need...." Her voice trailed off as she looked at Yuuji's expression, he never really looked so serious in front of her before.

"What happened?"


"What happened?" Yuuji asked, normally he would have ignored what he had heard, but the way she looked and sounded were too much for him to ignore.

From what he had seen, Shina looked nervous, "What precautions are you talking about?"

She shifted in place as it seemed as if her shoulder shrunk in further together, tucking her arms closer to her sides, and slowly loosened her grip on the broom.

'If I tell him would be able to help?' She pursed her lips as she thought, 'But .... if he knows will he try to look for him?  No, I can't tell him.  But if I don't will he hate me for knowing and not telling him about it?'

"It's nothing.  I'm just thinking to myself about something in school, I told Shimada-san the other day that we should study more.  Take some precautions since we never know when our teacher may give us a surprise quiz." She quickly said trying to think of the most reasonable thing, "And I was also thinking if I should get more training in case I ever meet Mahito."

If only she had thoroughly thought about it before speaking.  Was it because she was nervous or wasn't able to think of something so quickly, the same why it was with Gojo.

From the look of it, Shina knew that Yuuji didn't believe her, "Okay.  But what does Gojo-sensei, and the second years have to do with this?"

She had cornered herself; she knew that if she tried any more, she would only make things worse.

Shina took a deep breath as she let her shoulders drop and slump down and turned around, yet kept her gaze away, "Yuu-ni .... I...." Licking her dry lips, Shina turned her gaze to Yuuji.

"You really know something you aren't telling me." Yuuji said as he took the broom from her and set it aside leaning it on the counter, "Can you tell me? He softly asked trying to coax her to talking.

After a few seconds she let out a breath through her nose and stiffly nodded.  Yuuji waited as she took breath after breath, opening and closing her mouth as if trying to find the words that seemed to have left her.

'Do I really have no choice?' She asked herself as she looked at Yuuji who was waiting for her response.

"Do you remember how I told you to not eat random things, especially ones in a box?  I knew about Sukuna's finger.  That's why I tried to look for it by going out every day, so I could find it and hide it away before you found it." She began to tell him what she had to Gojo everything but leaving out her past.  But she never told him of the fingers she had.

Shina told him of the missions that Yuuji had gone on, ones that he hadn't told her of, and what had happened in them.  She told him a brief description of what would happen in almost two weeks.  Though she kept most of it to herself, because she knew that she would break his heart with what she told him.

Shina could see the fear and worry all over his face as she spoke, she even saw Sukuna's one eye open on his cheek.  He as well said nothing and merely listened.

"But all of that may change." She quickly added, "Gojo-san already knows, and we've been thinking of what to do!"

Yuuji's eyes widened, "Are you saying that you'll be involved in this?!" He exclaimed as she grabbed her shoulders tightly making her wince.

At seeing her wince, he loosened his grip, "Sorry."

"I don't know.  Maybe." She clenched her jaw, "I'm the only one who knows."

"How do you know all this?"

There really was no use in hiding it anymore, she was already too far into what she has said, "You'll be the second person who knows.  Gojo-san already knows." She took in a shaky breath, "This is my second life, I lived and died in a different place.  Maybe because of my cursed energy or because of my reincarnation, or maybe because of both, I'm able to see fragments of the future."

Now he was able to understand why she was so "different" than others, why she seemed to know or rather why she didn't seem fazed with some things, "What was your name?"

"Samantha Beltner." She answered him, she was nervous.  Not only because she was telling someone else, but because it was to her brother.

Yuuji let go of her shoulders as he shifted in place, "How old were you when you ...." He didn't want to say the word, but Shina understood.

"I was sixteen when I died."

Yuuji gasped out in shock, "You're older than me!"

Shina scoffed, "Mentally yes.  I'm basically the same age as Gojo-san, mentally.  Well, maybe we should take into consideration the way he acts."

He reached up and placed his hand on her head, "It doesn't matter who you were before.  You're my little sister now." He smiled.

He didn't care at all; he still cared and loved her as he always had.  Nothing would change that Shina was his little sister.

He took a deep breath, "How.... never mind." He shook his head.

Shina tilted her head up, "What?" Then she realized, "How I died?"

Yuuji slowly nodded as he brought down his hand once more.

"I was alone at home that night, my parents were at work when I died.  I .... I was murdered in my own room that night." She bitterly said, "It's painful and terrifying dying alone with only first responders there.  I was so scared and sad that I would be seeing my family again.  I was an only child." She closed her eyes as her eyes began to sting at just thinking back to that moment in time, the moment she could feel herself slowly dying, "It was terrifying hiding in my closest.  It hurt so much being stabbed at being shot.  It was terrifying knowing that I was dying in such a way!" She sobbed out as she rubbed at her eyes.  The memory feeling fresh in her mind as she spoke.  The memories she had managed to suppress after speaking with Gojo were coming again, but they somehow felt stronger.

Was it because the one she had been telling this too was Yuuji, her brother?  Maybe.  But she didn't know.

Yuuji wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as she cried, "And then when I was born here, when I finally started a new life.  Had parents and a brother, that family was torn apart."

"Yuu-ni, I'm sorry for not telling you what I know.  But...." She said through her hiccupped sobs.

Yuuji shook his head, "It's okay.  I know you were afraid of telling me." At this moment Yuuji vowed to never let her experience such a thing once again.  He would protect her, and he would take her secret to the grave.

"It doesn't matter what you know.  I'll never let you, let us lose another family, I'll stay alive." He stated, and that only made her cry even more.

'If only you knew the whole truth.' She thought as she hugged him.

When the time came, she would tell more of the truth to him. and to Gojo.  The only two people who knew her secret.


What did you guys think about this chapter?  I feel like I kind of lost it a bit at the last part of the ending of it.

I already had this part written down on paper, I had written in when I had barely started chapter nine or so, since I was drafting out the chapters.  And I had just shoved it into the bag for my laptop, so here I was digging around all the draft papers of other works until I was able to find it.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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