9. From crush to love

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Her memories of childhood are still fresh in my mind. Mesmerising hazel eyes, silky blonde hair and chubby cheeks. I had a huge crush on her....... My first childhood crush. I would always tease her by calling her plum....

And...she would say,'Don't call me plum. I'm not fat.' and I would always say,'Who said you are fat? I said you look like plum.'

'I know you. That's what you mean, chubby like plum. I hate you for this, Andrew.' and then she would push me aside, stamping her feet in anger and leaving me in all laughter and giggles.

But when she was out of my sight, I would say,'You are plum, Julia....my sweet plum.....Not because you are fat but because you blush like one. One day......

One day, I will make you mine.'


Present Day

I was highly edgy today. I had asked Julia for date.........though in her view it wasn't a date......because we were childhood friends but for me.....it was. I had decided not to beat the idea of confessing my feeling for Julia to death so here I was......going to express my emotions for her.

I reached her door exactly at 7 to pick her up. When she opened the door.....I was spell bound....to see her in a simple yet elegant knee length dress and that too of my favorite colour.... RED.

At normal days she would wear a jeans with a tee shirt but today....a tunic.

'Andrew, if you have checked me out then can we leave?', she said with a smile.

'Oh....ummm....yeah...I was just....you know...I mean you never dressed this way before so I was .....surprised but must say.....you look like an Angel today and that too....umm a beautiful one.', I said stuttering a lot and feeling embarrassed as well.

'Thanks!', she was blushing profusely.


Throughout the drive we both were silent.......I was anxious and she too looked lost. I stopped the car as we have reached the planned destination.....coral beach.

She had a huge but confused smile on her face,' You brought me to the beach Andrew......its so .....so ....unlike you. I mean usually we go to a movie or a cafeteria.'

'Yeah....because its something special today, come with me....', I boldly held her hand and took her to the beach.....as planned...It was all set.....a table for two with a lamp, flowers and her favorite food.

She looked bewildered to see all the set up......I took her to the table and made her sit on the chair. She had loads of questions in her mind.....and I had all the answers. She looked lost....

'Andrew.....ummm....what is this all about?', she finally asked.

'Julia, I know we are childhood buddies and you may have never expected this from me.......but.....but I can't contain the things anymore in my heart that I have since the day I first saw you....when you were only eight.'

'Julia, you may not believe me but I was fallen for you then.....

when first time you waved at me and gave me that magnetic smile that drew me towards you like an iron bar,

when you gave me your favorite wrist band telling me that we are besties now,

when you hugged me and cried on my shoulder, telling me that you have lost your pet dog, zoro,

when you held my hand nervously at our first day of high school,

when we secretly went to that filthy bar, drowning ourselves in vodka and became partners in crime,

when you told me you won't go to the prom night with Jack and we went together,

when every time I called you plum, and you blushed and pushed me aside becoming angry, stamping your feet.......

Yes Julia I fell for you deeply with each passing moment that we had spent together........

I love you Julia......in a special way.......more then words can say.', i sat on my knees dipping it in beach sand...waiting for her response....

She was looking at me with a sombre expression with moist eyes......

She got up from the chair, sat on her knees in sand, looked into my eyes and said,' Andrew you know how bad I am in expressing my feeling in words. Even if I try today, I know its going to be disastrous.......so I want you to comply my feelings from my gesture......

She held my face in her hands, coming closer to me.........and all I could feel was.......

Her warm and soft lips on my lips......

Author's Note

Hey all my amazzing friends! I hope you like the story.

I know, i know

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