Chapter 17: paintball

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Let me tell you how the last week's events unfolded firstly Aurora announced that we were all going paintballing this weekend boys against girls. Iris and Raven spent 10 hours making us all matching outfits.

With black tracksuits with light blue parts to add shape and pattern. Our shoes are all dark blue, to blend in with the dark paintball theatre. And weirdest off all I am leading the girls team. Against Lucas and the boys.

We all met up for coffee at 7 on Saturday, all girls breakfast. No Gillian which felt strange for some reason. I had a black coffee and a blueberry muffin for energy. Scarlett did my hair and made my makeup fierce with red and golden eyeshadow. And golden lipstick. I looked like a warrior with my hair braided to my scalp. We made our way in for 8:30 and met the boys who were all sporting red. We were given blue paintballs and some motion detecting plates in our team colour. The paintball theatre was dark with barely any space to hide. Our strategy was to divide and conquer, we each went after specific targets. I Was given Gillian, Magnus and Lucas. I went after Lucas first.

The first shot was fired, Iris was out. She struggled to shoot a gun anyway so I wasn't that surprised.

I saw red, and shot, it was Magnus who congratulated me on his way to the out bench. I laid low for a minute or so. Waiting to hear other peoples steps.

There was another shot a blue pellet, which hit Sparky. He was out next, it was Darcy's target. I was ready to attack again, I saw red and shot. I wasn't sure who I hit but it was David as it turned out. I saw another flash of red so shot again, it was Gillian. And his face was so shocked and annoyed. I could not help but laugh.

I could hear shuffling behind me so re-loaded and faced towards the noise it was Lucas I shot before he had a chance. Then all hell broke loose, Raven was hit by Florian. Florian then took out Pandora, Piper and Scarlett. Danielle took him out. Diamond was left, well and Nathan. Darcy and Cleo were wiped out by both of them. I was the last one left,except Aurora. I reloaded and listened for movement, I saw red then fired hitting Diamond. Then turned around to see Nathan be hit by Aurora.

"We won, yes!" We celebrated jumping in the air.

"Blue team wins!" The speakers announced.

Afterwards we all went back to the school for lunch. The boys asked us what their punishment was. I remembered that we had all agreed upon the boys wearing all pink for a week. Gillian was already sporting a pink bracelet so he was ahead of the rest of them.

Darcy and Aurora announced it. The reactions were varied, Nathan shrugged, Lucas looked pretty annoyed. As for us girls we were giggling our heads off.

Gillian didn't care that much with a few darker pink jackets from me as a gift, and a few salmon shirts, and granite pink tracksuit bottoms.

Nathan had a half pink closet anyway.

The boys were all in pink for the next 7 days and I loved every minute of it. Gillian didn't smirk for the first 3 days, I did enough smirking to make up for it.

They became known as the pink squad, us girls were known as the galaxy girls. This was because we came from all over the galaxy. My skin is a rose pink with silver swirls, eyes glowing amber in colour. Brown wavy hair trailing down my back, finally I am who I am meant to be. A princess from another realm.

Anyway we partied every day until the end of school by party I mean, had sleepovers and I had my scheduled dates with Gillian. He let's me call him that because I pronounce it correctly unlike the others, or so he's told me. The best date was the last valentine's ball in the academy. We went as a couple, wearing red and looking so adorable trust me I look at the pictures every night when I miss him. I had my hair braided to my head in a crown pattern. And my makeup was done by Cleo and Scarlett to make me look like a 'fierce warrior queen' they cried shortly after seeing my finished look, they said "our little girl is all grown up." I then stepped out into the hall where Gillian was waiting. "Wow, you look beautiful Techna." He went really shy again.

"You are adorable you know that." I giggled back.

"I have been told yes." He chuckled back.

"Shall we my queen?" He bowed to the side.

"We shall." I smirked following his lead.

At Christmas we had secret Santa from then on, I have received a plethora of items over the years including; necklaces, entire outfits, beauty treatments, stationery sets, a sewing machine, a telescope and a memory book. The memory book was from Gillian, three years after he had left he had gathered all of our memories together including the pink crew and us girls. Then our first ever date just after I had caused several accidents and we had sprinted down an alley to avoid them, he wrote 'you'll always be a queen to me, because you complete me. I know that was cheesy but I miss you and I'll be back soon my Techna'. He also left a postcard from Australia which said;

'Dear Techna,

I hope you haven't caused to many accidents while I've been gone. I have sent you a parcel with some gifts in it from my travels. One from every continent in the world, and some special ones from England. By the way you were right about Jason he really is a tool. I found Marcus's sister by the way her name is Jasmine and I have told her where to go. She should be there in a few days, from Christmas. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I'll be back before your birthday.


P.s did you know that the Barrier Reef is home to 1500 species of marine life.


Then there was a photograph of the day me, him, Darcy and Sparky all went roller skating. He called me his skater girl that day, I was wearing blue jeans which weren't ripped at the beginning of the day, a checkered red shirt and my hair was wavy over my shoulders. Sparky was smiling so bright that it was making Darcy laugh, Darcy was in red for the first time ever and she suited it surprisingly well. Sparky and Darcy announced that they were dating that day, Darcy's outfit wasn't the only thing that turned red that day. Gillian's note said 'You will always be the skater girl who stole my heart, then laughed her way to my soul.' On the same page was a small badge with two roller skates on it with the laces tied into a heart. Then there was an image of Gillian getting a tattoo of the badge with the name Techna in the centre one skate was mine the other I recognised as his.

The next page made me cry, it was a picture of me and him sitting in the cafe the day I panicked in front of him and he picked me back up. I had tears running down my cheeks in the photograph but he said I was beautiful. He held my hand and helped me through the whole thing. His skin was a soft shade of green, his hair was light brown and fluffy looking his eyes were sad looking in the photograph. He wrote 'I'll always be there, everyday I think back to the day I found you in the corridor and I carried you back to your bed. Then you me in the cafe the morning after, fate has a weird sense of humour you know. 😜' He drew our sign in the corner a heart with slanted crown on it, and a smiley face with a dragon guarding it and it's tail wrapped around it.

The next one made me laugh, it was a picture of Gillian's goofiest face and his three dragons it was taken before our first Christmas as a couple. I remember him sending it on Christmas Eve when I was asleep so that it would be the first thing I saw on Christmas Day. He had creeped in during that night and left a gift on the covers of my bed, it was a collection of our favourite songs. With a note, 'forever we search for our soulmates but now I've found mine, meet me under the mistletoe at 10.' So I trekked through the snow and met him under the mistletoe, that was the next photograph us kissing me in a ombré purple dress and combat boots hair not even brushed but tied up. Until Gillian untied it during the photograph, he was wearing a purple jumper and a blue shirt with jeans. I still have no idea how he took all of these photographs, to this day.

The next was us on the day we met, I looked annoyed but he looked less snake like than I had remembered. He had asked Scarlett to take that one, because it led to the conversation that me and Scarlett had later about Gillian.

The last two were me in a hospital bed and us all standing at the elemental mansion. He wrote 'you are stronger than you think and more beautiful than you could ever imagine'.

'We are one, a team. We are the elementals. I believe in us and you. You are my queen Techna, now and forever.'

I closed the book, then saw the cover it was made up of small dragon scales with each person on one of them. We were in the centre. In the front there was a handwritten inscription 'we are the elementals and you are our leader, now and forever my queen.'

I am the lost elemental princess, and I have powers. Someday I will lead the elementals into war against our enemies. The next two years flew by, before I knew it we were saying our final goodbyes. Shortly after that we all met up to build the mansion, the elemental mansion. We built it from magic and self sourced materials. The land was cheap enough, in the 1800s anyway, Marcus had gone back in time and purchased it for a few thousand. Afterwards we all went our separate ways I stayed behind and waited for the day when the rest would turn up. Marcus had gone into the future to find them, Lumi and Lily Lightsgate.

Years later we all met by invitation on their second year of school. The dark elementals trained at night. The rest trained throughout the day. Gillian returned 5 years after he had left. Gillian had only returned once a year for Christmas. He proposed to me on the night of the elemental ball he was in red tux, I was in a red dress. There in his hand was this beautiful ring, a rainbow stone perched inside it.

"Georgina, I could not imagine my life without you, you have made me complete in so many different ways. So will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He was down on one knee in the centre of the whole room.

I would normally have run for my life by now but I took a breath and enthusiastically screamed, "Yes! I do! A million times yes!".

She half jumped at me like a tiger you know, which when she said 'enthusiastically' she really did mean it.

We all had an agreement from then on, to stick to the plan. We trained up the new elementals. Lumi was paired with Aurora, they both had ice but they really couldn't have been more different in terms of their personalities.

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