chapter 1: how it all started

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I own mac brolin

& lucas decker

Japan hibari's mansion Author pov:

Outside of her home drone dropped off a package but was caught in the hands by a beautiful (ooc alien) ninja hibari. It says classified. She heads inside his place used a kunai to open up a package.

Disc was in there. She turned on series x popped the disc in. She wants to find out what is mac's past looks like.

Galaxy sector 3455 25 years ago (earth 1954) asteroid border.

???: yeah i know him old friends. Its gonna take a while it happened ..... 500 years ago. Did you know there are 3 kinds of aces. Strength, pride, & tide for battle. & him he's a true ace.

He's a fighter pilot they called red viper, he's a colleague to a boy i seek. 500 years galaxy far from earth. Longest the most largest war that changed everything.

60 year war. In the beginning of the war a young teenaged ace pilot who trailed across his home planet & in space.

He was lone mercenary who inspired fear admiration he rained chaos upon the stars.

He's the ageless boy i seek.

Words of viper curtain rises.

Viper: it was raining on that day

500 years ago planet aerial.

U.d.f. aerial alliance base.

In largest briefing room full if mercenaries.

Talking to one another. A young teenage ace sat quietly. Until there CO comes in.

Commander Lloyd: here's the situation. 3 insurrection corvettes have entered our planet & heading towards here. All mercs are sortie out. Come back alive big huge pay DISMISSED

Timeskip: mountain range heavy severe thunderstorm.

F15cX & su35sXXX flew in extreme weather conditions.


Ariel air & space force u.d.f. alliance gxg - 7th faction. 7th space division rapid response unit 77th space force unit.

Viper: << here comes the rain again >>

HQ: << all you boys manage to get up. Whiplash 1, whiplash 2, maintain present course >>

Viper: << this whiplash 2 roger that >>

bobcat: << bearing 315 Corvettes approaching >>

Viper: << counting on your flight leader >>

HQ: << all units intercept >>

Viper: << you better have our ready >>

Bobcat: << if we make it through this alive >>

Viper: << well be back before you know it >>

During this film hibari's heart race as she ace she fell in love with. This is his story.

(0:50 only)

Zoomed on the cockpit young teenaged pilot is about to make a name for himself.

HQ: << whiplash team shoot down enemy corvettes. Lucas decker follow orders from whiplash 1 >>

Viper: << roger. Waiting on your orders mac your whiplash 1 now >>

Mac: << let us begin >>

Mac & lucas engage insurrection corvettes. With their anti proton ship missiles. One of them retreated.

HQ: << corvette warped out of here >>

Viper: << why would he leave after going this far? >>


All ships neutralized.

Mac: << no survivors. Mission complete RTB >>

Viper: << you & i are gonna get along just fine >>

As they land lucas decker saying his first impression.

This guy will save not only his home planet but to the whole galaxy & many others like it.

To be continued

What you think about this.

I been wanting to do this for 2 years



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