chapter 11: the power of bobcat

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Don't own hibari

Author pov:

Airal force & allied u.d.f. are loosing 80 percent of their forces. Until 2 spacecraft. 1 su35X & 1 f15cx showed up.


(Theme starts playing hibari pov)

Chase: << i never been in largest space battle in this scope before >>

Mac: << whiplash 1 engaging. Lets earn our pay >>

Lucas: << whiplash 2 engaging >>

F35 u.d.f. pilot: << where's our support? >>

Mac & lucas engaged enemy fighters & enemy starships at area called shattered quadrant.

Insurrection: << still no reinforcements >>

Chase: << shattered quadrant is nothing special >>

Pilot of u.d.f. noticed a game changer at the mists of the chaos.

Allied F16 pilot: << the support's here?. Who did they send? >>

F18/AZ airal pilot: << IFF confirmed is whiplash i say again IFF confirmed is whiplash >>

Mac kun told me this is where his skills developed in this large space battle. He flies fast, high Gs PSM you name it.

He fired anti ship penetrator missiles firing vulcan lazers.

Flying through a graveyard being aware of not getting slammed into destroyed ships. Then hibari heard a very unsettling voice.

Barzam: << hammerhead 1 here. The enemy has broken formation take them out. Lucas do you read me? >>

Red viper: << looks like you still got it😁>>

Barzam: << its happening just as you thought its about time we get out of this dead end job >>

Lucas: << not Just jet >>

Mac kun heard the whole thing. Enemy missile frigate fires on him desperately. What made hibari's eyes widen he gut throttle charging right into volley of proton heatseaking missiles.

He dodge them at every angle.

Hibari stood up from hibari's  large couch as i watched jaw dropped. " he isn't relying on f15c's custom cockpit ... This is incredible. " hibari thoutght.

He fired the last 2 of penetrator anti ship missiles. Aiming at the main control room of the ship.

Insurrection pilot: << look at him go. There is no way >>

Allied u.d.f. su57f8 pilot: << that kind of pilot they called him shattered ace >>

" shattered ace.... "

Chase: << i fight for peace. That is what i am here for >>

Lucas: << while you up here " fighting for peace " millions of bloodshed is spilled on every planet & space colony. Some " peace " kid >>

Hibari cringed

Chase: << i'm here to put an end to that >>

Lucas: << advice. You think stopping blood by shedding more blood. Those ideals swimming your head its gonna get you killed >>

Mac: << enough lucas. Focus on the mission >>

Hibari's heart pounded feeling of butterfly. He defended him. Even though the war lasted 60 years they still have ways to go.

Theme ends Timeskip author pov:

AWACS nebula detected something coming. Fleeing su30-z flew past them.

Bobcat: << okay😅? >>

8 man squadron appeared.

(2:10 - 2:19 only)


Insurrection air & space force 20th

Assassin squadron air space division tactical fighter fc

Helmsmen: << helmsmen leader to all units escaping jet lead us here. Its wedge don't let your guard down >>

Chase: << behind us. Woah is that the .... >>

(Theme starts playing)

Before mac gets a lock on. Su30 gate warped out of there.

Bobcat: << he got away >>

Red viper: << wedge is flying very strange. I wonder why >>

Helmsmen leader: << dammit he got away. Change of plans where targeting red viper & his flight lead can't return to base empty handed >>

Mac: << very poor decision of your part >>

Lucas: << not these guys again. They always pick on the dead >>

Whiplash team waist no time of killing helmsmen squad its a big bonus pay at the end.

Theme ends epilogue:

Lucas walks away from his plane.

Mac: Lucas

Lucas: i know what your gonna say

Mac: you bet your ass. Chase is fighting for what he believes is right

Lucas: when did you start to care

Mac: your right i don't. You don't see me saying anything to him

Lucas: this war will last when 60 years are over when can we bring peace to the universe

Mac: we get dirty & the universe stays clean. That's the mission. Even it means shedding more blood he'll continue for what he fights for

They glared at each other.

Lucas: humph.

He leaves mac stared at him for a second. & goes back home.

To be continued:.

Things will get very dark

Going to work later

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