chapter 4: shattered quadrant

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Don't own hibari

Author pov:

(Something like this but different)

Commander Lloyd: head operations has issued a emergency order for a reconnaissance mission to be conducted near our planet. You will be monitoring the quadrant codename B99, currently under insurrection control. Strong opposition is expected by enemy squadrons, & a magnetic field has been detected witch may interfere with our communications. I don't need to tell you what you know about this. The time has come for you skills good luck whiplash team.


(Song starts playing)

F15c & su35s ready for take off.

Red Viper: << whiplash 2 take off >>

Su 35s took off to space.

Bobcat: << whiplash 1 taking off >>

F15c take off

Both space jets fly at mach 5 they got jet propelled boosters for extra power considering mac " bobcat " brolin's home planet Ariel's gravity is 20 times strong than earths.

As they got to a certain feet boosters disengaged then their engines lit up & flew at mach 30.

(0:58 - 1:17 only)

Viper: << feels good to be out here again >>

Bobcat: << i wish i can pop open my canopy & enjoy it. But only my down time >>

Yes two of my ocs can breath in space. Song ends Timeskip:

Red viper pov:

Insurrection empire priority one strategic death zone area B99 aka shattered quadrant. Its where Ariel & other u.d.f. allies came across this largest zone many pilots we lost recently. Its a graveyard

We were all in the equal footing in the same conditions. No ranks to hinder us the only engagement is to survive.

Author pov:

Sun shinning on whiplash team much like sun in the solar system where earth is.

(1:59 - 2:02 only)

Awacs nebula: << this is nebula penetrate B99 & get the feel of the surroundings >>

Lucas/Red Viper: << whiplash 2 Roger that this kind of job is were all about😁 >>

Mac/bobcat: << maintain course be on the look out avoid any collisions of graveyard deaths >>

Two space jets fly through the dead. Mac brolin shows no care in the world another than focusing on the mission. Insurrection pilots noticed two dots on their radar.

Nebula: << enemies on radar exercise caution >>

Mirage pilot: << two bogeys appeared on my radar >>

Bobcat: << there on to us. Prepare to engage >>

Red viper: << dammit i was just about eating carrots >>

They reached their sector

Nebula: << whiplash team engage >>

Red viper: << we will SURVIVE whiplash 1 >>

Two jets engage enemy jets

(Something like this but different)

Theme ends Timeskip:

After clearing hostiles including destroyed 3 enemy corvettes class ships. Nebula gets a noticed on more enemy spacecraft.

Nebula: << warning additonal enemy spacecraft approaching at high speed >>

Red viper: << shit its probably the main force >>

Bobcat: << negative Too small to be a main force >> 

4 jets appeared.

(0:49 - 1:09 only)


Insurrection empire air & space force

4th space division 53rd tactical fighter

Adler 1: << adler 1 to all craft time to hunt some jackals down them all >>

Adler 2: << roger >>

(Theme starts playing)

Nebula: << whiplash team we cannot authorized a retreat intercept them >>

Red viper: << this is gonna cost you extra😓😓😓 >>

Bobcat snorted

Adler 1: << mercenary snake & cat>>

Bobcat: << this is shattered quadrant. Dead mans words hold no meaning >>

2 against four aircraft two mercs splitting up.

Viper: << these guys are flying swallows be careful. There known for PSM & mid range attacks be careful >>

Mac access his brainwaves to the f15c from his gaunlet give more high g & PSM. ( similair to Gould from macross plus) f15c space type that excited long before it became as a earth type on earth, its flexible thrust vectoring long lasting generator engines made for uncharacteristic moves.

He shot down the first 1 impressing his wingman.

Adler 1: << don't think you can leave area B99 ALIVE >>

Bobcat: << uh huh >>

He gunned down Adler number 3

Adler 2: << adler 3 & 4 are DOWN😱😱😱 >>

Red viper: << box 2 BOX 2 >>

Adler 1 barrel rolled but mac brolin caught him in a laser range right after PSM.

Adler 1: << i'm hit that low life mercenary >>

Adler 2: << crud. Our captain is down!. Impossible am i the last one?. Requesting back up >> 

Red viper: << there history mac lets wrap this up >>

Mac did the honors of killing the last one.

Bobcat: << those spacecraft i seen them before .... Interesting >>

Nebula: << all aircraft down mission complete return to Ariel. Incomimessage from Ariel u.d.f. allied force command. Allied star fleet had begun its advance we appreciate your work >>

Bobcat: << so it turns out ... >>

Red viper: << we were decoys. Hey mac still breathing? >>


Commander Lloyd: well done i'll make sure head operation hears about you defeat an elite squad of enemy swallows. Get some rest you deserve it

After debriefing lucas went separate ways. Mac walks to his Humvee he placed his hand on his chest.

Mac: that feeling

To be continued

I made it long


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