chapter 5: start the commotion

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Don't own hibari

Author pov:

After debriefing.

(Something like this but different)

Mactavish (mac) winston brolin tac name bobcat callsign whiplash 1 had a flashback of his past while starting up his space jet.

Like hibari he too came from a rich family. He was their heir long lineage of air & space pilots. Image of himself as a boy enjoying life inventing new things.

Until his family murdered by a squadron of swallows. His Thoughts interrupted when tower got his attention.

Tower: << tower - whiplash 1 taxi runway >>

F15c taxi

He brushed his thoughts away focusing on the mission at hand. Red viper took off so did he.

Its gonna be a long fight depends how fast they can complete the operation.

Timeskip Airal desert forest canal

(Theme starts playing)

There are 3 operations whiplash team is hired to choose only one. They choose to take out the enemy base insurrection empire fleet occupied it.

To mac just Your normal mission of taking out bases enemy spacecraft & enemy starships. Bobcat & red viper are starting to get a lot of attention.

U.d.f allied squadron: << i heard there's a few Ariel mercenaries caught up in the mix😁😁 >>

F22aX pilot: << i heard there's supposed to be good >>

Bobcat: << less talking more shooting >>

Red viper: << ( chuckled ) your making alot of money whiplash 1. Drinks are on you tonight👍😁 >>

Bobcat: << i don't drink alcohol.😒 I can buy you one or few when this is over >>

Theme ends Epilogue:

All enemy forces eliminated Ariel & u.d.f. allied forces moved in. After debriefing mac gave the money to his wingman & went back home.

F16x pilot: hey Decker everything okay with your flight lead?

Lucas: he's alright... Not a fan of parties after a few victories we had before since the operation started

Later on his military homes mac looking at his family album book he kept since salvaging it from his destroyed family mansion.

Has he found closure?. Alder squadron he so long trying to find them & kill them for revenge of their deaths. But he forgotten about them up until recently.

Mac: so it was them .... I don't use the word justice... But it made me felt better than my family's death is avenged.... Eh who cares

He took a nap for the day. He had nightmare of him running towards his family mansion missile confirmed hits killing his entire family.

From the tv hibari dropped her chopsticks. Seeing mac Brolin raged & took flight on his f15c to take them on for revenge however adler squad left the scene.

Back to the film she was watching. Mac took out a supercarrier one shot before he leaves somewhere.

Mac woke from a nightmare shaking up shivering.


He cried all night.

Try my best to get mac's backstory good



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