10 • 十

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- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

We arrived back at the station, and the place was a mess. People were running around every which way and everyone was busy.
"What's going on?" I heard Mingyu behind me, and I just shrugged.
"Why is the place so busy?" Kim Jisoo asked, looking around with a confused look. "Did something happen!?" Then we saw Minho speed walk past.
"FOLLOW ME NOW!" He yelled, picking up a folder on the way, and the three of us swiftly made our way into his office. We got in, and he slammed a bunch of papers down on his desk.

"What are we gonna do!?" Minho yelled. "These were faxed into the office whilst we were in the conference this morning, and now the whole police station is freaking out at the gory photos! The whole place has apparently been chaotic for ages!"

"Another murder." Mingyu pointed out solemnly.
"And it looks like we have the same culprit." Jisoo sighed. I stayed silent, unable to say anything.

These papers, no, they were pictures. They were pictures of someone I knew very well. Just like Jongin, this man's throat was sliced open, and the letters 'ㄹㅁ' were engraved into his skin. I felt a tear run down my cheek, as my mouth opened in shock. I felt my heart hurt. It hurt so much. My friend, my schoolmate.

Kim Yugyeom. He was dead.

"Wait, did you know him?" Minho asked, and I nodded my head slowly, still unable to say anything. More and more silent tears fell down my face as I took a step back.
"K-Kim Yu-Yugyeom..." I stuttered, then sniffled slightly.
"Well, shit." Minho mumbled to himself. "I shouldn't have been so harsh.."

"How old was he?" Jisoo asked.
"My age." I replied, wiping my eyes. "A 97 l-liner."

"Jungkook," Minho sighed. "Go to the bathroom for a bit and calm yourself down. I'm sorry I let you know so harshly; I didn't realise he was a friend of yours."
"O-okay.." I mumbled, turning round.
"And can you bring back four coffees!?" Minho added, and I nodded.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water, drying it with some paper towels. Why is this person killing people? They can't have had a grudge against these people; Yugyeom was one of the nicest people I've ever met! I sent a text to Minseo, but then stupidly remembered that she's working and won't be able to answer.

After drying the rest of my tears and sucking it up a couple minutes later, I walked out the bathroom and over to the coffee machine. I just got everyone a cappuccino, and then - amazingly - made my way back to Minho's office balancing four coffee cups on my hands.

They all welcomed me back in with a warm smile, and I sat down in the spare seat between Jisoo and Mingyu, placing the coffee cups on the table.
"Thanks Jungkook," The three of them said, almost in sync.
"So, do we have any evidence on any of the two deaths?" I asked.
"We have the contents of Jongin's pockets from when he died." Mingyu told me, pointing at a sealed plastic bag on the table. "The killer didn't take any of his belongings, which means that the killer's motive wasn't theft, but maybe because they wanted him dead?"

"What was in his pockets?" I asked, trying not to think about what was just said. It all still felt a like a bit of a sick, surreal joke.
"His phone, wallet, keys," Jisoo listed a bunch of things. "Nothing out of the ordinary."
"Have we checked the phone?" I asked, staring at it.
"No, not yet." Minho told me. "We were waiting for you." We then put on plastic gloves and began to look through his belongings. I took his phone, which had a small post-it-note with the password stuck on it.

"Let me get my laptop." I quickly stood up, running into the other room to fetch my work laptop. I unlocked the phone and plugged it in using a USB, and it downloaded all data onto my laptop. I could now listen to all his calls, read his text messages, and access all his social media accounts. I looked at his calls first; the last person he called was his mum, so I listened to the recorded conversation.

KAI: Hello?
MUM: Hi Jongin! How have you been?
KAI: I've been well, you?
MUM: Yes, I've been fine, but your father's done his back in again.
KAI: Gosh, tell him to be more careful walking up the stairs!
MUM: How's your sister?
KAI: I haven't seen her in a while, I've been caught up with work.
MUM: Well make sure you visit her soon.
KAI: I'm free on Sunday, so I'll go then.
MUM: Okay then Jongin, it was nice checking in on you.
KAI: You too mum .
MUM: Speak to you soon!
KAI: Bye!

That was on Saturday morning.

I looked at the text messages next, and I think I found something.
"Hey, I think I have something here." I told them, checking his most recent message, off an unknown number. I read the message aloud.

"This is for having a crush on my girl." It read. It was recieved at 10:46pm on Saturday the 25th February.
"I guess we found the reason." Minho sighed.

- Lee Minseo's POV -

Work ended, but when I was about to walk out the doors, I got some texts of Kookie. God damn this phone for having no service in that building.

[Kookie]: Where r u?
[Kookie]: Something awful has happened.
[Kookie]: I'm waiting outside your work.

"MINSEO!" I immediately looked up to see Jungkook running towards me. He enveloped me in a tight hug, and it felt like he was in pain.
"Minseo..." He mumbled. "Another p-person died." I felt my body tense up. Another murder?
"W-was it the same guy?" I asked, and he nodded.
"W-who was it?" I questioned. There was a pause, until he answered me.

"Kim Yugyeom."

I felt the tears pour out of my eyes like waterfalls. Jungkook gently held my in his embrace as I cried and cried into his chest. It's my fault again, isn't it? Yugyeom was one of my closest friends! Why did he suddenly become a target? He didn't have a crush on me!

But then I remembered back to yesterday. The texts I got off the killer.
'I heard Yugyeom mention you and Jungkook getting married' it said. 'I can't have that.'

It's my fault again. He could've lived if I didn't decide to go to that stupid cafe! And what made things worse was that I couldn't even tell Jungkook why our friend died. It's killing me.
"Shhh," Jungkook hushed me gently. "Let's go home. I'm sorry I sprung this on you."

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Word Count: 1165

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