34 • 三十四

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- Oh Sehun's POV -

I woke up, feeling very tired and disorientated.
"Where... am I?" I mumbled to myself. Reaching my hand up to hold my head, I realised that I was wearing a hospital robe.
"You've just had an operation." A voice replied. The reply scared me a little, since I didn't know anyone was here with me. "A bullet was removed from your thigh."

"Oh," I mumbled. My eyes were still half open, half closed, and I couldn't focus on the man's face. I swear I've heard his voice before though...
"You went under general anaesthetic, so I'm guessing you're feeling a little drowsy now?" He asked lightheartedly, and I nodded slowly in reply.

I heard the sound of a door opening, but not really paying much interest to it.
"Dr Lu," The other man began. Wait, Lu? "We need to wake the patient up and do some tests on him."
"Okay," the guy with the familiar voice said. "Leave that to me." I then heard footsteps coming closer, and then felt a steady hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, Sehun," he spoke informally. "You need to wake up now."

Hold on.... Is it..?

"Lu Han?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. There he was, stood in a doctors uniform, smiling down at me. "Oh my god! I haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed, but not with too much energy since I still felt like death.
"Took you a while to realise." He chuckled. "It's nice to see you too Sehun."
"But how did you end up as a doctor?" I asked. "I thought you were going to take up acting."

From what I remember, it was October 2014, heck, almost three years ago. Lu Han moved out of our dorm, saying he'd had enough and was going to take up an acting career. I think that he saw how good Kris turned out after he left, and Tao left after Lu Han, probably thinking the same thing. It's really hard for my hyungs, since we're such a big group of people we always end up arguing, and it hurts a lot.

"Well, I did get into a movie." Lu Han smiled awkwardly. "That one about the blind woman? Anyway, I didn't get cast in anything after that, and nearly went broke."
"Oh my god..." I mumbled.
"Anyway, someone recommend that I try becoming a doctor. They said I was still young enough to go study at university, and that's what I did." He clutched the clipboard tightly in his hands.

"Anyway, how did you get into this mess?" He asked, gesturing to my injury.
"Well..." I trailed off. Do I tell him about Min Yoongi? The whole thing brings up the subject of Jongin and I don't think I want to talk about it..
"You don't have to say if you don't want to," Lu Han added, awkwardly looking out the window.

"Dr Lu," the man popped his head around the door. "Are you ready?"
"Ah, yes." He bowed slightly, helping me into a wheelchair that the other guy brought in just then.
"Right, Sehun," Lu Han began. "You won't be able to walk on your leg for a while, so you'll have to be under constant care by an adult." He explained, pushing me along in the wheelchair through a bunch of long corridors. "Got anyone in mind?"

"Well, my parents are too busy, so I couldn't ask them..." I mumbled. "I mean, I could ask the other hyungs but they're always really busy with work..."
"So you don't have anyone to look after you?" Lu Han asked me, and I shook my head. "Do you want to stay with me?"

I felt my heart skip a small beat. What!? Why did I do that!? That was strange. It must've just been a surprise. Yeah, I was just shocked, that's all. Nothing to bother myself over.

"If that's alright with you..." I muttered.
"Of course," he replied. "We're still friends, after all, right?"
"Yeah." I smiled, fiddling with the material that I wore.

- Lee Minseo's POV -

There was one camera that caught my eye. There were two people stood in a dark barn, and one was pointing a gun at the other's head. I could've sworn that I recognised them. Hold on. I do recognise them. The one with the gun is Yoongi..... And that's......


I panicked, looking around frantically for a way I could stop this. Yoongi, you psycho man! What the fuck are you doing!? My eyes laid upon the unplugged microphone lying on the desk, and I noticed that the wire could be plugged into the TV. I plugged it in, hoping for the best.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, noticing that Jungkook, Jisoo, Mingyu and Minho were in the room as well, all with guns pointed to their heads. "DON'T SHOOT!" I saw Jungkook's lips move, and he frantically started looking around. Why can't I hear them? I could only watch as he was knocked down to the floor by the guy stood behind him, but he looked up and said something again.

Yoongi removed the gun from Sehun's head, and it looked like he was violently yelling at the people who worked for him. Then he abruptly pushed Sehun over to one of the guys, and the five of them were dragged off outside. Yoongi then turned and looked up, directly into the camera, glaring angrily. He pointed straight at the camera, then moved his hand from left to right across his neck.

Shit. I'm in trouble.

I made a run for it, back up the elevator and out the study, dashing back to my room. I locked the door, running towards my bed and hiding under the covers. I know, how original, but honestly, there was no where to hide in the room. And I was too scared to even consider moving now. I hid there, cowering, waiting for the inevitable to happen, and a while later, it did.

The loud bang of a door being slammed open downstairs echoed throughout the house, and the sound of footsteps up the creaky stairs filled me with dread. Oh crap, I'm done for. I peeked my head out of my quilt, almost quivering in fear, and hopelessly watched as my door was kicked down.

Literally ripped off its hinges.

Yoongi glared at me, stood about a metre away from my bed.
"You," he growled. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He walked closer, and I sat up straight in the bed. He walked up to me, slamming his clenched hand into the headboard behind me, inches away from my face.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" He whispered harshly through his teeth, leaning closer so our faces were inches away. "Firstly, you went into my study when I told you not to, and then you mess with my fucking plan!?" He was yelling at this point, and I shivered slightly from underneath him. Then he moved back in a flach, clutching his hair tightly. "Aghh! I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU!" He yelled out, pacing around the room angrily, as if he were debating what to do.

Then he froze.

"You," he turned to face me again, a lot calmer this time. "You're gonna pay me back for screwing up." He then turned his whole body to face me. "Get me some water."
"W-what..?" I stuttered, still terrified.
"GO!" He yelled, causing me to literally jump out of the bed - and my skin - as I ran out the room to get him water.

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Word Count: 1272

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