Amelia McHale

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Legal name: Amelia Mary McHale
Birth name: Amelia Mary McHale
Married name: Shelby
First name: Amelia
Last name: McHale/ Shelby
Preferred name: Amelia
Nicknames she has
John - Amy, Sprite, love, sweetheart, Mouse
Thomas - Mela, Fire
Arthur - Amel, Birdy, songbird
Polly - Darling, girlie
Ada - Chirp
Finn - Lia
Johnny Doggs - Mar, Lia, Wisp
Nicknames she has for others
John - Johnny boy, sweetie, darling, dummy, teddy bear
Thomas - Tommy, Tom, muscles, Air
Arthur - Ar, Raven
Ada - Ad, Tweet
Polly - Auntie, Pol, PolPol
Finn - Finni
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Amelia -Amelia is a girl's name of Latin origin. It derives from the Roman patrician family Aemilia gens and means “industrious,” “striving,” and “work.” 
Mary -The name Mary was derived from the ancient Hebrew name Miriam. Miriam was the name of Moses' sister in the Old Testament of the Bible. This name may have come from a root meaning “beloved,” or from a word meaning “bitter” or “rebellious,” a reference to the biblical Miriam's life as a slave in Egypt.
McHale -The Gaelic name used by the McHale family in ancient Ireland was Mac Ciele, which is derived from the word ciele, which means companion.

Species: human
Season one - 22
Season two -  25
Season three - 27
Season four - 28
Gender: female
Pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: pansexual
Marital status: married

Date of birth: June 19, 1896
Place of birth: Small Heath, Birmingham, England
Zodiac : Gemini
Birth stone: emerald and pear
Birth flower: lavender
Date of death: Date unknown, 1925
Place of death: small heath, Birmingham, England
Cause of death: throat cut by wire in a assassination ordered by Luca Changretta
Ethnicity: Irish
Nationality: England
Accent: Birmingham Accent
Known languages: English, Romani, learning Italian
Social class: lower
Peaky blinders
Previous residence: Small Heath, Birmingham, England
Current Residence: Small Heath, Birmingham, England
Current Occupation: works odd jobs for the peaky blinders
Previous Occupation: Student
Dream Occupation: she's happy with what she does
Education: early high school
Criminal record: petty theft, fights, public intoxication
First appearance: Episode 1
First line: "John Shelby! You are so fucking lucky I'm your best friend!"
Last Appearance: The company
Last line: "A-Arthur..."
Status:  deceased

Portrayed by: Luca Hollestelle
Eye color: brown
Hair color: red
Hair texture:wavy and free, soft to the touch
Hair length: slightly passed shoulders
Height: 5'5
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: no
Tattoos: no
Scars: scattered but none that are that bad
Birthmark: a blotch looking one on her left rib cage
Appearances: Peaky blinders

Mental heath: 80/100
Mental illnesses: slight depression, anxiety
Fears: losing everyone, never being good enough, deep water, dying alone with no one around
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: pleasant
General Personality: She is a pleasant girl to be around and loves almost everyone (ands long as they are in the peaky blinders good will). She is a gentle, wild and reckless soul who was drawn to John Shelby the moment they met as children. Amelia is hard to anger but once you do nothing can calm it until she is good and ready. While she came from a broken past she didn't let that turn her hard, just because the girl who will tell jokes to try and get Thomas to even crack a smile. She wants everyone to be happy when they can and she will do everything in her power to do that. But don't let her blissful way fool you she can be a monster as much as the Shelby boys, with the right motivation she can be a man's worst nightmare
Skills: running, baking, fist fighting (thanks to John)
Likes: making others smile, having fun, animals, the Shelby family, baking for her friends, going on walks, cool weather, going for runs, telling jokes and pulling small parks on the Shelbys
Dislikes:  jerks, her family, people who go against or try to hurt any peaky blinder, people who are cruel to animals, deep water
Hobbies: running, baking, reading
Habits: chewing on her lip, twisting her hair around her finger
Pets peeves: People who think they are always right, loud eaters
Soft spot: the peaky blinders, animals and children
Goals: to be accepted, to gain a new family
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: on occasion
Addictions: adrenaline
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: most like her instantly as she tries to make everyone happy
Notable favorites
Color - red
Animals - cat
Season - fall
Reputation: it's surprisingly good

Hogwarts house - hufflepuff
Disney ancestor- Repunzeal 
Godly parent - Demeter
Faction - Amity

Intelligence - she's fairly smart but not a good speller
Grades - C average
- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = medium
- tolerance = medium
- respect = high
- Empathy = high
Responsibility = medium

- chastity = medium
- charity = medium
- humility = high
- abstinence = medium
- patience = low
- diligence = high
- Kindness = medium

- lust = high
- greed = low
- pride = medium
- gluttony = low
- wrath = medium
- sloth = high
- envy = medium

Booksmart ■ ■ ■  □ □
Confidence ■ ■ □ □ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ ■  □
Flirting ■ ■ □ □ □
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Leadership ■ □ □ □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■  □
Organization ■ ■ ■ □ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Social ■ ■ ■ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Acting ■ ■ □ □ □


Patents: Patrick McHale, 52, alive, bad relationship
Mary McHale, 50, alive, bad relationship
Siblings: Finnigan McHale, 31, alive, decent relationship
Children: Isabella Shelby (season 3)
Other family members: none
Pets: none

Characters they are like:
Lily - Alpha and Omega
Miguel Diaz - Cobra Kia
Nick Wilde - Zootopia

Past love interest: none
Alternative universe love interests
Cobra Kia - Robby Keene
Stranger thing - Robin Buckley
Outerbanks - Rafe Cameron
Current love interest: John Shelby

First encounter: childhood
Ship name: Jomelia
Love language: Physical touch
Relationship status:
Season one - crush on each other but never said it
Season two - together, married at the end
Season three - Married
Season four - widowed
Relationship trope:
Childhood friends to lovers
it's about time sort of romance
lost love,
touch her you die
play fighting
rough housing together
Smart ass comments
Dancing across the stars together
Tragic reunion

Who's Intrested in them

~ no one I can think of~

Relationship with other characters

Thomas Shelby - (9/10)  her and Thomas get along wonderfully, she gets to see his soft side the one his family gets to see where he smiles on a rare occasion. She has made him smile and laugh and for a moment they swear they can see the boy he was before France. Thomas thinks of her as a little sister and won't let anyone hurt her in any way, most too scared to get near her anyway since she always seems to have a peaky blinder near her. Thomas knows that he isn't her first choice to go to when she has a problem but he will always be there for her if that's what she wants.

John Shelby - (10/10) she lived for him and him alone. They have been best friends since they were young and went to school together. Once she reached the age of sixteen her family insisted on meeting the boy she spent all her time with, they learned it was the Shelby boy and refused to let them continue their friendship so she ran away to be with him and his family. John looks out for her at all times, not letting anyone hurt his charming, funny girl. Even before she knew it he had decided that she was his. John's at his softest when he's with her and Amelia is at her wildest when she's with him, they bring out diffrent sides of each other.

Arthur Shelby - (9.5/10) Arthur is so much like the older brother she wished Finnigan would be, he's super protective and caring for the younger girl. He's one of the first ones she goes to when she has a problem and admittedly sometimes that ended with some poor man beat to hell and back just for hitting on her one to many times. He tries to stay away from her when he's angry or drunk because he doenst want to accidently hurt her but sometimes when he's super drunk, the the point he can't remember anything the next day, she's the one caring for him.

Finn shelby - (8/10)  while he isn't the one she is closet to she is still fond of the younger Shelby brother, thinking he was so sweet when he was young and just wanted to be a part of what they did even if that was dangerous. Once he's older the two aren't as close but he watches her back and she his, even if the other doenst know. She still doenst fail to make him smile even when they slowly drift apart, Amelia has the way of touching people's lives in a way that lasts forever, we'll past her own.

Ada Shelby - (9/10) they were a lot closer as children then they are now but they are still pretty close, they started drifting apart as they wanted diffrent things. Ada was pulling away from the life and her brother while Amelia was going closer. They share everything, Ada being the first one that Amelia confided in with her feelings for John and Ada told her about Freddie. The have a strong bond and love for each other even when they barely talk a more they still  are deeply and harshly there and they would do anything for each other. 

Polly Shelby/Gray - (10/10) Polly was the one she lived with when her parents first kicked her out, the woman becoming like a mom to her and Polly loved having Amelia around the house. They have a strong bond and wouldn't hesitate to do anything for them, Amelia could go to her at four in the morning with a body and Polly would just grab the shovels with some minor questions asked about it. It was rare that Amelia did something and Polly didn't know about it because most report back to Polly if she's in any trouble at all.

Grace Burgess - (7/10) she liked Grace when they first met and she loved talking with her and listening to grace sing. Her feelings on her shifted some when she learned that Grace was working for the crown, she didn't like the idea of Tommy's feelings being messed with in anyway at all but that all vanished when they got married. Grace had a soft spot for the younger girl who grow up around the Peaky blinders for so long that she seemed so used to their violent ways she wouldn't bat a eye at any of it.

Chester Campbell - ( 3/10) she despised the man but due to her cheery nature Thomas Intrested her with the task of winning over the man and it worked. Campbell was convinced she was a sweet poor girl of circumstance that was abandoned by her parents and needed help. So he's rather caring towards her and tries to 'rescue' her from teh Shelbys while she learns more and more about him and his buisness go report back to Thomas.

Freddie thorn - (6/10) her and Freddie got along just fine, she's never really seen a problem with him even if she doenst fully agree with him. They have always been nice to each other and she's just happy that he makes Ada happy so he's good in her books. She felt bad for Ada when he passed but she didn't cry for him like she thought she would for who's he considered a friend.

Michael Gray - (7/10) when she first met him she thought he was so sweet, the boy being charming and kind to her. They were easy friends even if John could be a little Possessive of her on occasion. Michael watches out for her and blames himself for not being able to protect her when Changretta's men came after her and Arthur. He was only glad that Arthur and Tommy was there before she fully passed so she knew she wasn't alone in her last moments.

Johnny Doggs - (10/10) her and Johnny get along great, he took on a sort of father role towards her but unlike most father's he taught her how to fish and hunt. He would never say anything bad to the Shelbys but he's hinted at the fact that Amelia shouldn't be hurt or something bad could happen.

Lizzy Stark - (4/10)  her and Lizzy aren't that close, she knew of John's intentions with her when he thought Amelia wasn't in love with him and what was worse in her account was Lizzy was willing to sell herself to Thomas one last time. So on the rare occasion Amelia doesn't get along with someone it's usally Lizzy. They are complicated as Lizzy does her best with the girl knowing how close she is to the family,

Linda Shelby - (7/10) her and Linda get along better then anyone would have thought but that's mainly due to Amelia's good nature. Linda sees her as a light that will hopefully chase away some of the Shelby darkness even if she sometimes partakes in so said darkness.

Bonnie Gold - (8/10) she thinks he's sweet and funny, he tries to be close to her but learns it's a lost cause because unlike most of the people in Small Heath she's can't move on quickly. But he's there for her and listens when she talks and just tries to be a good friend to her

Head cannons
-Polly used to call Ada and Amelia birds of a father, hence the Nicknames Chirp and tweet.
- sometimes wonders if people really do like her or if it's only because of her connections with the Shelby family
- growing up around the Shelbys she's learned some of their skills
- it was hard for her when they went to France having to wonder if they were coming home alive or in a wooden box
- she does her best to keep everyone happy and make people smile
- her family didn't come to her and John's wedding
- gets pregnant right before season three beginnings so she's pregnant in the beginning
- she wasn't even close to a being a fan of their Russian friends
- at the party she sticks with John in a private room
- she is the jokester of the group
- her family didn't show up at her funeral it only being the Shelby clan, Curly, Charlie, Johnny Dogs, Michael, Bonnie and Abarama
- Ada takes Isabella when they died

Couple head cannons
- she had a crush on him since they were young but they had always been best friends
- his feelings sort of hit him one day when they were sixteen, she was laughing about something and he was looking at her, that's when it clicked
- he gets rather possessive of her around other men
- they love to tease and play fight, sometimes leading to Arthur jokingly telling them to take it out of the office
- she convinces him to take time to play childhood games again like Tag and hide n go seek
- he taught her how to fight so they will spar together
- she leaves him baked goods

Characters tropes
A girl with a broken past
Harsh environment just made her kind
hides behind a smile
total goof ball
seems to make everyone happy
hard to be mad at her
Loyalty till the very end

Role- Main Charater
Charater rankings
Funniest Charater - Amelia
Best friendship - Amelia and John
Potential couple - Amelia and Isiah
Sunshine x Platonic sunshine protector - Amelia and Tommy
Can talk with just looks and facial expressions - Amelia and Arthur

Extra quotes

"Come on, it's a quick game! I promise you can go back to being a Ruthless gangster after!"

"Sorry but I can't really talk to men...why? Oh because of him." *points to John who has a death glare*

"I made cookies! Everyone  but Tommy gets one because Tommy pissed me off."

"No! I'll choose him over you any day, just because you are my blood doesn't mean you are my family."

~ more coming soon ~

What she does through the seasons
~ coming soon ~

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