Elvaira Dogs

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Legal name: Elvaira Acorn Dogs
Birth name: Elvaira Acorn Dogs
Married name: Shelby
First name: Elvaira
Last name: Dogs
Preferred name: any
Nicknames she has
Thomas - Elvy, Acorn, Little dove, firefly
John - Ary,  wanderer
Arthur -Aria, Dogs
Polly -Elv, Seer
Ada - Vaira
Johnny Doggs - Darlis (free from darkness), sissy
Some gypsies - Azuba (forsaken )
Nicknames she has for others
Johnny Doggs - Curca (turkey-hen) , John boy, brother
Thomas - Tommy, love, princey
Arthur - Dragon, Arth
John - Johnnycakes, J
Polly - Auntie, Pol, lion h justearted
Ada- Ad, Vipress
Aliases: none
Origin of name 
Elvaira -Elvaira is the Romani corruption of Elvira – a Spanish girl's name possibly derived from the Germanic elements “ala” (all) and “wer” (true).
Acorn -Acorn was a common name among Romany traveler families in Victorian Britain. The ancient Romani saw acorns as symbols of fertility and virility
Dogs -The surname Dog was first found in Perthshire (Gaelic: Siorrachd Pheairt) former county in the present day Council Area of Perth and Kinross, located in central Scotland, where they held a family seat from early times. (Closest I could find)

Season one, 1919 - 25
Season two, 1921 - 27
Season three, 1924- 30
Season four, 1926 - 32
Season five, 1929 - 35
Season six, 1933 -   39
Gender: female
Pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: pansexual
Marital status: married

Date of birth: October, 31 1894
Place of birth: Northern Ireland, UK
Zodiac : Scorpio
Birth stone: topaz
Birth flower:geraniums
Date of death: 12/13/1937 (as of now)
Place of death: Small heath, Birmingham, England
Cause of death: Bullet wound
Ethnicity: Romani - Irish
Nationality: Irish
Accent: Irish softly
Known languages: English, Romani, French, Gaelic
Social class: lower
Peaky blinders
The Lee family
Previous residence: Galway, Ireland
Current Residence: Small Heath, Birmingham, England
Current Occupation: works odd jobs for the peaky blinders or taking shifts at The Garrison
Previous Occupation: Student
Dream Occupation: dancer or Artist
Education: high school
Criminal record: none
First appearance: Episode 1
First line: "Hello Tommy, what are you up to today?"
Last Appearance: Lock and Key
Last line: "Don't go Tommy..."
Status: deceased

Portrayed by: Gratiela Brancusi
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: wavy and free
Hair length:a little passed shoulders
Height: 5'3
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: none
Tattoos: not yet
Scars: some small ones scattered
Birthmark: one vaguely heart shaped on shoulder
Appearances: Peaky blinders

Mental heath: 80/100
Mental illnesses: slight anxiety
Fears:being left behind, not being accepted because she's Romani,
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: pleasant and cheerful
General Personality: She is a contradiction, because her personality truly depends on who's around or what situation it is. She is such a loving person until you give her a reason  not to be, she's a free spirit who for so many years had a caged soul. She's fearless and compassionate but is scared to those she loves and will fight in any means possible to keep from losing them. Elvaira is a bouncy and energetic girl who knows when it's time to be calm. She's firey, flirty and sarcastic, she's stronger then she gives herself credit for. Sometimes she seems like a lost puppy following someone around but man do people respect her. She's not the type to back down from a argument and doesn't let anyone disrespect or hurt her family.
Skills: dancing, drawing, running, knives, hunting
Likes: dancing, being bare footed, drawing, those she cares about, being free, riding horses, eating home made meals by a fire under the stars, going for walks in the woods, singing and music, animals of all kinds, being back in small heath and being able to speak Romani again,  her family mainly her brother, children especially babies, carnivals and festivals
Dislikes: shoes, being controlled and told what to do, her relatives in Ireland saying she can't talk in Romani, her friends and family being hurt or disrespected, anyone who would dare hurt a child, the feeling of abandonment, people being rude or judgemental of certain groups of people, being forced into a relationship
Hobbies: dancing, drawing, singing, going on long walks, reading anything she can get her hands on
Habits: pacing, zoning out for long periodsof time, chewing on her lips, loosing her shoes while on a walk
Soft spot: the peaky blinders, her brother, animals, children 
Goals: to help those she loves as much as possible, to live free
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: more then she drinks
Addictions: Smoking, adrenaline
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: That she's a cheerful person
Notable favorites
Season - fall
Weather - witch weather
Reputation: fair

Hogwarts house : slytherin
Disney ancestor: Bruno, Encanto
Godly parent : Demeter
Faction - can't pick between Dauntless and Abnegation

- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = high
- tolerance = low
- respect = medium
- Empathy = high
Responsibility = medium

- chastity = low
- charity = medium
- humility = high
- abstinence = low
- patience = medium
- diligence = high
- Kindness = high

- lust = medium
- greed = low
- pride = high
- gluttony = low
- wrath = medium
- sloth = high
- envy = low

Booksmart ■ ■ ■ □ □
Confidence ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Team player ■ ■ ■  □ □
Flirting ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Leadership ■ ■ □ □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ ■ ■ □ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Social ■ ■ ■ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■  □
Acting ■ ■  □ □ □



Patents: unknown named
Siblings: Johnny Dogs, older brother, alive, great relationship
Children: John Shelby, season 4 after John died
George Shelby, season 5
Trinity Shelby, season 5
Other family members: Aunt Ester Lancaster and uncle Roger Lancaster
Pets: Dogs named Wolf

Characters they are like:
Nikolai Lantsov
JJ Maybank
Lydia -teen wolf

Past love interest: none
Alternative universe love interests
Freaks and geeks - Nick Andopolis
Shadow and bone - Nikolai Lantsov
The Wanderers - Perry
Current love interest: Thomas Shelby

First encounter: pre season one
Ship name: Thlvia
Love language: Physical touch
Relationship status:
Season one - crushing on her side
Season two - him flirting with her more
Season three - complicated
Season four - together
Season five - together
Season six - together
Relationship trope:
Rekindled love
Friends to lovers
he doesn't see
he's in love with someone else
everyone can see it but him
highly protective of each other
touch her and see what happens

Who's Intrested in them

Bonnie Gold - he loves her wild and free spirit, the beautiful gypsy woman who walks bare foot down the cobblestone streets with a smile, he couldn't help it. Even when he realizes he doesn't have a chance it doenst change how kind he is to her.

John Shelby - he had a crush on her when they were young and he hoped a bit when he heard she was back in town that he would have his chance with her but he's still very happy for her and Thomas.

Relationship with other characters

Thomas Shelby - (10/10) she adores Thomas, she remembers him from before the war when he was such a happy boy, smiling and laughing and sometimes giving into her and playing childish games of tag or hide n seek. But she still loves the stoic man, even if they have to get used to each other again that would never change the fact that they are best friends. They look out for each other and he is very protective of her, even though he knows she can handle her own there's just something about seeing someone even merely threaten her and he's right there to defend her. A duo that can read each other well and with a simple look sometimes understanding what they are trying to say. She recognized Thomas and Johnny instantly when they came to get her but Thomas didn't recognize her right away but she still tried to get him to dance with her.

John Shelby - (10/10) John Shelby is by far her closest and best friend among the peaky blinders and she sint afraid of showing it, he's the easiest one to pull into her games and get him to have fun. They definitely can talk with just eyes and sighs, more so then her and Tommy can, making the older  brother a bit jealous. It would be a stupid idea to mess with Elvaira when John's around because unlike Tommy he will strike first and ask questions while you are bleedin, no one will hurt his wanderer and get away with it. He teases her a lot about the fact she hates shoes but at the same time he finds it sorta cute. While he moves on with Esme he will always have a major soft spot for her and keep her close to his heart.

Arthur Shelby - (9/10) Her and Arthur are actually really close and no one would have ever guessed it, in the beginning they were hell if you angered both of them. The two would glance towards each other to make sure the other was ready to start the fight and once they were sure they moved together well. He would gladly just sit there and watch her sketch a draw all day, his favourites being the animals and landscapes she would create. As the seasons go and he becomes more calm he becomes the one she could easily rope into her games. After John passes he becomes a rock for her and her a lighthouse for him because while she's upset she tries to keep her bouncy Personality so her brightness can drawn him out of his darkness.

Finn shelby - (7/10) Finn loved the girl when he was a child, she happily played games with him and would watch him if someone needed to. He liked how she could brightened his brothers days and even into the first few seasons he respected and cared for her, glad she would still play games with him even though he's already slowly getting involved with the buisness. Since she's always had a soft spot for children it was only natrual for her to care deeply about him. The main problems she had with him was when he started to get older and question the things his brothers would say even if it was right and for the best, he broke her heart when he chose Billy over the family so she closed herself off from him.

Ada Shelby - (6/10) Ada and Elvaira got along fairly well but they weren't as close as Polly thought they would be, Polly was thinking since it was two girls around the same age they would be almost inseparable but Elvaira always seemed to prefer hanging around the boys, but that didn't mean Elvaira and Ada weren't friends they definitely were but she just wasn't as close as she should have been. They have a pretty good friendship throughout the seasons, things getting a bit tense whenever they was a argument between Ada and Thomas, usally the two dragging the woman into it to try and decide who was right. But all in all she cares and would fight for Ada if it be needed.

Polly Shelby/Gray - (8/10) Polly has always seen how special this girl was even before she started showing signs of being a seer. They got along well and Polly offered to take her in but Elvaira was still sent away to be with her orher relatives. Polly welcomes her back happily and with open arms, the women  falling back into their old friendship. Polly helps her with her visions and understanding things more. Elvaira definitely keeps the woman young by getting her to join her in games and dances as that was the only way the younger could stay sane being in Ireland.  Polly happily supports the idea of Thomas and Elvaira as a couple, because she remembers how they used to be when they were younger and happy.

Grace Burgess - (5/10)  she's alright with Grace, never seeing that much of a problem with her. Elvaira was friendlier towards her until she started to realize Grace's feelings for Tommy and that Tommy returned those feelings. While that did hurt a bit she didn't expect her and Thomas to pick up where they left off so Elvaira is still kind towards Grace but not as much as she used to be. Grace has grown to care in soe, degree for the girl and tries her best to look out for her, make sure none of the cops give her any trouble. Grace isn't blind, seeing the way that Elvaira looks at Thomas but the blonde woman wasn't sure what to do about that so she did nothing.

Chester Campbell - ( 2/10) she met the man on the way home one day and he seemed kind to her and offered to walk her all the way back, how matter how she declined saying she was fine and could go home herself, he somehow still managed to join her on the walk. He would ask normal questions at first before slowly drifting towards the topic of the Peaky Blinders. The woman started to become cautious of him. The more she learned about him and that he was a cop her distrust grew, instantly telling Thomas about the man. She only despised him more and more over time as Campbell caused harm or distress to the Shelby family.

Esme Lee -(9/10) she is very fond of Esme as her and Johnny are close to the Lee family. Esme and Elvaira are kindred spirits having the same firey nature and personality. She was thrilled when Esme joined in the Shelby family. The two stick pretty close but when Esme gets mad at Thomas that's when they are on opposite sides because while she can't accept what Thomas has done she sort of understands why he would do that. Elvaira has no hatred for the girl at all but when Esme runs away it hurts that Elvaira didn't even get a goodbye in all of that.

Freddie thorn - (5/10) she has always liked Freddie as a friend before the went off to France, when everyone was back in Birmingham the whole dynamic changed, while Elvaira would miss when they were all friends she would always chose Thomas no matter what. While they had a sort of awkward friendship when she got back they did have one, especially when him and Ada got married. She was sad when ever died and attended his funeral.

Michael Gray - (7/10) she is rather fond of Micheal when they first met, she saw him as such a sweet boy and he was smart too, that she could tell. She looks out for him during the beginning while he was still learning what the family was like but after he shows he has what it takes to make it, while she still looks out for him she doesn't jump to his defense as quickly and he looks after her as well. When he betrayed Thomas it broke her heart, she mourned him even though she knew it was Micheal or Thomas

Linda Shelby - (5/10) her and Linda are civil and fairly polite to each other. Elvaira mainly likes her because she brings out the good in Arthur and it warmed the girls heart to see it. While they don't talk all that much they can sit in comfortable silence. Linda is more tolerant to Elvaira then most of the Shelbys acquaintances as she sees the good in her and hopes to being her good out fully, maybe even having the chance to affect the other Shelby family members. Linda sort of views Elvaira as a project.

Johnny Doggs - (10/10) she loves her brother more then anyone else and will always pick his side even if it's between him and Thomas. She's a strong family person so that she wouldn't question. They have such a fun sibling relationship as they tend to fight and tease each other, giving each other unflattering nicknames and embarrassing each other in front of other people. But never think that gives you the right to say something to them as they will instantly stick up for the other. Johnny is very protective of his younger sister and will do anything to make sure she's safe.

Bonnie Gold - (9/10)  she likes Bonnie thinking he's such a sweet boy and she loves his fighting spirit, the two get along well. He's especially kind to her since when they met he sort of gained a crush on her so she was always in his soft spot. Even when he learns that he has no chance of gaining her love in the way he wished he is still so kind and protective of her. They go on runs together which mainly result in them running bare foot through the woods or wandering through a stream they have found.

Lizzy Stark - (3/10) she's okay with Lizzy but they aren't on the best of terms as Lizzy can be on the bossy side and Elvaira doesn't take orders well. They bicker more then anything in such clever ways with small underhanded comments. They rather not be around each other or there could be a physical fight and they don't want that to happen in the place of work.

Oswald Mosley - (2/10) she despises this man and all he stands for, it's extremely hard for her to pretend to be nice to him as she sees through his fake smile and beautiful lies so she tends to do her best at staying away from him. Oswald does his best to woo her as he finds her quite nice on the eyes so he tries to gave her even if it's only for one night but she skillfully avoids him so he doenst have the chance to ask any questions of her.

Gina Gray - (2/10) Elvaira thinks that Gina is a bitch and didn't like her from the beginning. She doenst like how Gina has changed Micheal, seeming to have him wrapped around her finger and the fact that Gina comes to Birmingham acting like she was  better then everyone else, trying to get Micheal to take down Thomas. The two argue a lot and should be kept seperated.

Duke Shelby  (8/10) she is actually fond of the boy, welcoming him happily into the family and unlike Lizzy not turning his back on him or being upset at Thomas. The two get along well as she helps him learn more about the place and the people within it. They have a family bond and doenst turn their backs on each other.

Head cannons
- she briefly dated Thomas before he was sent of to France, soon after he left she was sent to Ireland to live with relatives
- her aunt and uncle wanted her to be proper and marry a wealthy man
- she'd sneak away to festivals in small towns and dance barefoot
- has a dislike for shoes
- around sixteen she showed signs of being able to communicate with the dead as well as she past and future happenings (sorta like Loraine Warren )
- Johnny brought Thomas with him to Ireland to bring her home, finding her at one of the festivals
- likes wearing dresses, especially when fighting because it definitely burns into the man's mind that he was beaten by a woman
-she dreams of the future sometimes so people let her sleep
- helps John with his children till he marries
- she doenst like being ordered around
- Her favorite place is the woods
- never fails to have some sort of weapon hidden on her, sometimes on her body, sometimes in her hair
- walks through doorways first for a reason
( More to come)

Couple head cannons
- He's very protective over her, no one can hurt her as long as he is there
- Thomas is her safe place, right in his arms. It's been that way since they were young
- their dates are nothing fancy, just home cooked meals in the woods by a fire. A record player playing music that they dance to
- he loves her singing
- riding horses together
- late night dances, Thomas holding her close to him
- stolen kisses in the dead of night
- her living with him even when he's married to grace
- they understand each other wonderfully
(More to come)

Characters tropes
Gypsy girl
heart of gold but trust issues
not vicious just a result
The seer
loyal to a fault
lost puppy/ golden retriever energy

Role: main character
Charater rankings
Best friendship - Elvaira and Arthur
Best ship that never happened - Elvaira and John
Most shocking friendship - Elvaira and Freddie
Kindest, meanest person - Elvaira
Best ship - Elvaira and Tommy

Extra quotes

"I don't think you are truly mean, Thomas Shelby. You have sad eyes."

"Yeah Yeah, I know. It's to dangerous but I'm dangerous too."

"I'm glad to be home!"

"His family Finn! Wither you like it or not, so get your head out of your ass!"

"Tommy what the hell were you thinking?....oh yeah, that's right. You weren't!"

"Johnny, dearest brother, I suggest you back the hell up before I make you."

What she does through the seasons
~ coming soon ~

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