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Legal name: Julia Megan Herlot
Birth name; Julia Megan Herlot
Married name: N/A
First name: Julia
Last name: Herlot
Preferred name: Julia
Nicknames: Jul - friends and family
Juju - close friends
Queen of the freaks - people behind her back, Kyler
Hell hound - her sister
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Julia -Julia is the feminine form of the Roman family name, Julius, which derives from the name of the mythological Roman god, Jupiter. Jupiter presided over the heavens and light, and was responsible for the protection and laws of the Roman state. Julia can also mean "youthful," a derivative of the Latin word "iuvenale."
Megan - A diminutive of Margaret from the Greek 'margarites' meaning 'pearl'. Its Greek roots can also mean 'great' and 'mighty'.
Herlot - From Middle English harlot, from Old French harlot, herlot, arlot (“vagabond; tramp”), of obscure origin. Likely ultimately of Germanic origin, either from a derivation of *harjaz (“army; camp; warrior; military leader”) or from a diminutive of *karilaz (“man; fellow”). Compare English carlot.

Species: human
Age: 17
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/ her
Sexuality: pansexual
Marital status: single

Date of birth: October 31, 2006 (?)
Place of birth: London, England
Zodiac : Scorpio
Number: 9 - idealistic, aloof, confident, sophisticated, romantic, open minded, generous, arrogant
Color: red- adventure, aggression, excitement, courage, danger, passion, strength, violence, war, conflict, desire, fire, hunting, love, sex
Animal: wolf- communication, compassion, intelligence, friendliness, generosity, sensitivity, freedom, passion, loyal, instinct, love
Aura: red - strong, passionate, hardworking, stress, destructive, pain, grounded, sensual, self confidence, experiences the world through touch
Tarot card: the tower XVI - chaos, destruction, trauma, unexpected change, loss, tragedy, disaster, confusion, pain
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: English
Accent: British
Known languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Social class: lower
Cobra Kia
Current Occupation: dancer
Previous Occupation: none
Education: high school
First appearance: Ace Degenerate
First line: "I'm Julia, you must be new here."
Last Appearance: TBD
Last line: TBD
Status:  Alive

Portrayed by: Jessica Claments
Eye color: blue
Hair color: brown
Hair texture:wavy and soft
Hair length: little passed shoulders
Height: 5'2
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: no
Scars: one going from her left shoulder blade to her right hip, from a accident
Appearances: Cobra Kia

Mental heath: 87/100
Mental illnesses: anger issues, slight anxiety
Fears: deep water, clowns, getting seriously injured
Physical illnesses : knee problem from a previous injury
General Personality - she's a nice girl if you're nice to her. People like Kyler mock her and talk about her behind her back but never says any of it to her face because even despite her sweet appearance she's a scary person to mess with. She's smart and kinda nerdy and a fighter. She hates any kind of injustice and will do her best to right it. On occasion she for go's her wellbeing to try and protect others and she has a bad temper on occasion to where she'll lash out but she usally regrets it afterwards. She can be shy if she's Intrested in you but only after she figures out she could be your friend for a while then suddenly she's nervous around you
Skills: dancing, fast, fist fighting
Likes: dancing, cooking, watching the stars, having fun, family and friends, animals, nature
Dislikes: jerks, being told what to do, people not respecting boundaries, mustard, squirrels, being touched by strangers
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: mixed
Booksmart or streetsmart: both
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: not much until later on 
Addictions: none
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral

Intelligence - average
Grades - Cs and Ds
- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = high
- tolerance = low
- respect = medium
- Empathy = medium
- Responsibility = high

- chastity = medium
- charity = medium
- humility = medium
- abstinence =  medium
- patience = low
- diligence = medium
- Kindness = high

- lust = high
- greed = low
- pride = high
- gluttony = low
- wrath =  high
- sloth = low
- envy = medium

Booksmart ■ ■ ■ □ □
Confidence ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ □ □
Flirting ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Leadership ■ ■ ■  □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ ■ □ □ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Social ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Acting ■ ■ ■ □ □

Clothing Aesthetic - not a set style


Queen of the freaks - AViVA
Dysfunctional you - shinedown
Monsters - shinedown
A symptom of being human - shinedown
Ex-girlfriend - Melina KB
The audacity - emlyn
Maybe all the rumours are true - catty
Honestly I'm disappointed - Kate grahn
Monster made of memories - citizen soldier

Markus Herlot - father, 45, alive,  they have a good relationship
Crystal Masiy - mother, 42, alive, great relationship
Camila Herlot- older sister, 19, alive, great relationship
Children: none
Other family members: none of importance
Pets: none

Past love interest: Robby Keene or Miguel Diaz

Current love interest: Miguel Diaz or Robby Keene

Ship name: MiJu / RoJu
Love language: quality time and physical touch
Relationship status: crushing
Relationship trope:
Strangers to friends to lovers
Overly protective
Friends don't look at each other like that
He falls for the 'scary' girl
Play fighting
Whispered I love yous
Right person, wrong time

Relationship quotes :
" I got you, I always will."

"God I hate you, why did you make me love you so damn much?"

"Love you asshole."

Who's Intrested in them
Kyler parks
Tory Nichols
Robby Keene
Eli Motzcowitz

Deadly sin: wrath
Hogwarts house: slytherin
Godly parent:  hades
District: 2

Relationship with other characters

Sam Larusso - she's okay with Sam but that's only because in the beginning Miguel was into her and she wanted him to be happy but as time goes on she grows tired of the girl and how insufferable she can be, she hates how much she hurt Miguel

Miguel Diaz - he's her best friend. These two become inseparable after they became friends, talking late each night. She would do anything for him and he would for her. No one would hurt the other as long as they were around to protect them but their protectivness of each other leads them to some of their worse times.

Hawk / Eli Motzcowitz - this is her second best friend, a trio of terror these three wpuld be called. She loved him as the Snyder nerd as well as the tough bad boy. She stood up for him so much and when he gets his confidence back he does the same in return. This two have stuck together through thick and thin.

Tory Nichols - they hit it off almost instantly when they met at the beach club, Aisha having invited both. As they got to know each other tory developed some feelings for her but never said anything. Julia would do anything she could to keep tory safe even if tory was capable of doing that for herself

Aisha Robinson - Aisha was one of her first friends but not near her bets even though she loves the girl dearly. Aisha was always more Sam's friend then hers but that was okay with Julia expecially after she met Miguel and Eli. These two still get along great

Robby Keene - her and Robby are a complicated duo, a very bitter love hate relationship. He is flirty towards her and she tries to ignore him the best she can but these two end up becoming friends. 

Kenny Payne - Kenny is fine in her opinion but only after he starts hurting her friends does she start to hate the younger boy, before then she was by Robby's side trying to teach Kenny the way of the fist in the right manner.

Kyler - she doesn't like Kyler at all, she hates how he flirts with her but makes fun of her and her friends at the same time. She doesn't like how he calls her names but then acta all wounded when she doesn't return his feelings that he claims to have. The only time these two start to get along is when he joins cobra kia when she's in it still

Brucks - she doesn't like him in the slightly bit, he's a complete jerk to her and she will not hesitate to put him in his place

Daniel Larusso - she likes him more then the rest of his family. He's kind to her and tries to take her under his wing as well as Robby. The two work well together and she holds no hard feelings for him when she's in Cobra Kai,

Johnny Lawrence - she's amused by him but also intimidated by him, in the beginning. After she learned what a sweetheart he actually can be she wasn't as afraid as before. She is loyal to him and will defend him and he looks out for her without her really knowing it.

John kreese - he has taken a shine to the girl when they first met, she was a skilled fighter in his opinion which he liked. She's cautious of him but isn't fully against him until when he took the dojo from Johnny,

Terry silver - she has zero trust for him and will not tolerate him. She isn't afraid of him and can't be charmed by him as easily as others can be

Chozen Toguchi - she loves how he teaches and he's a nice and funny guy. She trusts him and loves to work with him. He cares for the girl as if she was his own but he never over steps any boundaries

Incorrect quotes

Miguelwe have to get to a hospital, and we have to get there fast
Julia - then I should drive
Robby - why?
Julia - I have nothing to live for, and I drive like it
Miguel - okay, let's do it
(Cut to)
Everyone in the car - *screaming*
Julia - When you said 'magic in bed' this isn't exactly what I was exp-
Miguel - *holds up 8 of hearts* is this your card?
Julia - *softly* holy shit
Miguel - Julia please no. I love you
Julia - I'm sorry, I have to
Miguel - please JuJu, I'm  begging you, after all save been through together?!?
Julia - I'm sorry *places a 4+ card* uno
Julia - When I die, donate my entire body to science
Julia - expect for my middle finger, give that to Terry silver
Tory - so what are you thinking?
Julia -you know how Robby is cute but he can look so badass? Like he's going to hurt someone? Kind of like a sexy cactus
Tory - I meant for dinner, Julia
Johnny - I know you snuck out last night Julia
Julia, internally - play dumb
Julia - who's Julia?
Julia, internally - not that dumb you dumbass
Robby using Julia's phone - sees contact called "❤MY LOVE❤"
Robby - aww...wait this isn't my number *calls number*
The other line - hello, this is Area 51 security and please stop calling us or we will send our men to you
Robby -what the fuck

Head cannons
-her parents are divorced, her mom lives in Reseda so that's where she is
- people talk about her behind her back but never to her face because she's rather intimidating
- her and her sister has a cryptid podcast
- she's part of a dance crew
- dancing is her favorite activity
- goes to her dad's on Thanksgiving
- is going to a school for the arts after she graduates

Couple head cannons
- dancing together
- them being playful to each other
- she can be easily jealous but she never acts any different. She just gets nervous she'll be replaced
- small gifts given whenever they can
- arcade dates mostly
- watching the stars together

Characters tropes
Queen of the freaks
The scary girl
The misunderstood
Heart of stone
The dancer
The dreamer
The defender
Trying to save those she loves but fails

Extra quotes
"I know what they say about me behind my back. But I don't care. I'm a freak because I'm a nerd for cryptids. I'm a freak because of so many reasons. But they never say it to my face because they are scared of me, I scare them can you believe that? It's because I bite back."

"What a asshole...but alas he's one of my assholes."

"Don't worry...I got you...I go-"

What she does through the seasons

Season one
Coming soon

Season  two
Coming soon

Season three
Coming soon

Season four
Coming soon

Season five
Coming soon 

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