Jessica Shaw

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Shes for rp purposes only so her age won't match perfectly with the time line but it's whatever

Legal name: Jessica Vivian Shaw (Altieri)
Birth name: Jessica Vivian Altieri
Married name: none
First name: Jessica
Last name: Shaw / Altieri
Preferred name: Jessica
Nicknames she has:
Chad - Jessie, jess, Darling, dummy, goof ball
Mindy - Jessie, Silvermist, Pixie,
Wes- Jessie, Witchy  (will love), Cat
Tara - Jessie, Mrs. Meeks-Martin  (said teasingly if he's not around), J
Sam - Jessie, J, Viv
Anika - Jessie, JV, babes (like how friends say it)
Ethan - Jessie, Killer  (hates this one  it she'll allow it only from him), JJ
Quinn - Jessie, J
Nicknames she has for others:
Chad - CC, dumbass, cowboy (after frat party), baby, Tough guy, my love, teddy bear
Mindy - Min-Min, Bestie, Indy
Wes- Asshole  (said teasingly), Jack frost
Tara - T, Crackhead  (always laughing at her high spirits)
Sam - Sammy, SC, Mom (jokingly)
Anika - Annie, Nika, sweets
Ethan - Eth, bubba
Quinn - Q, Quinny
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Jessica-The first recorded instance of the name Jessica is in William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice," where Jessica is the daughter of the Jewish moneylender Shylock. It is believed that Shakespeare created this name by anglicizing the spelling of the biblical name Iscah, which means “vision” or “sight” in Hebrew
Vivian -Vivian, as a girl's name, is of Latin origin, meaning "lively." This name derives from the Latin name Vivianus, which comes from the Latin word vivus, meaning "alive" This name inspires a vibrant life and legacy both, already standing the test of time since the 19th century
Shaw -The surname Shaw was both an Irish and Scotch name. It is derived from the Gaelic personal name "Sithech," meaning "wolf."
Altieri -Etymologically, the name Altieri comes from the old German language, and is made of two words, the first being either alda ("old", "experienced") or audha ("riches", "power"), and the second haria ("to practise"): the meaning would be respectively "experienced person" or "person who works with richness"

Species: human
Age: she would technically be 22 but in rp she's 18 same age as Chad
Gender: female
Pronouns: she her
Sexuality: bisexual
Marital status: single

Date of birth: October 31, 1999 (I think, plus that's the actual time line for movie but she'll be 2001 for rps)
Place of birth: Woodsboro, California
Zodiac : Scorpio
Birth stone: topaz
Birth flower: geraniums
Number: 5- dynamic, quick-witted, restless, creative, daring, persuasive, charming, procrastinator
Color: bright red - exciting, passionate, dramtic, powerful, magnetic, impulsive, adventurous, temperamental, violent
Animal: arctic fox -resilient, cunning, perseverance
Aura: lavender - enchanting, daydreamer, fragile, sensitive, imaginative, creative, gentle, intrusive
Tarot card: ten of swords - defeat, ruin, failure, bitterness, collapse, dead end, exhaustion, loss, crisis
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Accent: none
Known languages: English, Spanish, Italian
Social class:  middle
The core four
Woodsboro high
Blackmore university
Previous residence: Woodsboro, California then Modesto,  California back to Woodsboro
Current Residence: New York, NY
Current Occupation:Student of blackmore university/ barista
Previous Occupation: Student at Woodsboro high / flower stop worker
Dream Occupation: artist
Education: college
Criminal record: assault, petty theft
First appearance: Scream 5
First line: "Not again...why does everyone also go Ghost on us?"
Last Appearance: Scream 6 (as of now)
Last line: "Yeah we survived Min...but sometimes that's worse."
Status: Alive

Portrayed by: Crystal Reed
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Hair texture: wavy and soft
Hair length: middle of her back
Height: 5'3
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: ears, thinking about her lip or nose
Tattoos: none as of now
Scars:  some scattered, most prominent ones include a gash from her stomach to right hip and a stab wound on her left thigh
Appearances: Scream

Mental heath: 50/100
Mental illnesses: slight depression, anxiety, paranoia
Fears: dying alone, Ghost face coming back, becoming like her mother and father, being touched by people she's not okay with
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: neutral
General Personality: She's so much like her mother sometimes it scares Gwenivere. Jessica was taken away from the town of Woodsboro that she had finally come to terms with so in the new environment that was home she was shy, meek and reserved but she was slowly brought out of her shell when she met Mindy and Tara who introduced her to the rest of the group. She's clever and smart about certain things. Definitely more street then book but sometimes she is blinded by her hope of seeing good in people. She's a sarcastic and funny girl once she is comfortable around the group she's with. While she is very sweet and gentle with the right amount of pushing she can turn violent. She has a temper on her and is very impulsive which doenst mix all that well when it comes to those who frustrat her
Skills: Drawing, cooking, fast, hand to hand combat
Likes: drawing, her friends, her family...sort of, animals, horror movies, romantic movies, poetry, reading, going on walks, coffee, music, having fun with her friends, oh yeah and coffee
Dislikes: the killings, jerks, crowds, pushy people, overly bright lights, those who point out her Scars or makes her feel weird about what happened, people knowing who her parents are, the occasional hallucination, being limited on her caffeine intake, being touched
Hobbies: drawing, training and running
chewing lip when deep in thought or nervous
Avoids eye contact with everyone when scared
Running fingers through hair when nervous or stressed
Pets peeves: when people scrape thier fork or knife on plate, chewing with their mouth open, smacking, interrupting, pushy people
Soft spot:Chad,  the friend group, kids, animals, Gwen
Goals: to survive at this point, one day to become a artist
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: mixed
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: on occasion
Addictions: adrenaline, caffeine
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: That she's quiet and shy
Notable favorites
Book- Les Miserables
Movie - Pet sematary
Season - fall
Weather - witch weather
animal- wolves
Coffee - hazelnut
Reputation: fair, she tends to get into fights at school

Hogwarts house - hufflepuff
Disney ancestor - Ember, Elemental
Godly parent - Apollo, God of music, poetry, prophecy, art, truth, archery, healing, sun and light
Faction - in between Amity and dauntless

Intelligence - she's pretty smart
Grades - Cs and Ds
- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = medium
- tolerance = low
- respect = medium
- Empathy = high
-Responsibility = medium

- chastity = medium
- charity = high
- humility = high
- abstinence = medium
- patience = low
- diligence = medium
- Kindness = high

- lust = medium
- greed = low
- pride = high
- gluttony = low
- wrath = medium
- sloth = high
- envy = high

Booksmart ■ ■ ■ □ □
Confidence ■ ■ □ □ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Flirting ■ ■ ■ ■  □
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Leadership ■ ■ □ □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ □ □ □ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Social ■ □ □ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Acting ■ ■ □ □ □

Clothing Aesthetic - she's  more on the flowy gothic, Witchy vibes of Outfits. She isn't hard core gothic but she looks pretty intimidating if you didn't see how shy she was

Reed is the rose - the high king's
Téir Abhaile Riu - Celtic women
Friends don't - Maddie and Tae
Poster kid - peach Martine
I would have given you the moon - Peach Martine
Kiss it better - he is we
What if it doesn't end well - Chloe Moriondo
Anything by Ice nine kills and motionless in white
Goodnight moon - go radio
Just like Jesse James - Cher

Patents: Mickey Altieri (father, deceased) Victoria Shaw (mother, deceased )
Siblings: no
Children: no
Other family members: Gwenivere Shaw (aunt, alive)
Pets: none

Characters they are like:
Newt - maze runner
Nick Wilde - Zootopia
Agatha - school for good and evil
Loki - marvel

Past love interest: a boy from back home
Alternative universe love interests
Peter Parker - marvel
Carl Grimes - walking dead
John Shelby - peaky blinders
Current love interest: Chad Meeks-Martin

First encounter: when Jessica moved to Modesto she came back to Woodsboro a year before the killings started again 
Ship name:Jad
Love language: quality time and physical touch
Relationship status:
Scream 5- crushing
Scream 6 - crushing then eventually together
Relationship trope:
Tough guy x soft girl
Sunshine x sunshine protector
Gentle touches
Touch her and ill kill you
Friends don't look at each other that way

Who's Intrested in them

Mindy Meeks-Martin - she showed some intrest towards the girl but the crush didn't last as she moved on when she saw how Jessie would look at her brother

Relationship with other characters

Tara Carpenter - (5/10) while they aren't the best of friends they are on pretty good terms and do consider each other a friend. Tara tries to pull Jessie into her schemes but only two people are capable of that and Tara isn't one of them.

Sam carpenter-(6/10) she's closer to Sam then she is with Tara, when Jessie learned that she was related to Billy Loomis she felt a little less alone being related to a Shaw and Altieri. Sam looks out for her like she was a sister and would do just about anything to protect her.

Chad Meeks-Martin -(10/10) he easily became one of her best friends and would always have her back. If someone was being pushy, especially if it was a Guymon he will instantly be there to defend her and make them back off. They are the type who can just glance at each other and understand. Their relationship faulted slightly when he learned about her parents but he quickly moved on and they resumed at usally

Mindy Meeks-Martin -(10/10) her and her brother are the only two that can pull Jessie into their wild ideas. These two are best friends, mostly watching horror movies and having debates about it. Mindy was so glad when she turned out not to be the killer. They are very close and Mindy is the one who Jessie mainly goes to for advice

Anika Kayoko -(6/10) she adores Anika, finding her so sweet and funny and Jessie is glad that she makes Mindy happy. They have  a fairly close friendship but they could be closer. Anika does her best to get her to relax and have fun.

Amber Freeman -(2/10) Jessie never liked Amber from the start of meeting her so the two were pretty much rivals throughout movie 5. They bumped heads constantly and Amber tried to blame Jessie for the murders to cover her own tracks.

Wes hicks - (6/10) she adored the sweet, awkward boy. They were fairly close and their friendship mainly consisted of them teasing each other in any means possible, it broke her heart when he was killed.

Richie Kirsch- (1/10) she despised him when she first met him, something about him didn't sit right. He was always so kind but he tried to much which Jessie didn't like so she did her best to avoid him.

Sydney Prescott - (6/10) she cares about the woman very much. Jessie sympathizs with her for what happened to her and hopes that she can just live a normal carefree live one day.

Gale Weathers- (3/10) she isn't fond of the prying woman, thinking she has no concept of personal space or privacy. Once gale got her hands on Victoria's diary that's how the Shaw Dairies was published so she hates the woman with everything in her but not as much as she hates some others.

Kirby Reed - (9/10) she adores the woman, having met her before Tara and Sam did since Jessie lived in Woodsboro. They two get along great and Kirby acts like a aunt towards the younger girl and helps Gwen teach her to fight

Dewey Riley - (10/10) her uncle Dewey is the best in her eyes. They were really close as she grew up because Dewey felt bad he couldn't save her mother he wanted to make sure he could protect her. Dewey was stunned and hurt to learn Vic was a killer all along but that didn't change the way he felt about Jessie, vowing to always be there for her. It broke her heart when he died, she almost shut down

Ethan Landry - (8/10) she was rather fond of the dorky boy, they would have some inside jokes together and if they weren't allowed to laugh they would glance towards each other and burst out laughing. He helps make sure she's comfortable because he has respect for the legacy girl who was born from killers

Quinn Bailey - (4/10) she's definitely not as close to her as any of the rest, her open minded life style making her feel like the girl is spacey. Plus she doesn't like how many guys she sleeps with, definitely thinks she's a slut

Opinions on the past killers (only those relevant to her. Going based on what she learned from the Shaw Dairies, she's ignoring the killer part for this)

Billy Loomis - (5/10) based on how her mom described him she could see why Vic would be friends with him, though she knew he was a bad guy it warmed Jessie's heart to know some people could bring her true happiness with Billy being one of them.

Stu Macher - (6/10 ) she never has read someone write about someone else with so much love. Jessie feels like just by reading the pages that she can feel the love that Vic had for Stu, some part of her grew to care about him the way you would a fictional villain but she he's no work of fiction

Mickey Altieri - (6/10) she sorta wished she could have got to know her dad but these writings help her get to know him from her mom's point of view, she already knew everyone else's. Vic described him as funny and care free, much like the way some of her friends describe Jessie.

Roman Bridger - (5/10) she has mixed feelings about him,so he resents him for killing her mom but at the same time she wonders what would have happened to her if her mom lived so in a way she's greatful

Head cannons
- has Victoria's diary which was published in scream 5 as the Shaw Dairies which shows that Victoria was a killer. It exposed Jessica's parentry
- has sketch books filled of animals and nature as well as all her friends (including Ethan and Quinn)
- has a hidden sketch book filled with ones of her mom, Billy, Stu and Mickey
- when it came out who her parents were and the killings started again. Her friend group sort of accused her of being the killer
- she loves to cook for her friends anytime she can
- she tried to keep her scars hidden because she hates talking about them
- her aunt Gwen taught her to fight with the help of Kirby
- dressed as Silvermist for the frat party
- she has hallucinations of her mother and father due to medication she was made to take when she was young. She doenst see them as much as Sam sees Billy but they are there
- she has visions of the past sometimes, like flashes of ghosts haunting places
( more to come )

Couple head cannons
-they start out as best friends with Jessie falling for him first. He was a bit slow with his feelings but when he realizes he's in love with her he does everything in his power to spend time with her even if he doenst confess just yet

- their whole relationship seems to be built upon teasing each other, they always have some sort of smart ass comment to make towards each other but Chad and Jessie both know that the other doenst mean anything harsh by it

- at the end of scream 5 during the final fight Jessie gets stabbed and slashed across her stomach making her loose a lot of blood. That was hard on Chad as he was afraid he was going to loose her, making sure he stayed by her side until she woke up. He slept in the hospital for two days,

- at the frat party when she showed up she didn't expect to find Chad as a shirtless cowboy so she definitely teased him about that. He mainly just smiled and took it as he admired her in the blue dress.

- even when they aren't dating they always seem to be touch in simple ways or coupley ways. Their will sit with their knees pressed together, holding hands, hell stand close enough to where she can feel his chest against her back, they will cuddle up when watching movies.

- Chad is pretty much the only person besides family that she's fully okay with touch her and she trusts him enough to confide in him about her hallucinations in scream 6

- when the killings started back up and the group learns of it, it's not long after when Chad confesses his feelings for her because he doenst know who will make it out or not but at least she will know how he feels

( more to come)

Characters tropes
The new girl
#1 suspect
Wrongly accused
Daughter of Two Ghostfaces
Gentle yet scary

Role- Main
Charater rankings
Best friendship - Jessie x Mindy
Cutest couple - Jessie x Chad
Rivalry - Jessica x Quinn
Dynamic duo - jess x Chad

Extra quotes

"Don't be such a dumbass, dumbass."


"Don't touch me!....please just don't touch me."

"I don't recall ever signing up for this sick game."

"My mom was Victoria Shaw and my father was Mickey Altieri, they were both ghost face. But I'm more like my mom, I can survive more the one movie bitch."

"Damn Sam, you turned him into a pin cushion."

"God I can't believe I'm saying this out loud but dad shut the hell up."

What she does through the movies

Scream 5
~ coming soon ~

Scream 6
~ coming soon ~

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