Miranda Roswell

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Legal name: Miranda Lola Roswell
Birth name: Miranda Lola Roswell
Married name: Miranda Atreides
First name: Miranda
Last name: Roswell
Preferred name: Miranda
Nicknames she has
Paul- randy, mir, morning mist, starshine, ect
Gurney - little wolf
Duncan - spirit
Most soldiers -beast, demon
Nicknames she has for others
Paul - Clever-boy, pretty-boy, raven, fox, Pauly-wally, ect
Gurney - old man (she picked it up from Paul), Gur
Duncan - Dunk
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Miranda-Miranda is a Latin word meaning "to be wondered at" (from the verb miror, to wonder at or to admire). It has been in use in England and America as a female personal name since the early seventeenth century. Its first use as a girl's name is due to Shakespeare, in The Tempest
Lola-Lola is a feminine name of Spanish origin, meaning "sorrows." It is a shortened version of the name Dolores which derived from a Spanish title given to the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, which translates to "Our Lady of Sorrows." This biblical name carries the message that understanding the sorrows in life is necessary in order to experience joy
Roswell -Roswell is a boy's name of German origin. With a name meaning "mighty horse,"

Species: human
Age: 17
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/ her
Sexuality: straight
Marital status: single

Date of birth: August 20
Place of birth: Calanda
Zodiac : Leo
Birth stone: ruby
Birth flower: sunflower
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: half Calanda (or house atreides) half Harkonnen
Nationality: caladan
Accent: none
Known languages: English, Mandarin, Harkonnen
Social class: middle
House Atreides
House Harkonnen
Previous residence: Calanda
Current Residence: Arrakis
Current Occupation: personal guard
Previous Occupation: personal guard
Dream Occupation: if anything else baker
Education: high school
Criminal record: none
First appearance: dune
First line: "Good morning my lady, my raven."
Last Appearance: TBD
Last line: TBD
Status: alive

Portrayed by: Alice Pagani
Eye color: green
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: straight
Hair length: mid back
Height: 5'5
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: no
Tattoos: no
Scars: scattered across her but not very many, just small ones in odd spots
Appearances: Dune

Mental heath: 95/100
Mental illnesses: anger issues
Fears: losing those she loves, being alone, not being able to protect Paul
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: pleasant
General Personality: She is a pleasant person to be around usally having a stoic and focused look in her face. Sometimes she can be too serious, especially in situations with new people. Miranda can be fun loving and goody but only with Paul. She is a crafty and clever girl who can fight her way out of most situations.
Miranda is the type of person to put herself between those she cares about and danger, preferring herself to get hurt
Skills: fighting, swordsmanship, baking
Likes: sparring,  going for walks, baking, Paul being her best friend, Caladan, animals, flowers, the sound of the sea against rocks
Dislikes: her family, Arrakis  (because there's no water), people who judge others based on their lineage, not being able to protect Paul, Reverend Mother
Hobbies: sparring, baking, going on walks
Habits: chewing her lip, pacing
Soft spot: Paul Atreides, animals, Gurney Halleck, Duncan Idaho
Goals: keeping Paul safe
Independent or dependent: independent
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits:  no
Smoking Habits: no
Addictions: none really
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: that she's reserved
Reputation: it's fair, she has those who like her and those who despise her

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Disney ancestor: Mulan, Mulan
Godly parent: Ares, god of war
Faction: dauntless

Intelligence - she's clever and crafty so she is fairly smart
- honesty =  medium (depends on the person)
- Loyalty = high
- honor = high
- tolerance =medium
- respect = high
- Empathy = low
Responsibility = high

- chastity =medium
- charity = medium
- humility = high
- abstinence = medium
- patience = low
- diligence = high
- Kindness = medium

- lust = medium
- greed = low
- pride = high
- gluttony = low
- wrath = high
- sloth = low
- envy = medium

Booksmart  ■ ■ □ □ □
Confidence ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Flirting ■ ■ ■ □ □
Kindness ■ ■  □ □ □
Leadership ■ ■ ■ □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Social ■ ■ □ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■  □
Acting ■ □ □ □ □

Clothing Aesthetic - very armor guard type of clothing on occasion a dress

Patents: Melody Roswell - mother, descent
Unknown father
Siblings: no
Other family members: unknown
Pets: none

Characters they are like:
Finnick O'daire - hunger games
Bolt -bolt
Elijah Mikealson - the originals

Past love interest:none
Alternative universe love interests
Stranger things - Steve Harrington
Lost boys - Paul
Wild America - Marty
Current love interest: Paul Atreides

First encounter: when Gurney brought her back when she was six and he was seven
Ship name: Mial
Love language: quality time
Relationship status: complicated
Relationship trope:
Best friends to lovers
"Forbidden" romance
everyone sees it
Very protective of each other
She fell first, he fell harder
Practically growing up together

Who's Intrested in them

Devo - he's a fremen oc

Relationship with other characters

Paul Atreides - (10/10) her and Paul have gotten a,OMG since they were young, having grown up pretty much together since six and seven. They were inseparable so when Duke Leto saw her skills in swordsmanship and how she looked after his son, Duke Leto decided to appoint her as Paul's personal guard. Paul isn't scared of how he feels about her unlike Miranda who's more reserved with her feelings. He wants to protect her as much as she protects him.

Leto Atreides -(8/10) Miranda adores Duke Leto and the feeling is definitely returned as he views her as a sort of daughter. He has always cared for the girl since she was young and when he appointed her Paul's guard as they grew up he was the first to notice how they felt about each other so Leto would make subtly hints towrads them, always with a smile,

Jessica Atreides - (5/10) lady Jessica and Miranda don't get along that well, Jessica not liking the girl all that much. Jessica has never been fond of the girl as she grew closer and closer to Paul, the half Harkonnen girl never seemed right in Jessica's eyes. They bump heads a lot but Jessica will be extra kind to Miranda in front of others.

Gurney Halleck - (9/10) Gurney was the man that raised her and Miranda loves him for that. She thinks of the older man as a father figure, they look out for each other and care for each other more then anyone would have originally thought. They are as close as can be and Gurney will tease her about her crush on Paul.

Duncan Idaho -(9/10) her and Duncan definitely have a brother sister like relationship, the two arguing a bit of occasion buy it's mostly in jest as they really do care about each other. Duncan is extremely protective over the younger girl and won't let her get hurt

Stilgar - (3/10) she doenst like the man all that much since they first time they met and he made her leave the room just because she was part Harkonnen, the girl taking note of that prejudice act though she wasn't part of the house just because her father was he didn't trust her.

Chani - withholding until I see Dune pt. 2

Head cannons
- she remembers what happened to her mother but she never told anyone but she still has dreams about it
- every year on the same day she goes to the sea and puts wildflowers into the water
- she is one of the best fighters Gurney has trained and he will gladly admit that
- she barely cries anymore, the last time she cried was hearing Paul in pain because of the Reverend Mother
- she loves baking as she finds it relaxing though she doenst get to do it all that often
- more to come-

Couple head cannons
- Paul has some random nicknames for her but others you can tell how he feels in that moment  but which he uses
- Miranda's Nicknames for him vary, she loves calling him animals
- the lengths they would go though for each other is wild, prepared to sacrifice a lot for each other
- they spar together a lot, which can lead them to awkward situations
- more to come -

Characters tropes
The lost girl
Wisp of the shore
Guardian of the Duke's son
A loyal friend but a harsh enemy

Role- main
Charater rankings
Best friendship- Miranda and Paul
Would kill for each other - Miranda and Duncan
The best fighter - Miranda

Extra quotes
~coming soon ~

What she does through the seasons
~ coming soon ~

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