Vixen Caswell

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Legal name: Vixen Ambrosius Caswell
Birth name: Vixen Ambrosius Caswell
Married name: none
First name: Vixen
Last name: Caswell
Preferred name: any
Nicknames she has
Katniss - Little fox, Vix, Amber, dagger
Peeta- Vixi, cupcake, Flower
Finnick - Little minnow, fox, Xen, wildrose
Haymich- Little one, small girl, Bug
Effie- Darling, sweetheart, little fox
Joanna - Vixi, clever girl, sly fox
Nicknames she has for others
Katniss - Kat, Arrow, Niss
Peeta- Pete, Blondie, Chameleon (due to his disguise in the hunger games )
Finnick - Fin, Finny, Nick, Fishy
Haymich- Hay, strange man
Effie- Fifi
Joanna - Jo, Anna, brave
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Vixen -A name made for breaking traditions and that ever-changing glass ceiling, Vixen means "female fox."
Ambrosius -Ambrosius as a boy's name is of Greek origin meaning "immortal".
Caswell -English: habitational name from any of the places in Dorset, Northamptonshire, and Somerset named Caswell, from Old English cærse '(water)cress' + well(a) 'spring, stream

Species: human
Hunger games- 13
Catching Fire - 14
Mockingjay- 14-15
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/ her
Sexuality: bisexual
Marital status: single

Date of birth: December 21
Place of birth: District 11
Zodiac : Sagittarius
Birth stone: turquoise
Birth flower: carnation
Date of death: unknown
Place of death: capital
Cause of death: shot in the side of the neck by a peacekeeper
Ethnicity: Chinese - Irish
Nationality: Panem
Accent: none really
Known languages: English, Chinese, Irish
Social class: lower
District 11
The capital
The victories
District 13
Previous residence: District 11
Current Residence: District 13
Current Occupation: rebel
Previous Occupation: Victor of the 73rd hunger games
Dream Occupation: baker
Education: middle school
Criminal record: none
First appearance: Catching fire
First line: " must be Katniss..."
Last Appearance: mockingjay
Last line: "Fin...I'm not- I'm not ready to die..."
Status: deceased

Portrayed by: Anna Cathcart
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: soft and wavy
Hair length: middle of her back
Height: 5'2
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: no
Tattoos: no
Scars: some scattered across her body
Appearances: Hunger games catching fire, mockingjay

Mental heath: 70/100
Mental illnesses: anxiety, depression, slight anger issues, paranoia
Fears: being trapped in the games, dying alone, aggressive dogs, being touched without warning or by a stranger
Physical illnesses : Has a limp in her left leg from her game
Typical mood: quiet, shy
Personality : she's a fairly shy girl, always has been but that seemed to worsen due to her Hunger Games. She started to trust less but she was always kind to everyone, especially after what she went though. Once she gets used to people she can be fun, sassy and playful but it takes a bit to get her like that. She is very observant and can figure things out fairly quickly if she's given the time to study and consider things. She has a infectious smile and personality that brings people towrads her but that doenst mean she's immune to those who wanted to kill her, she was over looked for being meek and shy but due to that she was able to hide and abide her time, eventually poisoning the last person, becoming Victor
Skills: clever, fast, small enough to hide easily, she can get people to trust her, really good with knives
Likes: warm weather, rain, animals, kind people, running, swimming, the soup her mother makes, sleeping under the stars, laughter, warm colors, soft blues and lovely greens
Dislikes: the hunger games, the capital, pushy people, loud people, overly bright lights, being touched by strangers, the cold, being left completely alone, the nightmares
Hobbies: running, practicing with her knives
Habits: pacing, biting her lip really hard till there's blood, looking down or away from people, closing herself off if she's scared
Soft spot: her family and friends
Goals: to survive the games and the capital (she fails at this goal)
Independent or dependent: mixed
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Booksmart or streetsmart: Booksmart
Drinking Habits: no
Smoking Habits:no
Addictions: reading, running
Moral alignment: neutral good
First impression: That she's a reserved and shy girl
Notable favorites
Animal - cat
Color - soft blue
Place - home
Victor she's in the quarter quill with- Finnick
Reputation: good

Hogwarts house - hufflepuff
Disney ancestor- Kiara, lion King 2
Godly parent - Freyr - God of peace, prosperity, fair weather and good harvest
Faction - Amity

Intelligence - she's very clever
- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = high
- tolerance = medium
- respect = high
- Empathy = high
Responsibility = medium

- chastity = low
- charity = medium
- humility = medium
- abstinence = low
- patience = medium
- diligence = medium
- Kindness = high

- lust = low
- greed = low
- pride = medium
- gluttony = low
- wrath = medium
- sloth = high
- envy = high

Booksmart ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Confidence ■ ■ □ □ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ □ □
Flirting ■ □ □ □ □
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Leadership ■ ■ □ □ □
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ ■ ■ □ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ □ □
Social ■ ■ ■ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ □ □ □
Acting ■ ■ ■ ■ □

Patents: Jordan Caswell, father, deceased , great relationship
Poppy Caswell, mother, alive, great relationship
Bianca Caswell, older sister, good relationship
Jay Caswell, older brother, great relationship
Miranda Caswell, younger sister, great relationship
Children: no
Other family members: unknown
Pets: no

Characters they are like:
Rue - hunger games
Lily - Alpha and omega
Marlee - the selection

Past love interest:no
Alternative universe love interests - no
Current love interest: no

First encounter: no
Ship name: no
Love language: no
Relationship status: no
Relationship trope: no

Relationship quotes : Nope

Who's Intrested in them - NoPe

Relationship with other characters

Katniss Everdeen - (8/10) Katniss is very kind to the girl, the two getting along pretty well. Katniss saw Prim in her so she is very protective over Vixen. Vixen thinks that Katniss is a very brave woman and is very glad to have her as a ally and a friend. While at first Katniss treated her a bit more like a child then was necessary, wanting to shield her from the cruel world even though Vixen already knew how cruel it could be, the became close as Katniss treated her more like a equal then like a child. Vixen sticks close to Katniss when she doesn't have Peeta or Finnick with her, she trusts her and talks to her freely. At first she was nervous around Katniss being the first one she met during the tribute parade, they got over that.

Peeta Mallark - (10/10) Peeta is beyond kind so it was only natural that the two hit it off and became close, Peeta was the one to get her to start talking when they met. He knows he's only a couple of years older then her but that's hard for him to see as most of the other tributes are 20s and up with her being only 14 at the start he treated her so gently and like a younger sister. He cares and looks out for her and Vixen returns that, a older brother figure when she was in the arena. He was someone that Vixen could trust without hesitation, they just get along. She would feel lost without him.

Finnick O'daire - (10/10) This man can make her smile and laugh so easily, starting when they first met when he met Katniss as well. A sort of father figure she was lacking in her life. The charming man took her under his wings just wanting to protect her during the 75th hunger games. She looks out for him as well but the two do it in such diffrent ways, while he looks out for her physically making sure no harm comes to her, she looks after him mentally and emotionally as she just wants to see him smile and see the man she first met. They tend to stick close together, Vixen would chose to be with him then any of the rest of the tributes.

Primrose Everdeen - (9,5/10) when she met Katniss' sister the two hit it off becoming friends, everyone agreeing that it's nice that the girls have a friend their own age. While Prim teaches Vixen about medicine and how to help people, Vixen taught her some knife throwing skills as well as agriculture skills she learned in her district. They make small jokes as Katniss calls Prim little duck and Vixen little fox so they have fun with that. Prim looks after Vixen like she does with Katniss when it comes to the nightmares that she has so Vixen really appreciates that. Prim has always been a caring girl and a gentle soul so her and Vixen were bound to be friends.

Haymich Abernathy - (8.5/10) Haymich is actually one of the first ones she's met during her Victor's tour, she wished to check out the small market and when the peacekeeper offered to go with her but was told no by his higher up, Haymich actually accompanied her. The drunk, crude man was actually well liked by the girl though she wasn't fully sure what to think of him. He took a liking to the girl, admiring that she was able to survive that but still seemed to be so soft and warm towards others though she would still flinch like she was in the games. She looked forward to seeing him during the 75th hunger games one way or another she would see her friend once again,

Johanna Mason - (8/10) Joanna is a tough and blunt woman but a good friend to have though at times that's hard to see. When the group of allies formed Joanna was the one Vixen was unsure about but seeing that Finnick trusted her the younger girl relaxed around her. Johanna helped the girl be tougher and while it seemed that Johanna was being hard on her they both knew that was her way of showing that she cared, she would occasionally give the girl a half smirk or a quick wink to show that everything was all good.

Gale Hawthorne - (7.5/10) she is actually very intimidated by Gale, he's not sweet like Peeta or charming like Finnick, he's a solider. A strong and tough man that she came to find the company of quite enjoyable. While Gale doesn't have any sisters he's started to treat Vixen like one. He tries to be gentler when around her as he doenst want to scare her or worry her in anyway.

Effie Trinket - (8/10) she thinks Effie is amazing and super pretty even without all the makeup and jewels that the Capital think is pretty, Vixen wants Effie to realize that she's beautiful without all of that. They get along pretty well though sometimes Effie gets on her nerves with how she is will the preppy, proper type of way about her. She's never met someone who can think so much about smiling when people just killed other children,

Head cannons
- she won her Hunger Games by waiting others out, occasionally having to use the throwing knifes she learned to be skilled with. She wasn't the same after the games.

- met Haymich first out of all of them on her victors tour, he walked with her through the market place of 12 as she wanted to stop for a bit after going through the districts

- she was called for the quarter quell but no one volunteered for her, upsetting the small girls mother greatly, wondering why no one was willing to take the place of a child

- she was wandering the chariots at the tribute parade, stopping to pet districts 12 horses, that's how she met Katniss and soon after she met Finnick, Finnick offering her the sugar cube after Katniss turned it down

- she has a tendency to wander around so Finnick finds her in the elevator one night, he rode the elevator with her for a bit to talk to her and he got her more comfortable around there since she was still so nervous

- she was sent to hide in the woods and Katniss grabbed the throwing knives that were there so she wouldn't have to face the blood bath

-she became a part of the alliance with Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Mags, Johanna, Beetee and Wires.

- she died in Finnick's arms, he knows that she didn't want to die alone and he made sure she could see him all through her final moments.

- Gale carried her out, not wanting her to be left there and thought she deserved somewhere nice to be buried
~ more to come ~

Couple head cannons
~ none ~

Characters tropes
The capitals sweetheart
Shy little girl
Feirce with knives
Youngest victor (she beat out Finnick (; )
The dying girl

Role- Main
Charater rankings
Best friendship - Vixen x Finnick
Sibling Relationship - Vixen x Katniss
Sunshine x sunshine protector - Vixen x Gale
Gentle souls getting though it together - Vixen x Peeta
The capital favorite - Vixen

Extra quotes

~ to come ~

What she does through the books/movies

Her hunger games
- coming soon -

Catching fire
-coming soon-

Mockingjay (pt. 1 and pt. 2)
- coming soon -

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