Zephyrine Cain

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Finished season four, will be updating as I go

Legal name: Zephyrine Celestia Cain
Birth name: Zephyrine Celestia Cain
Married name: Shelby
First name: Zephyrine
Last name: Cain
Preferred name: Zephyrine
Nicknames she has -
Thomas - Rine, little wolf, Celestia, Angle, Wolf, Wolfie
John - Zephy
Arthur - Z, Miss Cain
Ada- Zephy, she-wolf (playfully )
Polly- dear girl, stubborn, trouble
Grace - Cain
Major Campbell- vulture, rat, Devil's whore
Micheal - Zephy, pretty girl, Wild
Bonnie - Spirit, Wolf-soul
Nicknames she calls others -
Thomas - Tommyboy, TomTom, Tom cat, big guy, muscles, darling, lover boy, my love
John - Johnnycakes, Johnny, Tough guy, Hard head
Arthur - Arty, Mustache
Ada - pretty girl, The smarter Shelby Sibling
Polly- Pol, Auntie
Grace- blondie, Irish
Michael - Mike, Mickey
Bonnie - BonBon, Gypsy boy, Falcon
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Zephyrine -The name Zephyrine is girl's name of Greek origin meaning "west wind
Celestia -A blessing from the blue above, Celestia is a feminine name rooted in Latin, meaning "heavenly." Derived from the masculine Latin name Celaestis, signifying something "of the sky,"
Cain -The name Cain is boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "spear; possessed".

Age: I think I have the year gaps correct
27 - season one
29 - season two
31 - season three
32 - season four
36 - season five
44 - season six
Gender: female
Pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: bisexual
Marital status: married, later on

Date of birth: October 12, 1892
Place of birth: Dinan, France
Zodiac : libra
Birth stone: Opal
Birth flower: rose
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: French
Nationality: French
Accent: French
Known languages: English, French and Italian
Social class: middle
Loups de la rue (wolves of the street)
The peaky blinders
The garrison pub
Previous residence: Dinan, France
Current Residence: Birmingham, England
Current Occupation: leader of Loups de la rue/ working at the garrison Pub
Previous Occupation: Student
Dream Occupation: she's happy with with she has
Education: high school
Criminal record: nothing she's been caught for ;)
First appearance: Episode 1, season 1
First line: "We are looking for jobs, not a nurse maid. Thank you for your opinion but we never asked for it, sir."
Last Appearance: Lock and Key
Last line: "Don't you dare walk away Thomas Shelby! Don't you f-fucking dare!"
Status: Alive

Portrayed by: Marie Avgeropoulos
Eye color: green
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: soft with slight waves
Hair length: to her shoulders
Height: 5'3
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: no
Scars: scattered over her, keeps the worse ones hidden with clothes and accessories
Birthmark: one that almost looks like a bird on her hip
Appearances: Peaky blinders

Mental heath: 70/100
Mental illnesses: slight ocd, anger issues, dyslexia
Fears:losing everyone she cares about, drowning
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: fair depending on who she is around
General Personality: she's a loyal woman down to the bone, who would gladly fight for those she cares about. She typically has a cool demeanor when she's cautious or in a meeting. Her personality can shift depending on who's with her. Some she's kinder to, they see her soft side, some see her stoic, no nonsense side. She's clever and crafty and knows how to work a crowd. While yes she has anger issues she can be on of the most loving people you met if you get on her good side.
Skills: cooking, climbing, fighting, lock picking
Likes: animals, reading, cooking, fighting, adventures, her family and friends, going on walks, coffee, music, poetry, sweet, being around loved ones
Dislikes: being told what to do, jerks, pushy people, overly bright lights, those she cares about getting hurt, mustard, people who can't accept what is clearly happening and fact, authority
Hobbies: cooking, walking, fighting
Habits: chewing on her lip, avoiding eye contact, pacing
Soft spot: Loups de la rue, Peaky blinders, Tommy Shelby, her family
Goals: getting a alliance with the Peaky blinders, keeping her family safe
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: on occasion
Addictions: adrenaline, fighting
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: she's stoic and most are unsure how to handle her
Reputation: in France people know not to mess with her but no one knows she's leader of Loups de la rue.

Hogwarts house: slytherin
Disney ancestor: Scar, lion King
Godly parent: Ares, God of War
Faction: dauntless

- honesty = medium
- Loyalty = high
- honor = high
- tolerance = low
- respect = medium
- Empathy = medium
Responsibility = high

- chastity = medium
- charity = medium
- humility = high
- abstinence = medium
- patience = low
- diligence = high
- Kindness = medium

- lust = high
- greed = medium
- pride = high
- gluttony = low
- wrath = high
- sloth = low
- envy = low

Booksmart ■ ■ ■ □ □
Confidence ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Team player ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Flirting ■ ■ ■ □ □
Kindness ■ ■ □ □ □
Leadership ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Loyalty ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Organization ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Sarcasm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Social ■ ■ ■ □ □
Streetsmart ■ ■ ■ ■ □
Acting ■ ■ ■ ■ □


Patents: Jean Cain, father, alive, nearing bad relationship
Beatrice Cain, mother, alive, fair relationship
Siblings: Enjolas Cain, older brother, great relationship
Belle Cain(Reynolds), older sister, good relationship
Marius Cain, younger brother, good relationship
Children: later one
Thomas Shelby, Jr - pregnant with in season 4
Mary Shelby
Other family members: niece Margaret Reynolds
Nephew Victor Cain (Enjolas' son)
Niece Abigail Cain (Enjolas's daughter )
Caleb Reynolds - brother-in-law
Eponine Cain - sister-in-law

Past love interest: Adam Pontmarcy
Alternative universe love interests
Six of crows- Kaz breeker
Karate kid - Johnny Lawrence
Current love interest: Thomas Shelby

First encounter: Season one, episode one when he goes to the garrison
Ship name: Thoine
Love language: Physical touch
Relationship status:
Season one - fairly one sided until last episode
Season two - together
Season three- separated due to him having to marry Grace but they are still sort of together, by the end of season three they are together again
Season four - Married to Thomas
Season five - coming soon
Six - coming soon
Relationship trope:
Grump x grump protector
Friends to lovers
Star-crossed lovers
World trying to keep them apart
Ruthless people who are soft around each other
Burning the world down but never letting a flame touch the other
Play fighting
He's very protective of her

Who's Intrested in them

Michael Gray - it's more of a school boy crush then anything. He thinks she's pretty from when they first met and he likes her fire and personality but it never gets anywhere

Relationship with other characters

Thomas Shelby - (10/10) while the two may be able to argue as bad as cats and dogs they do care about each other. Thomas will look out for her even when they are not together because he can't bare seeing her hurt. While he knows when her temper gets the best of her it's hard to get her to stop, he's aware he's one of the only ones who can get through to her. Most of the times he's seen her lose her temper has been when he gets hurt or he's disrespected, he never realized how he effected the girl until later on. When the two get together, the other peaky blinders lovingly refer to them as a bomb of a couple, it's only a matter of time till one explodes due to something bad happening to the other. Tommy sometimes thinks that Rine is further gone then he is and it does worry him but he respects it at the same time, the fire she had being what drew him in.

John Shelby - (8/10) John and Rine were a easy two to hit it off, the two's attitudes and sarcastic comments easily bouncing off each other. Sometimes it's hard to tell they aren't related by blood and have known each other only a short time. He likes how she doesn't let people talk bad about the Shelby family when they aren't around and how she looks the other way when they go about their buisness. Rine was there for his and Esme's wedding, glad to see that the two were actually happy together. She belives in him, sometimes more then he belives in himself, she thinks that he could run the tracks if he needed to by himself and she wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone that.

Arthur Shelby - (8/10) her and Arthur understand each other in a way the others don't, they both struggle with their anger and sometimes regret what happens after a little burst of outrage. She tries to keep him call but she struggles to do so. He's glad that Tommy is able to get through to her. Him and Tommy are the only two who can tell when she's on the verge of snapping, they can see the small things that others ignore. The two laugh and drink together often and he jokes about her being his favorite barmaid when it is true but their friendship runs deep then that of a owner and a barmaid, they are true friends but act like family. In his eyes she might as well be part of the family.

Finn shelby - (10/10) she adores the youngest Shelby, him reminding her so much of her younger brother and her nephews. Rine wouldn't let anyone touch the boy or cause him any sort of harm. On occasion she would get it to arguments with Tommy about the boy accompanying them into dangerous situations. She almost acts like a mother towards him, not that Finn minds when he's still young. He looks up to the woman which only grows once he learns of her being the leader of Loups de la rue. Once he's older and can handle his own, he pays her back by watching out for her and he won't let anyone speak illy of her when she's not around.

Ada Shelby - (9/10) her and Ada got along quickly as Ada was fairly close to her age. Rine always knew Ada was the more level headed, none fighter of the family and she had some respect for that but Rine was more of a fighter, she belives in making a point. Ada isn't all that fond of her fighting nature but she does like the girl and how good she is with children even if she doesn't seem like the type who would be. The two talk about anything that can come to mind it even they keep some secrets from each other. It was hard to tell who was more shocked Ada from learning about Rine's connections with Loups de la rue or Rine learning of Ada's love with Freddie. Ada was one of the ones to try and talk her out of being in love with Tommy but Rine wouldn't listen. Near the beginning of season two they had a bit of a falling out when Ada turned her back on the family but it doesn't last.

Polly Shelby/Gray - (9/10) she adores Polly, loving her fire and how she won't let anyone walk over her even though Polly was one of the others to try and talk her away from Tommy. Polly ends up taking Rine under her wing and keep a eye on her, the two forming a family bond to where Polly is okay to her calling her Auntie as a nickname. Rine worries for her when she sees how upset she can get by Tommy or the fact her children where stolen from her. But they both worry for each other as Polly worries about her anger and where that will lead her, not wanting to see the girl in a early grave like she assumed with her boys.

Grace Burgess - (5/10) she met Garces when they were both traveling to Small Heath. They two shared brief polite conversation and learned they were heading to the same place but neither shared the reason why they were there. They didn't know they had a shared intrest, The peaky blinders. While the two are civil with each other they don't get along all that well. One being more on the law abiding side and one who avoids the law she doesn't pay for. They tend to just work in a comfortable silence but on occasion they do sing together, finding it a shared intrest, that easing their relationship some to more of a friendship even if it isn't that strong of one.

Chester Campbell - ( 3/10) Rine isn't fond of authority figured and Campbell is definitely one of the ones she has a stronger disdain towards. They tend to bump heads a lot even with the few meetings they have had but most she was with Tommy which Campbell could already tell that any woman seen with him was no good. So Tommy has decided that it's best to keep the two of them separated. But if given the chance Rine would beat the hell out of him

Esme Shelby -(9/10) Rine was fond of the girl since they met, she thought she was kind and doesn't, in dhow opinionated she was, thinking more women need to be like instead of just doing whatever the men say. The ywi will go on walks together and Esme trusts her with the children just as much as John does. While on occasion they do disagree but they never let it comes between their friendship as both decided that was more important and made the agreement of never letting silly arguments get in the way of that. Esme and Rine tend to act more like sisters then friends, looking out for each other and having their backs. If you mess with one you mess with both.

Freddie thorn - (6/10) she isn't fronds with Freddie but they aren't against each other. They have their disagreements but once Ada and him are married Rine is more open towards the man, acting get more like she does around the Shelbys. She isn't for price against what he fights for as she mainly just sits back and watches what will happen. She will help him on occasion if he asks her to.

Michael Gray - (7/10) she adored Michael the moment she met him, while they aren't the best of friends they act like they have known each other for years, teasing and rough housing together. She's fairly protective of him and doesn't like him getting involved with their buisness but she doesn't stop him, he's old enough to decide on his own. They have their little spats as anyone does but it's rare that they last long after words. She will reprimand him if necessary but she only truly yells at him when he does something that could have gotten him hurt.

May Carlton - (4/10) she isn't very fond of the woman, but she isn't fond of most rich people as they normally look down on people like her. She finds her work with horses fascinating but Rine doesn't like how she looks and acts towards Thomas so sometimes Rine puts herself between the two. May doesn't like Rine that much either as her and Tommy still had that night together but Tommy told May that it wouldn't happen again because he loves Rine so May sort of resents the girl for that.

Linda Shelby - (4/10) she isn't really fond of the woman but she's kinder to her for Arthur's sake. Zephyrine on occasion will snap at Linda when she over steps a boundary with Zephyrine's relationship with Thomas. The two rarely see eye to eye and it's mostly best to keep them separated at all times.

Johnny Doggs - (9/10) she adores him, Zephyrine finds him sweet and funny. The two clicking almost instantly when they met under good circumstances. Johnny looks after her like she was one of his own and no one, not even Tommy could try to hurt her if he's there. They look out for each other and tease constantly, the two having a strong family type bond.

Jessie eden - (2/10) she isn't a big fan of the woman, not believing in her ideals. Jessie has tried to get Zephyrine to join her cause wen she saw how Zephyrine seemed so dependent on Thomas not realizing the French woman just liked being around him. Once her and yeoman have the dinner and dance together and get closer Zephyrine's disdain for her only grows so she won't even talk to the woman anymore.

Bonnie Gold - (9/10) she adores the boy, he's sweet and confident which easily won her over. He acts like he's older then her and tries to protect and take care of her even though he's way younger. They have a sibling like relationship as they always look out for each other and will tease each other to the point of trying to embarrasse the other one.

Lizzy Stark - (2/10) she has a stronger dislike for the other woman, she doesn't like how she acts all big and might sometimes crossing the line to try and tell Zephyrine what to do, that's when hell breaks loose because Rine won't hesitate to put her in her place send remind her where she's from she's the leader and in small heath she's still higher up then her since she's with Thomas

Oswald Mosley - (3/10) she doenst fully trust him but she's polite since Thomas is doing business with him. She doesn't like when it's just the two of them so she makes sure when he's around to stay close to Thomas. She doesn't share in his ideals so they have little to talk about.

Gina Gray - (2/10) she doenst like or trust her, thinking she's just with Micheal because he has money. The blonde woman irritates her when she talks poorly about the Shelby family. Gina feels the same about Zephyrine often referring to her as "beast" or "No good Shelby trash"

Alfie Solomons - (6/10) at first they weren't to sure of each other and would argue on occasion just for the hell of it, whenever he acted against the Shelbys she would have a problem with him but they eventually warmed up to each other and started to get along better.

Isaiah Jesus - (8/10) she is rather fond of the boy and his father as well, she looks out for them and does everything in her power to make sure nothing bad happens but she sees that he's a strong and tough man now and let's him be instead of constantly backing him up. He looks out for her now, thinking of her as a sort of sister he never had.

Diana Mitford - (1/10) she finds Diana's intrest in Thomas unlikable, knowing that Diana is married plus she was Mosley's mistress when he still had a wife. Zephyrine doenst trust her and doenst like being around her, but the woman has done her fair share of this work so she is civil towards her because she knows better then to be rude

Duke Shelby - (8/10)  she grows fond of the boy at first she's unsure about him but he's so much like the ones she loves she can't help it. She gladly welcomes him into who she considers her family even if Finn is unwilling to. She admires his fire and drive. While people piss Duke off he grows to like the woman who always seems to be around. He talks to her more then he does with Arthur

Head cannons
-was scared of horses until Tommy started to slowly introduce her to them
- outside of France their group is referred to as as The beasts of France and if you are referring to just one person they are a French wolf
- usally has three throwing knives on a garder belt, strapped to her thigh
- she came to small heath to get to know the Peaky blinders and form a alliance with them
- she's really good with children
- isn't afraid of getting dirty and handle business, definitely not afraid to shoot someone
- her father is trying to marry her off to a rich man but she's doing everything to avoid it
- she rarely cries, thinking of she shows anyone any form of weakness they will use it against her
- shoots Billy Kimber after Tommy does because he hurt Tommy
- during the police rad of the peaky blinders where Michael and Arthur are arrested, Rine was cut up and r@ped by the police men, they left Devil's whore carved on her stomach
- she found Tommy's hat at the derby which let her know something was off, that's when she noticed the van speeding away so she stole a horse and followed
- she finally caught up, the horse being no match for the car, after everything was done. She jumped off the horse and ran to Tommy, hugging him tightly
- was pregnant during the Shelby charity fundraiser but was shot in the stomach causing her to lose their daughter
- she hardly slept when Thomas was in the hospital, that was the worst time of her life. Mary was growing worried as was the rest of the Shelby clan
- at the Russians party she slept in the car, not wanting to be around that
- when Charlie was taken she spent all night in the pouring rain searching, going to where the hole was being dug before resting due to Johnny's insistence as she was already starting to run a fever
- when she was brought back Thomas and John where the main ones to take care of her
- she's in France for the year after the the arrests, she gets back the night before Christmas
-she likes Tommy's glasses, thinking they are cute
- a part of her died when John did
- loves going over to eat with Abarama and Bonnie
- she is pissed when she learns Lizzy is pregnant with Thomas' child
- snaps at Lizzy more then anyone expecially when Lizzy says "my house"
- after Lizzy moves in she's back to the whole "try it and see" Personality
- even though Ruby wasn't hers it was a devastating blow
- when she learned of Tommy's sickness she felt ill and cried for a while
- welcomes Duke happily
- is pissed when Thomas says he needs to go alone, she can't bear the thought of not  eine with him when it's his time

Couple head cannons
- Tommy liked Grace, he was oblivious to Zephyrine's feelings towards him. He learned of her feelings after the whole war with Billy Kimber. Once he saw off the boys to bury Danny he found her crying, it was the first time he ever saw her cry and it was because he got shot and she felt helpless in that moment
- even when they weren't together and when Grace withheld intrest, she was the girl he would ask to do things
- she loves his Accent and voice, especially with certain words like guns or pub. She tries to get him to say pub a lot when he notices he uses the words she likes more
- he bends down to her height when talking about important things so he can look her in the eye, if she avoids eye contact he leans down lower to where he can see her face still.
- he gives her a hat like his to wear to meetings, giving her extra protection which makes him feel better about her being there
- he is extremely protective of her and barely likes others looking at her in a way he doesn't like. He would go through great lengths to keep her safe
- much like wolves do, if there is any threat she will position herself to be standing in front of his chest, stomach and throat. Thomas doenst like her doing this because she can get hurt but he still finds it sweet
-Rine doesn't like anyone hurt much less disrespecting Tommy, that's why she hates Billy Kimber. It took everything in her not to punch him when he makes Tommy pick up the coin
- he swore to never leave her behind after she was hurt
- Thomas married Grace when he learned she was pregnant but he still loved Zephyrine more, wanting to be with her
-after grace's death Thomas doesn't go straight back to Zephyrine, because he doenst want her thinking she's just someone to run back to when others leave him
- they argue in season 4 because Zephyrine doesn't believe he really loves her
- Thomas does his best to prove his love to Zephyrine
- he takes her with him to most places just to have her around
~ more coming soon~

Characters tropes
The new barmaid
Cunning girl
Dangerous woman
The fighter
The loyal
Tommy's girl

Role - Main Charater
Charater rankings
Best friendship - Rine and John
Friendship people want to see more - Rine and Arthur
Dynamic duo - Rine and Tommy
Most unhinged - Rine
Best ship - Rine and Tommy
Number one rivalry - Rine and Lizzy

Extra quotes

"Asking someone if they are a whore, isn't polite sir."

"Are you insulting Mr. Shelby? I would not say that's wise Mr. Kimber."

"And what is the wrong way to look at Tommy Shelby?"

"I'm not fucking delight but at least one don't pretend to be innocent."

"I thought he killed you...I saw all the blood. I got scared."

"Go ahead sir, see how far I'd go for Thomas Shelby, you'll regret that decision."

"Tatiana, dutchess of I don't give a fuck, take your hands of Tommy now."

"You say you love me...you use sweet words and gentle touches but then I see you sleeping with other women. So answer me this Thomas Shelby, do you love me?"

"I'll track you down Tommy..,don't leave me behind, please don't leave me.."

~more coming soon~

What she does through the seasons

Season one

Season two

Season three

Season four

Season five

Season six

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