Chapter 8- Be mine!

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(Your point of view)

I haven't been able to face Seto since we kissed. I mean what if he regrets it? Or maybe I'm a horrible kisser and he never wants to see me again.

Greta rubbed my back a bit as I tried to figure out what the heck I should do. But she refused to give me any advice. I don't really know why, but sooner or later I will have to face Seto again. I mean Beth was still at Kaiba corp and she was being released tomorrow. Meaning I have to go and get her, no doubt Seto will be there.

Unless he doesn't want to see me either...

I lay down on my bed and fall fast asleep, not quite ready for what was to come tomorrow.

-Tiny time skip-

I slowly walked through Kaibacorp, since all the employees don't know what I did they only knew me as the new girl.

I finally arrived at Seto's office when I heard someone talking.

"Yugi what should I do, what if she regrets us kissing?"

"Kaiba you just have to ask her when she gets here! There's nothing else you can do." I heard a sigh before the doors opened.

"(Y/n)." Seto looked at me and for a second I saw fear flash through his eyes.

"Hello (Y/n), good to see you again." Yugi nodded his head at me and I smiled back at him.

"Nice to see you to Yugi." I replied before entering the office and hearing the doors shut.

"H-hi Seto." I looked at the ground and could feel the tips of my ears turn red.

"I know you heard us (y/n). Do you regret the kiss or not?" He said sort of harshly like he thought the answer would be yes.

"N-no Seto, I don't regret it. I thought you did." I responded honestly as I looked up at him. I saw surprise flash through his eyes.

"Why would I regret it? I'm the one who kissed you." He smiled at me softly and took a couple steps towards me.

"I don't know, because we come from to different worlds!"

"Maybe our worlds aren't as different as you think, I was an orphan to." He said before he finally was in front of me. His hand cupped my face and I unconsciously leaned into his touch. His thumb rubbed my cheek and slowly he leaned towards me.

My eyes fluttered close and I felt his warm lips enclose mine. The kiss was gentle and slow unlike our first one which was hard and rushed.

His arms wrapped around my waist while my hands laid on his chest. Slowly we parted from the need of air. My eyes fluttered open and pressed my forehead on Seto's.

"Be mine, (y/n)." Seto commanded me in a playful way.

"As long as your mine." I responded as I pressed my lips to his again.



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