part 28

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Swara open her eyes lazily feeling sun ray on her beautiful eyes. She sit on bed while yawning.

"I did not sleep properly yesterday " said swara herself while closing her eyes.

She remember how she sleep peacefully on sanskaar chest while holding him tightly.

" I sleep without him also..... its just I sleep afternoon that why I did not get sleep last night " She explain herself while getting angry herself.

Suddenly she feel like puking she immediately run towards bathroom and empty.

"Its morning only and till now I did not eat anything then why I getting vomiting. Its happen from last five six day" Swara think herself.

After sometime she come out bathing while wearing bathrobe. She open cupboard and remove sari. She wear sari and sit in front of dressing table.

"I will not wear" Swara said looking towards mangalsutra which she remove before going to bath.

" But mom said me once that its not good for husband " Swara said herself while thinking this something pinch in her heart.

" But I don't think sanskaar as my husband.... he married me by doing cheating and I don't love him.... he just used me" Swara give excuse herself.

" If something happen to him.... ??I know I don't accept this marriage but still he is my husband " fear again engulfed in her heart without knowing her.

" No I will wear till our divorce happen " Swara said herself.

She adore her neck with mangalsutra and fill her line with sindoor.

Her thoughts broken by sanskaar call but she did not pic call. Seeing again and again ringing she recive call.

"Can't you understand that I am not picking call that mean I don't want to talk " Swara said frustratedly seeing his many calls.

"Good morning jaan..... anger not good in morning " sanskaar said smilingly from other side.

" why you call me??" Swara said ignoring his talk.

" I can't find anything jaan..... my white shirt, my tie , socks, watch plz help me " sanskaar said standing in front of cupboard making all mess.

"Find yourself" said swara.

" plz jaan.... I am getting late..I have important meeting in office " sanskaar said pendingly.

" first stop calling me jaan " Swara said angrily.

"Ok jaan...but first help me" said sanskaar still looking towards cupboard.

"White shirt on right side, tie hanging on door in your left side, open last door you will find there your socks and your watch placing beside our bed" Swara said taking long breath.

"Ohhh I got it you and listening our bed I really feel good " said sanskaar smilingly and cut call.
Swara curse herself in mind taking that word in mouth.

Swara come in dining table and sit there were dida and shomi already present.

" still wearing sari...not bad " dida tease her

"Dida its not like that I just wear it" Swara said explaining.

" Swara why are you eating pickel in morning " shomi said seeing swara eating pickel in morning.

" I don't know maa but I want to eat " said Swara still concentrating on her pickel were her eyes shinning.

"Swara are you ok.... I mean you feel vomiting ??? " Shomi asked her warriedly.

" haa maa... I don't know why I feeling this from past 4 5 days" Swara said still concentrating on eating.

Shomi about to say further but dida stop her. After finishing her breakfast swara went in her room.

" Maa I think swara.....I hope this is not true.... I don't want to swara suffer like me" shomi said with teary eyes.

" shhhh... nothing going happen like this.... I trust Sanskaar he will never leave her hand " dida said assuring shomi.

Swara is standing near window thinking something deeply. Suddenly someone pulled her and pin her towards wall.

"How dare you enter in my room without my permission??" Swara shout angrily struggling in his grip.

"How can you do this to me swara? ? He said shaking her from shoulder.

"I said leave me Mr Laksh Maheshwari " Swara said jerking his hand.

" I need my answer swara.... why you play with my feeling " Laksh shout.

" I did not play with your feeling " Swara said carelessly.

" how can you said this carlessly.... you run away from marriage leaving me and my family embarrassed infront of everyone " Laksh said angrily

"I did not run away from marriage " Swara said without emotion

" atleast accept truth...... I really love you swara and still loving you" Laksh said emotionally

"If I said yes truth will not change and by the way you are married to my sister so concentrate on her" Swara said folding her hand near her chest.

"I just married her to save her" Laksh said frustratedly.

"So thats not my problem.... you deal with yourself " Swara said.

" Swara just accept truth.... I will accept you again.... now you don't want to live with that bloody sanskaar so we will marry again " Laksh said cupping her face.

"Just shut up.... he is my husband so mind your language.... I will not listen anything about my sanskaar " Swara said angrily while jerking his hand

" ohhhh so he become your how many time he used you and become your sanskaar.... " Laksh said tauntingly.

"I said just shut up" Swara said angrily.

" why will I shut..... he just used you to satisfy himself and you deserve it characterless girl " Laksh said angrily while holding her shoulder.

Sanskaar enter in room and shock Seeing Laksh holding from shoulder.

" Laksh leave her" Sanskaar angrily shout.

"Sanskaar she get her memory back then why you doing this drama now.... just settled down with kavita " Laksh said smirkingly.

"Just get out from here" sanskaar roared. Laksh went from there.

"Swara why he came here ?? " Sanskaar asked swara

" Non of your business " said swara angrily

" tell me swara " Sanskaar asked her holding her shoulder.

" its my life sanskaar...... what I do with Laksh or what he did its my problem... not your..and why the hell it bothering you.... don't show your fake concern towards me...." Swara shout frustratedly.

" I can't see you near Laksh.....I can't see tears in your eyes... its botheing me beacase I love you damit this keep in your this tiny mind and you are only mine no one has right on you" he said angrily while hitting his fist on wall making it bleed.

" Sanskaar..." saying this swara immidatly takes his hand in her hand which was bleeding.

Sanskaar jerk his hand and went from there.

" Sanskaar your hand bleeding plz stop " Swara went behind him were tears flowing from her eyes.

But sanskaar angrily left from there. Swara comes in room and try to call her but he cut her call.

Suddenly she feels sharp pain in stomach. She sit down on floor while holding her stomach and shout." Ahhhh maaa sanskaar "

Listening swaras shout shomi runningly come towards her and shock seeing swara lieing on floor unconscious while holding her stomach.

" swara" saying this shomi pats her cheeks but no use. Shomi made her lie on bed with the help of dida and call docter.

Docter check swara and wait for her to get conscious. Swara open her eyes.

" Swara what happen to you? ?" Docter asked her smilingly.

"I don't know I feel sudden pain in my stomach then I don't know " Swara said politely.

"Are you feeling like vomiting? ?" Asked docter

"Yaa past someday.... but why you asking me? " Swara question.

"First tell me... when your last period come? ?" Docter asked

"Last month did not come and this month also not come " said swara confusingly listening docter questions.

" take this and check" doctor said handovering to swara.

Swara widen her eyes seeing this " prega news kit"

Swara silently went towards bathroom and check. She sit with thud seeing positive results. Tears rolled down from her eyes.

" why god why you doing this to me?? Why you sent this little life to me?? (touching her belly) when I don't know where my life going? ?? I don't know this baby father really want me in his life or not yaa just doing drama. I don't want my baby suffer like me.... you can't punish my baby like this god....plz help me" she said crying on her fate

She come out and tell docter its positive. She request docter don't tell to her mother because she want to suprise her husband.

To be continued.......

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