TLOU2 Rant (spoilers)

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Okay, I gotta get this out there for you guys. The Last Of Us Part 2..... FUCKING SHIT! Now hang on before any of you call me a homophobe (I doubt you guys would but just so you know) The game has one the worst story telling I have ever seen in a piece of media/entertainment. It makes Season 8 of Game Of Thrones look like a fucking masterpiece.

Now fair enough, if you guys liked it. I have no problem with different opinions but when you try to justify the game's writing by throwing stupid facts at me, then that's a no-no. Ellie being a lesbian, I don't mind/care. Abbey maybe/may not be trans, I don't care. What I do care about is how ridiculous it sounds. Who the fuck gets gender reassignment surgery in the apocalypse? If she isn't trans, then why the fuck does she look like the female version of the Rock? Please explain that to me! Fair enough, there are super strong woman out there, but no way are they that buff as Abbey, it's not physically possible.

But all and all, the game looks good, bet it plays good and everything else, except the story. Writing is trash, plain and simply. Stupid deaths, Joel. 50 year old Male has survived thick and thin for 25 years, gets domed in by a fucking random ass character who you have to play as for the next half of the game. Not even gonna bother with the ending because woah-wooo-yeah. If I start talking about it I might fill up about a 100 swear jars before I'm finished. What I hate worse than crappy/woke story writing. Is people calling people who hate the writing of the game.... homophobic.

See what I'm talking about? Yeah, fucking ingrates. Seriously, GOD, are you listening? Reset this world! I wanna go back to Ancient Greek and join Leonidas and his 300 spartnens, at least the writing was plausible in that story. But anyway peace out.

"Tonight! I dine in hell!"

Neil Druckman... FUCK YOU!

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