Chapter Two: Meeting Them

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Nicole walked down from the cave and through the grass, and thanked Arceus above that she no longer looked like one of the cultists.

"I didn't expect it to be this dark out." Nicole mused, and Mew nodded beside her.

"Hey!" Nicole startled, hiding Mew behind her as a boy with purple hair walked up to her.

"What are you doing out here so late?" the boy asked, and Nicole flushed slightly.

"I... I got lost." Nicole said, looking down. The boys eyes softened. "Well, I can take you to my place. Where are you from, anyway?" the boy asked, and they started walking.

"I... could we, um, not talk about it out in the open?" Nicole asked, looking at the boy. The boy blinked, but nodded and smiled gently.

"Anyway, the name's Wyatt. What's yours?" the boy introduced, and Nicole blinked. "It's Nicole."

They continued walking in silence, until they came upon the entrance to a town. "That's Telnor Town, my home."

Nicole's breath hitched. "It's beautiful." Wyatt flushed slightly. "It's not that great." Wyatt mumbled.

Mew tapped Nicole's shoulder, and both looked at it.

Mew handed Nicole a note and a flute.

'This flute lets you call upon Mew when needed. Good luck, your benefactor.'

Nicole looked up in time to see Mew fly away.

"Thank you, Mew. I hope we meet again." Nicole mumbled, a smile on her face.

"Why were you traveling with Mew?" Wyatt asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Um... later?" Nicole said, and they entered into the town.

"Wyatt! There you are! I was just about to go and find you!" a white haired boy said, coming over to the two.

"Who are you?" the boy asked Nicole, who shied away.

"Damian, Nicole. Nicole, Damian." Wyatt introduced. Nicole waved slightly. "Hi."

"Oh! Nice to meet you." Damian said, then blinked.

"Did either of you see a tiny pink Pokémon? I swear it was right behind you two." Damian said, and both of them blinked.

"No. I have no idea what you were talking about." Nicole said, and Damian looked down.

"You sure you weren't seeing things, Dami?" Wyatt teased, and Damian looked up, red faced.

"I could have sworn that I saw a pink Pokémon." Damian said, and Nicole gave him soft smile.

"Anyway, we should get home. I'm sure mom and dad are worried about you, Wyatt." Damian said, and Wyatt's face scrunched up in annoyance.

"Fine. Whatever."

The three then walked, and Nicole marveled at the town.

"So, where are you from Nicole?" Damian asked, and Nicole looked down. "Not now, Dami." Wyatt said.

"Thank you for letting me stay here." Nicole bowed, and the two adults just motioned for her to stand.

"It's no problem, Nicole. It's just such a shame that you can't remember anything." the lady said.

"Get some rest. Tomorrow is a day of festivities." the man said, then left to their room.

There was a knock at the door, and Nicole looked up to see Wyatt entering the room.

"What's tomorrow?" Nicole asked, and Wyatt's face scrunched up in annoyance.

"The Second Augur is coming to visit." Wyatt said, and Nicole couldn't help the frown on her face.

"What happened to the first one?" Nicole asked, and they north sat down on the bed she was using.

"According to the news, it's said that he died a little over a year ago. The Second Augur rose to power soon after, and now only five cults remain from the numerous there were."

They sat in silence, and Nicole clutched the flute close to her.

"Damian and most of the town looks up to him as a hero."

"What do you think about him? The Second Augur, I mean." Nicole asked, and Wyatt's face turned into disgust.

"I hate all the propaganda he spreads about himself. Some of the things he says are just ridiculous!" Wyatt shouted, throwing his hands up. Nicole couldn't help but giggle.

Wyatt lowered his hands, smiling at Nicole. He then got up, causing Nicole to look up at him.

"You should get some rest. There's a lot we'll be doing tomorrow." Wyatt said, then left the room while turning off the light.

"Goodnight, Wyatt." Nicole called after, then placed the flute on the bedside table.

She then got under the blankets, and went to sleep.

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