Chapter 10 - New Deals

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March 17, 2024

"Hello? Earth to Miss Danielle Marsh!"

Snapping out of her reverie, Danielle turned away from the window.

Minji was standing next to her, looking at the young Australian girl with a knowing smile on her face. The other members of NewJeans sitting across from her in the living room with smug smiles on their faces.

" something wrong guys?"

"Oh nothing, just that we were discussing your Instagram story from yesterday," Hanni said in a sing-song voice, "nothing except the fact that you publicly admitted to being in love~"

"Hush... please," Danielle pleaded, as she put her hands on her reddening cheeks. Haerin and Hyein chuckling.

"Do you guys intend to make it more official? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Before Danielle could reply to Minji's question, the phone rang.

With all the girls crowding around her, Minji picked up the phone.

"Hello? Depuyo-nim! Yes? Okay! I'll let the girls know!"

"Was that Heejin depuyo-nim?" Asked Haerin, "What did she say?"

"All she said was she wants to meet with us at the company building in about an hour, our manager is on the way, so get ready to go in 15 minutes girls, chop chop!"

Within the next half an hour, the question in the minds of the NewJeans members was one of the same: what did their CEO want to talk with them about?

The answer to which, was a huge surprise.

"Are you serious depuyo-nim?" Danielle asked, incredulously, the other members of NewJeans having their mouths ajar from the surprise of the news too.

"Indeed Danielle," Min Heejin said, smiling at the girls from her seat at the head of the table. "We've been contacted by a few organizations recently asking you girls to become brand ambassadors. Key among which is F1 itself."

"My plan right now is to allow all of you to be F1's brand ambassador," Min Heejin began, strumming her fingers on the tabletop, "that way, we will gain more publicity, and more attention on you girls as a group. Does that sound good?"

As the members of Newjeans nodded to show their agreement, Danielle couldn't help but notice Min Heejin's eyes linger upon her for a fraction of a second longer.

"I'll update you girls as we finalize the deal, but in the meantime, I would like to talk to Danielle alone for a second."

Perplexed, and somewhat nervous, Danielle remained in her seat as she watched her members leave the room, wondering what Min Heejin wanted to say.

"It's come to my attention Danielle, that a certain boy has 'caught your eye', and that you're 'in love with him too'?"

Immediately, Danielle felt a cold sweat slide down the side of her face.

"Depuyo-nim, I can explain-"

"Relax my child," Min Heejin began, chuckling, "I'm not against your relationship," she paused briefly, watching the cogs in Danielle's brain whirl as she seemingly tried to guess what was coming, "I wanted to ask for your opinion on something that would benefit you as well."

"What is it depuyo-nim?"

"I'm thinking of having ADOR become a sponsor for the Aston Martin F1 team, one is to help our country's first F1 driver, and secondly, it gives you an excuse to be at races to see him," she said with a little wink, as Danielle's cheeks burned furiously. "It's two birds with one stone, so what do you think?"


March 17, 2024

Over in England, in the office of the Aston Martin team, Y/N Yu was just asked to join a conference call by Lawerence Stroll. Making his way to the video conference room, he ran into his mechanic, Donathan right outside the door.

"Any idea why old man Stroll is asking to see me, Don?" Y/N asked, trying to get an answer.

"I have no idea," admitted Donathan, "It doesn't seem to be bad news though, I heard that he was in a good mood when he asked for you to join the call."

Shrugging and thanking Donathan, Y/N entered the room, to be greeted by Lawerence Stroll.

"Good morning in Canada Mister Stroll!" Y/N greeted, taking a seat where he could see the screen and camera.

"Good afternoon to you Y/N, and as I've told you 100 times before, call me Lawerence!"

"Of course, Lawrence." Y/N replied, smiling at the Canadian Businessman, "May I ask what occasion you've invited me to this conference call maybe?"

"Ah yes, that," Lawrence Stroll began, fixing his tie slightly, "I have good news for you, kid, it involves sponsors."

"Shouldn't Lance be here as well, if this is news about sponsors?" Y/N asked, puzzled.

"Let me reiterate: these two sponsors have specifically listed you to be their partners, just like how Lance has a few local Canadian brands that list him as their partners."

Laughing at Y/N's stunned expression, Lawrence Stroll continued on, "The first one is Casio, specifically the G-Shock line, they want you and your car to bear their logo exclusively, of course with their watches as well, Lance will keep our current sponsor."

"What about the other sponsor, sir?"

"Well this one is a little more closer to home for you, ADOR." Lawrence began, ignoring Y/N's dumbfounded expression, "They specifically said, and I'm quoting now, 'to support South Korea's first Formula 1 driver in his endeavors'."

"That sounds amazing sir... wow...I don't know what to say..." Y/N spluttered, unable to contain his joy at being supported by another Korean brand, until another thought just struck him.

"Hang on, Lawrence, is the ADOR you mentioned a record label?"

"Indeed, the very same one."

Y/N nearly fainted. 


A/N: so uh.... hi(?) It's been a while, so a bit of an update: 

1. I'm not giving up on my stories (except the ones I have discontinued), I merely just returned from vacation in Asia

2. updates are going to be very VERY sporadic considering I'm also going to be studying for my Nursing License exam

3. my convocation is next week, I am honestly surprised that I made it through 4 years of post-secondary education and am able to be a graduate

Rest assured that I haven't given up on my stories! I will be back! (This chapter is a bit of filler and universe building (?))

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